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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    Tove Styrke

    Basically Tove Styrke (2010) - 11 tracks Kiddo (2015) - 12 tracks Brains Out (with Caotico) Call My Name High and Low (2011 Version)* Million Pieces (2012 Version)* Sticks and Stones White Light Moment (2015 Version)* Working Song *Still don't have, but in the mail 4 me so hopefully soon So has everyone Underrated to the end
  2. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    It is literally her BEST!!! song and the fact that we don't even have it...Well I try to forget
  3. Sitar

    KIll J

    I would rather that have stayed hidden lmaooooooooooooooo YHAL yes. Cold Stone still isn't available. PM me Just rips They still evade US iTunes
  4. O Well see this thread was created like right when she died it black. True but there's a red undertone in this late BTD era versus like the medium brown it is now
  5. Sitar

    Tove Styrke

    Chaos is my fave atm
  6. The all looked amazing right when she got them and then steadily became messier. Like the black hair was so beautiful and lush at first but quickly got tired (like OOF by Tropico). Lighter colors keep her really fresh looking, like blond/reddish. Even the dark UV hair because it came after so long having dark hair. I think my favorite is strawberry blond/auburn...early BTD before the Summertime Sadness dark red. Favorite cut, on the other hand, has to be UV/West Coast cover
  7. Right. Literally the aesthetics of Honeymoon will be determined by Neil if he shoots the cover so to say he wouldn't fit at this point is...weird. It's what Lana chooses to convey and not our assumptions. Just look at all the early Ultraviolence fanmade covers--they were based on the "so dark it's almost unlistenable" comments and were somehow all weirdly fancy or like...demonic Then we got psychedelic desert rock
  8. News section* is constantly thatsmyopinion.gif it's so boring
  9. Neil is responsible for so many good pictures, wouldn't be mad at a longterm artistic relationship
  10. How are you gonna have Pete Ibsen but not Princess Superstar, Chris Braide, The Rural, The Nexus...
  11. Never forget last time she gave us the Little Girls fantasy and it was FAKE But yas futureretro queen
  12. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I sense audio ripping hell hmmm @@cartoon eyes ripped another from this, come through
  13. I live for these big ass misshapen icons, it feels like getting reparations
  14. Sitar

    Maybe if you'da been SILENT. Meanwhile my inbox is waiting and no one has to know
  15. lel I know you're making a joke but I was just using a pic I had already saved and I'm hesitant to try to change it again Get into Tove Styrke
  16. Many of you know the hard way that it has been impossible to change our icons since the recent forum downtime, but a few wonderful LB members devised a solution. I figure this is enough of a forum dilemma with no end in sight for it to merit its own thread. Don't quite understand all the logistics as I kinda just blindly did it but if someone would like to write up a guide that'd be dope. Meanwhile, see these helpful statuses: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/statuses/user/5685-livinglikeafroot/?status_id=72078 http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/statuses/user/3686-west-coast/?status_id=72061 Ding dong the witch is DEAD V helpful vid by @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVZ7sBj8PgY Also thanks to HEARTCORE
  17. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Bought my ticket. So she's really not meeting crowds on this tour, just select people? Has that proven true?
  18. ? Went to investigate her and this is right on her Twitter https://twitter.com/halseymusic/status/612856989262155777
  19. "innovative soundscaping" sounds like Emile's role is moot
  20. Right? I had no idea I was capable of such #truthbombs in ol' 2Konethree I will do the assignment later lel
  21. Y'all shouldn't even try http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/blog/20/entry-258-katy-perry-prism-track-by-track/ EDIT: Omg I heavily overrated it 2013 man
  22. Sitar

    KIll J

    There's also these Smh at Cold Stone being old as fuck...release a new song...
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