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Everything posted by yourlocalhobo

  1. Legit I thought it was „Tell me how I was hard for you“ first times listening 💀💀💀
  2. I listened to her actively today and wound up on #111 on top listeners on stats.fm whoops 😭 Anyways, yes she definitely takes inspiration from Lana, but I don’t feel like she’s a blatant copy of her. I feel though like she lacks a bit “soul”, I can’t properly describe it, but it feels like she’s covering her own songs? She might have to find herself a bit, but I feel like she’s really promising and I do enjoy her vibe and her voice is really sweet. I wouldn’t mind someone similar to Lana tbh, that only means more good music. Maybe there is also a bit of hope of “omg I knew her before she blew up, I went to her concert and got barricade by only being half an hour early 🤪🤪🤪”
  3. yourlocalhobo

    Taylor Swift

    I would never, technically I have the money since I saved up a bit lately, but more for emergency situations. I think my limit is 150€, otherwise it’ll just hurt me. 😭 I hope for seats to avoid standing all the time. 🤞 I’ll go to the city anyways they’re doing a small Taylor town and the whole city is excited for her and already painted a tram and city sign.It’s actually considered the poorest city in Germany, so it’s kinda ironic that one of the richest women on earth will be there, lol. I’m just happy they can bring a bit color into the usual grey looking place.
  4. yourlocalhobo

    Taylor Swift

    Okay like, I’m not a full blown Swiftie, I’m absolutely a local listener. The eras tour next week is like the city next to me though and I’ve been thinking of trying to get one of those cheaper restricted seats which tend to drop right before the show. Only issue is I don’t have a code and I don’t know if I have any access without it? I already saw some seats getting lower on StubHub but I absolutely don’t trust that site. 😭 I am afraid I’ll get fomo and regret not being there, but I’m also not ready to pay over 200€ for a seat that isn’t even good (I know Taylor is expensive, but I’ve seen people getting these seats for like 60€ and I want to be one of them lol)
  5. I had the chance to get the signed CD, because I saw a link for the merch on Insta like 8 minutes after it posted, but was like nah, one minute later I go back and it was sold out like damn. There was still a bundle with the hoodie available, but tbh I don’t feel like a fan enough yet, I hope I don’t regret it. 😭 (I just hope when Lasso comes out I’ll be as fast lmaoo)
  6. Tbh I wouldn’t mind if the whole album sounds like her Fenway intro. I need that song like rn. 😭
  7. Time to do crimes in Idaho in hopes to get Lana as a pen pal ig.
  8. Cotcc sounds so nice, just settling down and feeling good while watching Chemtrails and conspiring about stuff.
  9. I wanted to say something outside of Lana, but well it’s gonna be Honeymoon for me too. The album has no skips for me, the sound and vibe is just unique and gives me a nostalgic, but also melancholic summer feeling. Actually, I was visiting the release thread for honeymoon some hours ago and was shocked how it literally got dragged. 🥲
  10. Coming back here every day in hopes y’all know more than me. I have been disappointed again. See you tomorrow (again).
  11. Man I Hope she goes on tour again, she was at a festival in the Netherlands last year which isn’t far from me, but I saw it too late. 😭😭😭
  12. That’s robbery 😭😭😭
  13. Ohhhh congrats, now I’m manifesting even more. Release lasso and the baby on the same day!!!
  14. Manifesting September 13th to be the release day, because releasing on Friday the 13th would be really slay.
  15. I’ll say it again, shipping fees being 1/3 of the products price should be illegal. 😭 Like 15€ for a single vinyl is totally fine, but paying 21€ hurts.
  16. I actually didn’t look at the time since I’m sick af, so it was a nice surprise that it was already out. I wanna get the vinyl, but I hate that there will be shipping fee like a third of the price😭😭😭 Tho, I’m afraid it’ll sell out and people will resell it for 100$ or something. anyways this song rocks. I love her „tough.“ *pause*
  17. I’ll never understand American politics being so bi-sided, like there are so many politicians and parties to choose from, why are you putting a bad old man vs. another bad, but worse old man. BOTH ARE OVER 70 wtf. Usually I am super invested in (American) elections, but this time I try to blend it out tbh. It feels like a whole South Park movie with too many sequels.
  18. I feel absolutely sorry for everyone, for fans, Lana and her team. I think there was absolute no „right way“ to solve this, because someone surely would leave unhappy. I still think she made the best decision possible. While rescheduling sounds nice I don’t think it’s as easy in theory, especially at such a big venue and considering all the guest acts and their individual schedules. It would be nice if her team came up with at least a small compensation (like maybe even some voucher for her shop at least or something).
  19. It‘s over isn‘t it? Isn’t it? Isn’t it ooooverrr?
  20. He literally looks like Ron Weasley I was so confused
  21. I already see Sunrays coming up BUT I CANT GIVE UP NOW
  22. Literally him and Stephen ended their Live at the same time WHAT CONSPIRACY IS THAT
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