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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Yes one, this being why I brought it up. At the goddamn El Rey, why can't she choose some small ass venue?
  2. Sitar


    I have asked the only person on last.fm who is scrobbling them, presumably your friend, and was ignored. I am convinced they are fake but please tell me if you have any luck OMG I hope it's real and physical. I'm getting an early start on Lorde and already got her physical EP so maybe she can be the ONE artist I have a complete collection for. Also, if it's two new songs...help me now, I will fuhreeeeeeak. Although I can't imagine why they're release Tennis Court AND Swingin' Party in advance. This bitch is looking to make me bankrupt: http://lordemusic.tumblr.com/post/53307789870/are-there-vinyls-copies-available-for-your-ep-still
  3. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Guys, go fuck yourself, mine was TWENTY-TWO DOLLARS without fees. I better meet the bitch and cop a feel.
  4. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    It's like we don't even post the latest in here. We must keep everyone bothered about CharliBoards' prominence! Most important thing anyone will notice: Lonely Jaguar was originally a nursery rhyme?! Has she said this before? So she didn't technically write it? Very interesting.
  5. I hadn't thought of it that way. But doesn't that neglect, like, the whole narrative? To me, it seems like a rich stranger is trying to woo her in St. Tropez, for whatever reason she's there, and he doesn't fit her standards.
  6. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Mmm! I thought you meant the stuff Raf was asking for was, like, deceivingly bad. So you're back on the wagon?
  7. Sitar


    That's pretty threatening Like I said, when she talked about writing Royals, she mentioned the kind of life Lana described, but as well as hip-hop artists, so I guess you could say that's sort of inspiration. Tennis Court's production is a little more electronic than the EP so I wonder what she's doing with the album...I hope she keeps some similarities. I love the way she uses her voice as a part of the production, not just singing over it. Like the "choral bits" in Bravado and the backing track in Million Dollar Bills and the looped sample in The Love Club. Gripe: How can NO ONE have recorded her concerts in Australia? She performed four new songs (400 Lux, Buzzcut Season, Ribs, Glory and Gore--all such Lorde titles jeeeeez) and they are nowhere to be found. Wtf is the internet even for?!
  8. Heavy Map - Weatherbox :defeated:
  9. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Oh my god where were these new dates announced? When can I buy tickets? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  10. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    ...Yes, this is the Charli thread
  11. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I got Under the Radar today, in the letter from the editor it's like they were apologizing for putting a pop-star on the cover Exact quote: "I'm actually at the moment really interested in Indian music and Gujarati folk music. I'm feeling like that may be where I might go with my next record." What about French pop, Charlotte? The photo shoot is really nice and I also learned she's half Asian-Ugandan?
  12. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Shhh are you saying her unreleased stuff is bad? It's so good Even "This is LA"
  13. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Hmm 1. Bambi 2. 1991 3. P-U-S-S-Y / Yung Rapunxel
  14. Sitar

    Kanye West

    Ooh let me download this. Consider it an intro to Kanye
  15. Sorry to hear it. Maybe find some special ones to keep? What do you have? I'm interested in your Blue Jeans remix vinyl Today I got the Paradise tourbook in the mail. Was surprised it was soft cover, but it makes more sense. It's still fucking beautiful.
  16. Reductive www.lanafucked2pac.tumblr.com forever EDIT: OMG at the shoutout though, keep doing your thing
  17. Swimming Pool - The Front Bottoms
  18. Jesus who is that tragedy...
  19. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I might have when I was 14 I like to imagine her writing NF&G and Franchesckaar at the very end of the process and thinking "shit, I'm brilliant." Then going from there with her style I have decided that Mauritius is the most embarrassing.
  20. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Here bc of cimb's status Why have we never properly discussed 14?
  21. Sitar


    Most are text, actually Here's one to listen to: https://soundcloud.com/triple_j/meet-ella-lorde-yelich-oconnor Mentioning Lana's opulence influencing "Royals" Actually I think I'll compile a list of good interviews so stay tuned.
  22. Sitar


    This guy right here I have The Love Club in lossless
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