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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Kill Kill 19 Queen of the Gas Station 21 For K Part 2 40 Jump 3 Mermaid Motel 37 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 19 Put Me In A Movie 23 Yayo 31
  2. Kill Kill 19 Queen of the Gas Station 21 For K Part 2 40 Jump 4 Mermaid Motel 35 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 20 Put Me In A Movie 23 Yayo 31
  3. Just as critics are attaching themselves to "my pussy tastes like Pepsi cola", fans are attaching themselves to those Elvis and Springsteen lyrics. She obviously wasn't intending genius with those lines. The delivery is where it's at. Sunrise, sunset.
  4. Hey, what are the two different Born to Die sleeves for?
  5. Kill Kill 19 Queen of the Gas Station 21 For K Part 2 40 Jump 5 Mermaid Motel 34 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 19 Put Me In A Movie 24 Yayo 31
  6. If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher
  7. Well jeez, obv they're different people and their "celebrity personas" are completely different, but they both tend towards huge productions in each individual song. Lyrics I'll give you because Florence's are pretty good, but I could argue against songwriting if you actually want to force me to defend Lana by pointing out Flo's flaws. I don't particularly want to do that, but: We both know Ceremonials was--at times, because like half of it was great--draggy, boring, and (I'll take one of your terms for Lana) "boxed-in" to her own aesthetic. Where Lungs was effortless, Ceremonials was too heavy-handed. So maybe we can say for both that they had superior debut albums. See, not so different after all
  8. Sitar


    All morning I've been singing under my breath "Hallelujah Jesus, love to all / Except them suffer bitches who don't have my bawls." Can't wait to read the interview!
  9. Aw, I love Florence so much. I think she has some really good companion songs to Lana, even--for a while there I had this playlist that alternated each song on Lungs and Born to Die (although perhaps Ceremonials would be better, but I prefer Lungs). So maybe her fans (ON TWITTER, no less) were immature, but dragging Florence for that reason isn't necessary. Her and Lana have a lot in common, musically. Lana's kind of the American answer to Flo--less sophisticated, more controversial. Anyone else see that?
  10. +1 - I've listened to it a good, like 35 times already. I don't find it skippable. I usually attach myself to one version of a given Lana song (Lolita and Diet MTN Dew are good examples), but "Yayo" is special--AKA is beautiful, Paradise is haunting, heavy metal is essential, and I even started this thread by saying NKF is my favorite version. It's just a strong song no matter what.
  11. I forgot to even consider you could mean Paradise "Yayo"--is that what's going on here?
  12. To be fair, that's just the pre-order. Born to Die went number 1 on iTunes in the US, I recall.
  13. Hail Neal's emotes and help me code them. :jackie: :grind: :smoke: :judginu:
  14. What? I need details immediately
  15. As far as I know, it was a Navajo reservation in Utah, and she only visited. But definitely lived in a trailer park in New Jersey.
  16. I don't think she lived in Nevada
  17. Some post some form of or , I need it.
  18. I don't have a code for this one but it is essential :rejected:
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