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Liz Daw

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Everything posted by Liz Daw

  1. is there like a second place pity prize i worry liz daws influence is not so widespread
  2. @Lake Placid for most underrated member like
  3. i’d like to nominate @youronetimebeautyqueen04 for member of the year
  4. Elizabeth Dawson for best new member 2024!!
  5. what award are we giving sayyestoheaven09 aka best member
  6. i would give my kidney and first born to suckle that dick like a newborn goat on its mothers teat
  7. Liz Daw

    Taylor Swift

    has there always been a snake on the screen when u play rep on spotify or is this new
  8. nikki lane has not yet replied to my dms asking if she’s on the album
  9. Liz Daw


    oh that’s good ty x
  10. Liz Daw


    why did she take halfaxa off spotify loss
  11. i’m pretty sure the layout is different to the eras so my plan is rush to the front of read standing section
  12. ooh i hope i get the front
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