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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Two. ~Mountain time~ I think Should just be an hour ahead of Pacific so...3 hours.
  2. Actually agree. You can still pop in the full-size gif whenever it's appropriate. Unless there are any protests?
  3. Finally have a request 1. Type of Graphic: Wallpaper 2. Image(s) to be used: Pretty much anything from the latest Nicole Nodland shoot (http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/2210-lana-del-rey-for-lofficel-paris-by-nicole-nodland/page-1) 3. Text: Nah 4. Mood: Bright? No pinks if you can avoid it, I kind of want to keep the same colors but understand if you have to change them since some of the pictures are B&W. 5. Border: n/a 6. Other Details: I don't know my resolution, but this site tells me I'm using 1366 X 768. I love the picture where she's kneeling down and smiling at the dog and like the way it's integrated into the previous set you posted so if you could do something like that that would be sweet. Please and thank you
  4. smh at people unable to accept that classic above-the-shoulder curls are the best her hair has ever looked. Divine cunt akbhjsgdbkj;llfsgjbl
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I need a Brit for that too. She's still getting my coins That actually would have redeemed everything.
  6. She looks like birds follow her and drape her in garlands of flowers.
  7. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

  8. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Yeah it's her album and they're all pretty good songs on the standard edition but the sheer AMOUNT of remixes is just fucking staggering and feels like it's laughing at me. No stanning affected but I'm several shades of disappointed.
  9. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    You must be fucking with me. More remixes than original songs? A pox upon her, fuuuuuuuck I'm so angry why didn't I prepare myself for this? Ooh she's trying it, god damn she is trying it. Time for bed.
  10. I thought about throwing in a joke on, like, not seeing the sights or doing anything worthwhile. But I knew a Monicker would come along. I mean I never said that this was in a land where we only get one time machine use per person. But the answer is yes. Also *6 years, IT'S 2013 BOY.
  11. I'm just looking back over this thread and Jesus Christ if I had a time machine I'd definitely go back to 2007 to retrieve For Charlie and Dance Money. Then live a double life and film all her performances while a younger me goes through school without even knowing about this stuff available to download that he'd someday crave in 2013. Ugh like it's one thing that Roses or something is under lock and key but this was AVAILABLE jbgdsbjgsjk. Must avoid this thread.
  12. I've always been convinced that "Out With a Bang" is my favorite Sirens track, at least since the album leaked. But in the past week or so, "Find My Own Way" has sort of randomly taken that spot. It's so beautiful, dear god her twang and her repetitive guitar and her little talent show voice. The final "I don't care what you think" could probably bring a tear to my eye at the right moment.
  13. Sitar

    Song vs. Song

    Lil Carmen! LC vs. Dangerous Girl
  14. For me it's a lot of fanning myself. Will adopt these.
  15. He loves my heart-shaped sunglasses, he loves the way I turn in you asses
  16. What versions of Werewolf do you have there? 2:11 and 2:13.
  17. I have so much work to do.
  18. Now high five and glance furtively at the each other's naked body.
  19. Oh, thank you. I don't really have the internet to download the whole file and I only need four songs. Can anyone provide... - Werewolf - Hallucination - As Mean As You - Sakura Night Never even heard of these before, where the fuck have I been?
  20. Is there any sort of megapost for Sky stuff? I only just learned about this Werewolf song and am super pressed.
  21. I thought April was confirmed?
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