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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    New US Tour - Setlist

    Born to Die songs she's allowed to do: Blue Jeans, Without You, Video Games, Summertime Sadness, Born to Die Paradise songs she's allowed to do: Ride, American, Cola, Body Electric, Bel Air (!), Yayo (!), Burning Desire Realistically obv cut Without You, Bel Air, Yayo, and Burning Desire. Soooo the rest can go ahead and be new songs bye
  2. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Faaaaack any more? I need titles. Titles are my sustenance.
  3. I hope that when she finally hits, she hits hard, like with Paradise iirc she dropped the iTunes preorder out of nowhere with a Burning Desire download and barely any time later there was that trailer and then Ride at midnight
  4. OMG you can't be the overseer of these games and get years WRONG Oooh Baby 2008-2009? It doesn't even sonically fit in not to mention the proof otherwise... Remove ha
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Oh my gooooood I just noticed at the end of the vid you can hear "breaking up was..." So it seems more like an upbeat chorus and a nice melodic prechorus? We'll see if it's a ballad I guess but god is it time for new Charli,
  6. Sitar

    Say hi to all ha official lyrics: http://m-o-slash.tumblr.com/lyrics Gone and Found is so much better after knowing the lyrics srsly
  7. Sitar

    Here, I'm leaving now but I'll work on the other bonus tracks when I get home later. I feel pretty confident in interpreting her accent. Rafael, work out your mashing skills plz
  8. Sitar

    Yeah I used your RITG template but WTF at that song. Girl I know you're feeling it but you are unintelligible Also Walk This Way Slow Love I typed most up anyway bc I'm gonna do a lyric page for the blog, but those scans definitely helped illuminate sticky lines in Fire Rides and XXX 88 so thanks @@liam! That's one way to look at it--in fact, which she'd labelled it that way. She did say she released it to give some insight on her process and she also said (to me) in her Soundcloud Q&A that it would be released eventually in its final form. I was imagining something similar to "Gone and Found" but it sounds so much darker live...How exciting.
  9. Sitar


    SOHN! That's what we need more of around here
  10. Sitar

    That's because it's my job I'm assuming this is the more fully produced "Freedom (#2)". Fuuuuuck I want it.
  11. Sitar

    Alex Winston

    Just got into her and Mad isn't even here to share this moment
  12. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Did you mean autumn/winter bc that's the latest update...
  13. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Like 99% chance it's called Breaking Up right Fuuuuuck yeahhh. Remember when we were gonna have the album this month though. w/e let that masterpiece simmer Charli!
  14. Sitar


    They were prob lying. This intel was supposedly from fans who met her during her tour so I can only imagine the conversation Fan: Kween when are you releasing new music? Lorde: Welllllll I'm releasing a cover of one of my favorite songs on iTunes today! (referring to Easy) Fan: Yassss kween a covers EP! And buy that shit now. I tried the waiting for the price drop method on Grimes recently, I was even checking those prices the day of, but they only went higher.
  15. Sitar


    https://twitter.com/LordeDaily/status/440839784118751232 "Lorde told fans yesterday that she'll be releasing an EP full of covers of her favorite songs on iTunes TODAY!" March 4th can people stop
  16. Sitar

    Can't help but think how much higher these reviews would be if they'd listen to the whole deluxe edition Anyway I'm labelling the original "Maiden" as "Maiden (Unmastered)" bc even if it's not a demo, there seems to be less vocal layering and the piano thing around 2:00 is more amped in the final
  17. Sitar

    FKA twigs

    jfc at first I read "FKA twigs scraps album" and almost broke my computer
  18. Sitar

    US people: don't drop the $$$ on the MPD vinyl or the Amazon import, it'll be out in America in April: http://www.amoeba.com/no-mythologies-to-follow-deluxe-edition-lp-m/albums/3116785/
  19. Sitar


    OMG her bangs!
  20. Sitar


    Am I the only one who is reading this thinking it's a waste of effort to be super messy over Foxes?
  21. Sitar

    wtf well now listen guilt free goddamn the vinyl is beautiful but that shipping... PS internet stardom hope that's okay http://m-o-slash.tumblr.com/post/78792273996/physical-copies
  22. You people really don't make sense
  23. http://other-covers.deviantart.com/art/Lana-Del-Rey-Daddy-Issues-307565925
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