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Venice Biotch

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Everything posted by Venice Biotch

  1. Venice Biotch

    Taylor Swift

    I dont wanna belive in it but
  2. Venice Biotch

    Taylor Swift

    guys what the f is this account? https://www.tiktok.com/@reputationfiles?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  3. Venice Biotch

    Taylor Swift

  4. someone said it and i didnt even check, sorry
  5. i think 9:30 central time sorry i didnt check earlier
  6. Venice Biotch

    Taylor Swift

    for me this couldve been the cover for the anthology
  7. CHIHIRO is by far my favourite edit: okay and lunch
  8. Venice Biotch

    Taylor Swift

    i have the same feeling. the songs are good but not as an album, they blend together. Jack is a good producer, he produced some of my favourite songs ever but now all his song are kinda boring and bland as you said
  9. wait guys you have the album already?!
  10. oh my god only 5 hours left till the realese
  11. maybe youre a fan of a VERY underground band
  12. That's how we were supposed to interpret her look. Absolutely gorgeous
  13. The sun also rises - lyrics from Money power glory i think mine doesnt even have a point in guessing
  14. Adrianne Lenker (born July 9, 1991) is an American musician. She is the lead vocalist, guitarist and principal songwriter of the band Big Thief, as well as an established solo artist (yeah i took ts from wiki) You might know her from the song like vampire empire, anything, half return or not a lot, just forever because they are trending right now. She mostly makes some depressing guitar tunes Her spotify
  15. Venice Biotch

    Song vs. Song

    fine china vs my best days
  16. the only thing that comes to my mind is paris, texas
  17. My favourite show is Deadwind on netflix i've never seen anyone talk about it but i totally recomend if somebody likes crime series
  18. ill pickup all of you vouges and all of your rolling stones your fovourite liqour from the top shelf California?
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