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Everything posted by yourlocalhobo

  1. Manifesting September 13th to be the release day, because releasing on Friday the 13th would be really slay.
  2. I’ll say it again, shipping fees being 1/3 of the products price should be illegal. 😭 Like 15€ for a single vinyl is totally fine, but paying 21€ hurts.
  3. I actually didn’t look at the time since I’m sick af, so it was a nice surprise that it was already out. I wanna get the vinyl, but I hate that there will be shipping fee like a third of the price😭😭😭 Tho, I’m afraid it’ll sell out and people will resell it for 100$ or something. anyways this song rocks. I love her „tough.“ *pause*
  4. I’ll never understand American politics being so bi-sided, like there are so many politicians and parties to choose from, why are you putting a bad old man vs. another bad, but worse old man. BOTH ARE OVER 70 wtf. Usually I am super invested in (American) elections, but this time I try to blend it out tbh. It feels like a whole South Park movie with too many sequels.
  5. I feel absolutely sorry for everyone, for fans, Lana and her team. I think there was absolute no „right way“ to solve this, because someone surely would leave unhappy. I still think she made the best decision possible. While rescheduling sounds nice I don’t think it’s as easy in theory, especially at such a big venue and considering all the guest acts and their individual schedules. It would be nice if her team came up with at least a small compensation (like maybe even some voucher for her shop at least or something).
  6. It‘s over isn‘t it? Isn’t it? Isn’t it ooooverrr?
  7. He literally looks like Ron Weasley I was so confused
  8. Im glad I stayed awake for this mess LMAOOO
  9. I already see Sunrays coming up BUT I CANT GIVE UP NOW
  10. Literally him and Stephen ended their Live at the same time WHAT CONSPIRACY IS THAT
  11. Universe doing all that so Ricardo won’t be at the barricade lmao
  12. „Ricardo got arrested“ *cheers* iconic
  13. Istg his bad karma blew the whole show tonight or something
  14. Imagine being there since 6 am. 😭😭
  15. I‘m glad I’m witnessing this with all of you guys. I don’t know who you are, but y’all making this experience fun. Watching this mess alone seems depressing af.
  16. Lana manifested this weather delay so she has more time for her hairstyle.
  17. Lana should just come out and sing thunder that would be fucking metal
  18. Fr struggling it’s 3:16 and I’m tired but like … I DONT WANNA MISS OUT. This has been a whole experience already lol
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