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  1. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in No American Tour?   
    well he's still a new user so we shouldn't go and alienate him from the forum imo..it's not like he knew and there are far more extraneous threads..
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    I like Linsey... The parent trap was my favorite
  3. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    2 litres?? I think that is not even humanly possible....for real? Well the stress the media caused her is relative. The stress she put on herself and her family put on her would be more appropriated in my opinion. She chases the media attention like crazy. Her fathjer is insane. Not even gonna mention Dina Lohan. I feel sorry for Lindsay to be honest. For sure she is the most comical mess ever but is probably not funny being her. She is not really a nice person tho.
  4. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    awww, i hope u get better, good for u for taking steps to eliminate that shit from ur life. (< this is my favorite emoticon evr)
  5. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by firecracker in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    She said she stopped drinking at 18. My opinion, is that she started experimenting and did her hard core drug use when she was younger, in Carmen she says "only 17 but she walks the streets so mean" and boarding school "I'm in the back doing crack", and then after she figured out what she liked.
    I personally think she was never broke, even in the trailer park,especially because that was when her boyfriend started getting famous. I feel like most of the whole being broke stuff, was an experience thing, she wanted to know what it felt like to live in a trailer park and be a gogo dancer, but she knew she could always go back to her father if she needed to.
    I think she was doing drug in her trailer park days because of her weight, you can definitely tell in the pictures that she had lost a lot of weight then. Probably mostly cocaine and meth, but you can't tell for sure which one.
  6. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in No American Tour?   
    Yeah you don't hear me up in your grill about the lack if Australian tour and we ALWAYS get left out
  7. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    It's like an online job listing you can get someone asking for a person to rake there front yard for $50 or you can get someone asking for a blowjob behind the coffee shop, it's just a place where you can post jobs for people to do for money, and like every website, it has its normal stuff, and it has its... Not so normal..
  8. dopeparadisexx liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in No American Tour?   
    Yeah you don't hear me up in your grill about the lack if Australian tour and we ALWAYS get left out
  9. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    tbh, I do meth.. and i look fine, It can vary, I have met people who look absolutely fucked, after over 2 years of use you can't really tell with me at all, completely depends on the person.
    She could of had a nose job for many different reasons, but it is true that almost every coke user ive met that snorts has a fucked up nose, iv'e even met a few that don't even have a septum at all,
    I dont think the damage done by drugs could have been that extensive or we would have noticed in photos. But then again her timeline confuses me, and there's alot of gray areas, and it's easy enough to not get your picture taken, so it's possible we wouldn't have noticed at all,
    Just the way she sings and talks about the drug culture in her songs leads me to believe it wasn't some occasional thing, if she was an occasional user you would think about 70% of the drug references in her songs wouldnt be there, why would she sing about them asif it was an important aspect in her life, if she did it once or twice
  10. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    I tells you guys. You don't need weed or other drugs. You can get a prescription for prozac and since it's generic it's cheap. It's like baby ecstasy.
  11. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by yu16273947 in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    It doesn’t really matter what you say
    Cause I ain’t gonna quit till the day I die
    I’ll be taking drugs, doing shots
    Making out in parking lots with any little boy I spot
    Baby, you can’t stop me, stop me no
    When I’m hot, I’m hot
  12. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Lana Confessions   
    I came to really really love Paradise, but yesterday when I was playing it to this guy I had to say 'these aren't really her best lyrics' Quite ashamed, since I really like them now but his face at "Hell ye that guy can sing" killed me

  13. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Eulonzo in Lana Confessions   
    She's one of the hottest artist out there today.
    It annoys me whenever people hate on her the only thing they can hate on her for is her lips.
    It took me a while for her lips to grow on me.
    I don't like the fact that she smokes.
  14. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana Confessions   
    I spent 90% of my day signed into this website because I love Lana and this website so much.
  15. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Lana vs. Lizzy : battle - use of Alter Ego   
    Why are people so keen on the term 'alter ego?' I just don't understand it. To me it seems like ever since Gaga appeared on the scene, every audience has suddenly become obsessed with labeling any artefact the product of one's alter ego.
    Separating Lizzy from Lana feels so ridiculous for me. It's the very same person, Elizabeth Grant, that wrote those songs, created those visuals - you name it! It's not even like the music varies that much, the quintessence is the same.
  16. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by JhnMabius in Your interpretation of Lana in Ride. Prostitute or girl with many lovers?   
    No, not a prostitute. I doubt the guys where paying Lana. Yes, they probably supported her economically, but prostitute is an ugly word. NO.
  17. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Your interpretation of Lana in Ride. Prostitute or girl with many lovers?   
    Honestly, I don't think any of them applies to the actual story. I know it may sound absurd to some, but I buy her story of "seeking safety in other people." She may have romanticized it a little, but I do believe that she was riding 'round the coast, whatever it is that she says. She surely got intimate with a couple of the guys she encountered, but I doubt she was taking advantage of them, nor was she a prostitute.
    Art is always subject to interpretation and ambiguity, I know that, but this time, I think, we can take Lana at her word.
  18. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Go Go Dancer VS Brite Lites   
    Shoulda included Mermaid Motel if we're talking stripping songs tbh
  19. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Naw I used to get it for that. My ~former~ best friend is a dealer, I barely paid for drugs then. I got free weed on a daily basis, and everything was next to nothing. Is it really that much? 0.o Even when I bought it from other dealers it wasn't that expensive lol.
  20. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Yves in Lana: Where's your Christmas Album?   
    This would be amazing:)
  21. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Pocket Gay in Lana: Where's your Christmas Album?   
    I'd love it if she covered Santa Baby, that's all.
  22. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by Immy's bitch in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Tbh I am 999% sure that correspondence from Lizzy to May is fake. It all sounds way too convenient with the "other woman" thing and all the references to K and Ray (after the so-called "Rayse" early mix surfacing recently). Plus the writing style sounds a bit immature and not as eloquent as I'd expect from Lizzy. And I hope to god she knows the different between to and too.
  23. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by PolaroidFrown in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Look at everyone here, talking about their drug experiences. And here I am..at 4 in the morning, drinking my tea. Holla.
  24. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    tbh, I do meth.. and i look fine, It can vary, I have met people who look absolutely fucked, after over 2 years of use you can't really tell with me at all, completely depends on the person.
    She could of had a nose job for many different reasons, but it is true that almost every coke user ive met that snorts has a fucked up nose, iv'e even met a few that don't even have a septum at all,
    I dont think the damage done by drugs could have been that extensive or we would have noticed in photos. But then again her timeline confuses me, and there's alot of gray areas, and it's easy enough to not get your picture taken, so it's possible we wouldn't have noticed at all,
    Just the way she sings and talks about the drug culture in her songs leads me to believe it wasn't some occasional thing, if she was an occasional user you would think about 70% of the drug references in her songs wouldnt be there, why would she sing about them asif it was an important aspect in her life, if she did it once or twice
  25. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Absolute euphoria, meth is very similar to cocaine but longer lasting, you just feel like... Invincible, sometimes I feel like I'm apart from reality aswell, like I'm in a game or something, also I think about weird things, my mind tends to stray to the weirder side of things quickly when I'm high, sometimes I even feel like m floating or somehow like I'm moving differently or more elegantly? It's hard to describe, the only way you can tell I do it is if I'm high and you look into my eyes.. My pupils go HUGE, thats why i think lana looks super high in that picture, her eyes are like black... what my eyes look like.. it could just be a shit camera though,
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