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cinnamon teeth

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Everything posted by cinnamon teeth

  1. i was able to get ga but not before a full breakdown because it never told me that i actually got them and just took them out of my cart also if it puts you in that queue thing on mlb and keeps restarting it, i had to refresh it to get it to go away even tho i think it says not to
  2. i haven't even seen the full dress but zendaya's makeup is soooo gorgeous
  3. i'm guessing there will be...she has a similar festival schedule to last year so i think it'll probably be like a repeat of that
  4. i got this at b&n a couple weeks ago, it's super cute and i was actually impressed how far back in her career it went
  5. i kinda believe it will actually get released september-ish simply because that coachella chat thing was lasso themed...like i don't think her team would be going that hard with the lasso theming if there weren't concrete plans for it in the near future
  6. there's a new grey tshirt (it was $30 i believe) which i got and a new sweater i think but other than that it seemed to be the same from the european leg. i had m&g vip so i just went and got a shirt before ga got let in but i never noticed a super long line or anything!
  7. it was really good, i saw her on life support tour as well and she was great then too, but i think she's really improved as a performer!
  8. i just got back from seeing her tonight, it is a snippet! she also mentioned how touring makes her realize she really enjoys making upbeat songs like make you mine, so i think that sound is genuinely what she's into rn.
  9. i'm not staying up for tonight's show as i have record store day in the morning so have fun everyone lanachella 4ever
  10. i haven't been keeping up with this thread for weekend 2 but i feel like it's going to be taylor
  11. now why did sky just open kevin abstract's coachella set singing need you now i thought i was hallucinating until he mentioned her
  12. i wonder who the guest will be next week or if she'll even have one...i doubt billie would be there both weekends. i also had the realization that it's unlikely it'll be taylor since that's her release date...much to think about...
  13. the person saying they're going to skip her set even though they bought the ticket for her some people are a little too dramatic xx
  14. i looooooved the outro. i was surprised when i saw people didn't like it.
  15. i think what we really need is off to the races back she's been gone long enough!
  16. obviously you can just rewind and play it yourself but the coachella stream is about to play her set again if anyone is interested
  17. i thought the set was fine it was clear she was very nervous on top of whatever mic issues were going on. i'm sure it would have helped if this wasn't her first show since like october or whatever. also someone mentioned on here last night that we have to remember that most people aren't watching every single performance she does and the setlist doesn't bother them which i do think is true to some extent. idk i would like some new songs but the jealous girl intro gagged me enough for the night i'll be so honest with you. i also don't particularly agree with the whole coachella needs a bunch of upbeat songs thing, but i do think she could've thrown a couple more in the middle (like even if jimmy was more towards the middle, though i did like the whole idea of hope standing in place of the first half of a&w). anyways, i have hope for weekend 2 in terms of tech issues & confidence
  18. oh good she still has that little table i thought it was gone
  20. do the good people of coachella understand what they are witnessing!!!!!!!!
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