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cinnamon teeth

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Everything posted by cinnamon teeth

  1. none of these twitter leak accounts are really reliable, also if she does random shows that are announced individually they'll likely be announced fairly last minute like they were last year
  2. if the tour is happening and we're operating under the assumption that lasso is still coming in september then yeah probably. but i think it's also important to remember that a "tour" could also still be random one-off shows that aren't announced all together (like last summer), i think that might be more likely at this point if she is doing more shows between now and the festivals continuing.
  3. lana changes her mind a lot, it's good to not take anything she casually mentions super seriously until it's officially announced there could still be a small tour coming and the fenway guy was possibly referring to a larger tour they were considering doing that ultimately ended up scrapped
  4. cinnamon teeth

    Charli XCX

    say what u want about sucker but the title track has kinda always been that girl
  5. i wouldn't be 100% sure this is the same tour she was referring to at the met gala or wherever she said that...or maybe it is lol, but the one she mentioned seemed more like random shows in between festivals like she did last year. also this is kinda random but the scrapped tour of it all made me think of it, in december 2022 (literally like a week after ocean blvd came out) i heard thru someone that she was touring starting in late march 2023. i'm pretty sure they were telling the truth too bc they knew exact dates and venues and what not. i kept waiting for it to be announced and then obviously nothing ever happened. kinda makes more sense if there was another tour for this year that got scrapped too.
  6. have we discussed this? i saw it the other day and forgot to post it. "According to Larry Cancro, senior vice president of Fenway concerts and entertainment, Del Rey’s team had cobbled together a tentative US tour for 2024, but ultimately scrapped every date — except one.“She just decided not to tour, but she wasn’t going to let this one go,” says Cancro, explaining why Del Rey’s Fenway performance is a “one-off” show."
  7. did you guys see the same exact thing happened again tonight at fenway they're going thru it
  8. oh interesting, i was in the pit too (near the back but still) and there was never any water around us
  9. when i saw the guy walk down the stairs while we were waiting during the rain i thought he was going to just start passing them out and then he started yelling to try and sell them like read the room girl
  10. time for my review i think i just got really lucky in terms of some of the choices i made. deciding not to camp and just chill in the back really saved me bc if i camped for barricade and then had to leave like that i would have actually lost it respectfully xx for me this experience was really a lesson to think about the variables before committing to camping for an outdoors show like that. i also was luckily able to walk to my hotel so getting out and back was not an issue at all. now fenway...i'm not sure how often they host concerts there but it doesn't seem like they quite know how to work with concert crowds i know there's no way situations like these are going to be handled perfectly but the staff were sooo rude (and tbf some of the fans were too) trying to get people to move, there was a point where one lady was literally just screaming in my ear for people to move up when there was absolutely no where to go. ALSO one of the most baffling things to me last night was that in the 100 degree heat there was no free water???? they were literally still trying to sell water in the stands as we were sheltered from the storm. like please get it together there is absolutely no excuse for that. there was also a lot of confusion about the start time, i asked an employee directly and he didn't even know. it was advertised as a 7:30 start time, but was actually 8:30, 7:30 would have been the normal start time if there had been an opener. this is also fenway's problem imo, they fully knew the show was starting at 8:30 as it was listed on the employee schedules so idk why they weren't letting that be public knowledge it was weird. i've seen a lot of people complaining about this online acting like lana was late when 8:30 was the planned start time all along. overall i still had a great time and lana was perfect, i just think this venue is messy and the storm of course was not ideal
  11. exactly about the people who live in boston like maybe i'm just biased since i traveled for this but i don't think that would have been a good solution and everyone seemed very excited i don't know where that complaint is coming from (if people weren't singing or something i don't think it's bc they were over it, i think it's bc they were, for lack of better word, locals )
  12. i'm sitting in the airport for 6 hours so here is a timeline of The Great Lana Fenway Rain Storm Extravaganza 2024 for the lipster history books
  13. i understand people prefering if she rescheduled but i think playing last night was the right thing to do, sooooo many people came in from out of state (and country!) for this it would have been awful if they weren't able to stay. there was really no winning bc even if it was moved to saturday we still would have been stuck in the stadium waiting out the rain for an hour and half for no reason. idk.
  14. i got so many cute pics tonight she seemed so happy goodnight lipsters what a day we have had
  15. idk if this has been discussed yet but i definitely think she paid some sort of fine. there was a moment during the ocean blvd intro where it was obvious someone was talking to her and she kept saying "yeah we'll do it" or something like that. i wonder if they gave her till 11:30 and then after that they had to pay
  16. it is NOT storming again rob is out filming or on live idk
  17. they let us back down but we can't go on the field yet
  18. cinnamon teeth xcxclusive update live from fenway park
  19. no rain at all!!!!!!!!! i have no idea about the lightning bc i can't see any but people keep saying it's there
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