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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Zoe's power was so badass And then when she revenge fucked that rapist to death whew kween As soon as they started giving her extra shit/coven pride/bringing Kyle back to life, she was done. Not just her character but even Taissa's acting became corny. Really Kyle should've stayed a zombie the whole time, wouldn't have been half as dull. And then her hell. WHY WOULDN'T HER HELL REFERENCE THE TIME SHE ACCIDENTALLY KILLED HER BOYFRIEND? Dumbass. Um have you seen Kit
  2. Sitar

    Maiden But also Fire Rides or Waste of Time or Freedom #1 hmm
  3. Since y'all are hatin ass bitches on Burning Desire, I'm gonna need Cola to sweep this shit... I voted Blue Velvet and Gods & Monsters. Two things I don't want her to carry over into Ultraviolence: corniness and emotionlessness.
  4. Sitar

    @@liam perhaps you're right about "To B", I just saw on her facebook that she posted links to NMS, WOB, and To B all very close to each other. Plus To B wasn't on the demo tracklist. And now that I see the explicit tag on iTunes for "Fire Rides", I guess it must be "bitch." I enjoy that as well Idk if you didn't correct Waste of Time because I slayed it or because you're as confused as I am but the mixture of the heavy beat and her weird accent in that song has me mostly lost I'll add your corrections to me personal records lel
  5. Oh he's here! Slay with your member selection, LanaBoards Spill @@Dominic
  6. Sitar

    No no that's loads! 1. Could you post the source to "No Maiden"? Even if it's dead? I could totally see the version of "Maiden" that we have being unfinalized, hence it never getting released on iTunes. I gotta say, I love the song as is (it's my favorite MØ song), but an even newer version is really exciting. Are you saying that on iTunes "Maiden" is copyrighted to 2014? 2. Regarding a cappella vs. demo: We know there was a period of time where MØ was just creating a cappella songs, probably keeping in mind that they were final versions. There's "Maiden", which we have, and "I Wanna Be Happy", which we don't. Perhaps she thought "Maiden" could be advanced, but when she posted it I think it's plausible that she was thinking of it as a final version and neither the a cappella track nor the demo to an existing song. But since it's an early version I think it's best to call it a demo. Like Carmen vs. Little Carmen. 3. I've never heard of Bad Blood or Sound before, do you have a source for those? Good work! 4. As far as I can tell, some really hot commodities to get are "Woman of Babylon", "Longing Bird", "To B", and "No More Seconds", because those are pre-Ronni Vindahl but still post APOMTFT so they'd probably all be closer to the modern MØ we all love. Keep huntin I love it. Also I just noticed the album is now available for preorder in America and it comes with a track-by-track video yasssssssssssss love those
  7. Sitar


    Y'all sleepin on this
  8. According to Lana Del Rey herself (simultaneously our primary and least trustworthy source), Ultraviolence is coming this May, soon after she performs at Coachella! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWPSsP0Es3s Additionally, she said, "[Ultraviolence is] so good that it made me forget about the last record. I just, I'm in love with it. It's really, I don't know, there's something about it. I have that feeling about it. I have that romantic feeling about it."
  9. Sitar

    Allow me to clarify This can be classified as a demo, because in interviews where MØ has discussed how she came together with her current producer Ronni Vindahl, she talks about submitted an a cappella song to him and him working on top of it. So yeah, demo version as opposed to just a straight a cappella. Exciting! This was actually dropped in my tumblr inbox yesterday and I was gonna drop the bomb on y'all with my masterpost (closer than ever I promise) but someone here is resourceful It's really fucking beautiful though. I'm not sure if the file I got was a youtube rip or original though. Which song titles did you find?
  10. Mine is so fucking accurate I can't! That top 20ish literally looks so close to what I submitted for the real LanaBoards song rank The only ones that didn't make it were American, Blue Jeans, and Daytona Meth (lowest of the high ranks huh), replaced with Kill Kill, Television Heaven, and Butterflies Part 2. Maybe that means I wasn't v honest with myself in that ranking. Also my two least fave songs where they belong yasss It was something like 1030 battles
  11. Sitar

    Pilgrim and Maiden were given the same physical release, with Maiden as the b-side, using this cover However I think Pilgrim's digital release had this
  12. Sitar

    @@Born To Die is your offer still up for an instrumental download?
  13. @@phahad I'll take a DL plz Then will sort to my liking lel
  14. Sitar

    Charli XCX

  15. Forever #TeamLilyRabe4LeadRole Watch Emma Roberts get it instead Also Frances has had some variety bless ha truly I do love Lange for her past roles but OMG Fiona was sooo unsympathetic imo...
  16. Lana Del Rey needs to be stopped! She's putting normal straws in her hot drinks and now she's influencing Chuck and strange men to do so as well!
  17. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Listen to this improvement on ATM Jam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsEfhS21u6g Only version worth listening to still
  18. I want nothing less than exactly this PS her reading the lyrics to Kristine is hilarious and adorable y'all are haters
  19. Sitar

    Wow someone just submitted some links to new MOR tracks to my tumblr! Any of you feeling coy? https://soundcloud.com/bror-one https://myspace.com/lydsystemet/music/song/mor-incest-dubplate-70198651-77238003 https://myspace.com/mor1234/music/song/t-v-til-alle-34077509-35373037 I actually LOVE the second one. Maybe y'all are less hyped on Danish tracks but I love them tbh Wish I could thank the guy, it looks like an automated email that submitted though. And now I have good covers for my collection but I can't masterpost until I can rip this shit from MySpace's impossible server They also sent this pic which I've never seen
  20. Yaaaay I'm gonna see her again: https://twitter.com/amoebamusic/status/430432995724771328
  21. Sitar


    Is that a fake tattoo on her wrist Yeah the dark lipstick really takes away from her potential beauty. I'm not sure if I can handle when they tame her hair...
  22. Sitar


    Digipack! Are any more of these signed copies available?
  23. I spent hella time playing with strangers though How did you find this? As far as I can tell everyone on there is like a straight boy who loves anime. Hours of entertainment
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