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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar


    pinupgirls! I have had enough of your sensitivity to the fullest extent possible! You could have at least requested a deletion if you were upset, now this thread just looks like pointless spam because you were being too touchy and changed the title. Jesus Christ.
  2. Sitar


    We don't need hatred threads. To lock or not to lock...
  3. Don't be so sensitive, boo, it's the name of the game.
  4. It's the same as everyone else, so there's really no harm in doing so as long as I'm not writing down a whole list. I didn't expect anyone to be interested in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, though, so I'm happy to talk about it since it's a little harder to obtain than "OMG send me your Gagz collection!" Oh yes, I got that when it was a little easier to just google Mediafire links #fuckthapolice
  5. Oh, the way you said it made it seem like you were hoarding new info. That makes a lot more sense
  6. Then please don't publicly allude to it, that's just frustrating
  7. Sitar

    Fordham Road

    Oh, thanks. I was really fixated on hearing "it's nighttime", but that's likely just her accent. Wow, thanks for that insight! Really cool to hear.
  8. Correct answer I suppose now I have to actually make an account on some uploading site...
  9. See, most of the rare stuff isn't actually by them. The lead singer Karen O had a side project called Native Korean Rock with songs that are still eluding me, and the secret album was when the band called themselves Unitard. Then there's a lot more solo Karen stuff. It's all the same to me, really. I found out about some stuff by browsing their criminally inactive fan forum, but most of the posts of people saying "MSN me, I have everything!" are like four years old and when I tried messaging, no one replied. But they have a lot of good non-album tracks that most don't know about. "Mr You're on Fire Mr" is a BOP. I'll consider it...Maybe if I find everything I've been hunting for, I'll feel generous. Ugh, it's not even like it's all unleaked, just totally impossible to find. Should I interrogate you as to which bits you preferred...? Most "Heads Will Roll" fans run screaming at the non-electronic stuff.
  10. Hellion... You like her/them? They're only my favorite band Lana who? However, their unreleased stuff is difficult to obtain, being that they actually enforce restriction of download links and they're not some major pop act that'll have links going around regardless. Even tumblr is practically a dead end. For instance, YouTube doesn't have their secret first album and neither do I
  11. I will not be posting because I can't be bothered with fulfilling requests. Plus I only really have Lana, Lady Gaga, Azealia Banks, and the same Marina collection everyone else has. Plus stuff most wouldn't be interested in like Brand New, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Placebo... But a nice idea
  12. Oh, Namira, there is a Paradise discussion thread. Well, it's "Rate Paradise", but I could merge the two and give the Frankenthread a more apt name.
  13. She's already a lot bigger than I ever imagined she would get. It would certainly affect her a lot--I mean, it already has. But would I get angry about it? No. For her sake, I hope she doesn't have to deal with much more fame.
  14. Sitar

    Regina Spektor

    I know the bare minimum of Regina Spektor songs, I guess. I like them Really abused the replay button on "Hero" when I was, like, 15.
  15. Sitar

    Kate Nash

    Love her and the direction she's going.
  16. Lame lounge-singer numbers? Femme-fatale fakery? I hate people.
  17. Ride is #96 on US iTunes, not bad for America! Also Cola is #146 and not even released as a single yet, watch it smash :badbitch:
  18. Aww, well I guess it's a sad state our world is in when that seems like a plausible study.
  19. For K 21 Next To Me 19 A Star for Nick 18 My Momma 7 Bad Disease 51 Out With A Bang 26 Try Tonight 28 Pretty Baby 25 Find My Own Way 4 Junky Pride 25
  20. Sitar


    Unleaked? Succeed plz.
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