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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. she moves so well sexxx is just running through this bitch
  2. well she did perform it tonight, if only for about a minute or so. now the fans can't really complain. but at this point it'd even more retarded to keep singing a 1-minute acapella after the song's already been heard in full. tonight, i can understand why she wouldn't sing it with instrumentation -- she wants to maintain the mystery and allow us to hear it fully fleshed out. but once that's done, she has no reason not to sing it on tour. it'd be kind of a dick move for the fans, and a stupid one financially if she doesn't sing it in SF this week i will throw a love note at her that is attached to a rock
  3. if nate had posted these lyrics a week ago i'd be laughing cause they're like braindead. and worse -- expected praying that that'll there'll be more to come out of those 4 minutes and 17 seconds
  4. if she doesn't sing it tonight she'll have to sing it next week in san francisco after its been played by radio 1. but if she plays it next week for her fans in san francisco, but not tonight for her fans in vegas, people will be extremely pissed -- and she knows that. so i think she either has to play it tonight or not play it at all while on tour, and that would be really fucking stupid of her
  5. you can buy it at GNC as long as you aren't pregnant or under 18
  6. lana doesn't seem to always have the best eye for singular images (video is a different story) sometimes her choices are questionable lmao
  7. i thought it was fan-made but based on the billboards i shouldn't be surprised that its a bit basic and based on the BTD and paradise covers i shouldn't be surprised that any of the official covers are basic lel
  8. thx bae. now i can rest assure with the word of jesus
  9. so where exactly did the times come from? is there a link
  10. i don't understand why the times would show up on some browsers and not others i understand like the old tropico stuff still being in the cache but are we saying she has two separate updates?
  11. yea i don't even see the times on the website all i see is the new picture. IS THIS THE WORKING OF NATE
  12. wait so i didn't even look at the times until now PST is 3 hours behind EST. so how is it 3AM PST and 5AM EST WHO DID THIS
  13. its 11am in 3 minutes in california 11am on what day what dat what faysds
  14. I wonder if one of the songs is gonna be called 'bushwick' lel seeing as how west coast is such a creative name and everything
  15. why are we expecting it tonight of all nights?? not staying up 3 hours unless its based on lana's own word. maybe not even then lel
  16. i actually wouldn't be entirely surprised if this turned out to be real. it'd be like lana's way of pulling a beyoncé. its not as blatantly similar; but just as sneaky and unexpected. its so fucking her. she knows she needs the promo but this is the most ~mysterious way to start it off stupid bitch! i'll kill her then kiss her
  17. its such a weird choice of picture, coloring, (plain) background, promo in general, etc i don't even know.. but it looks real, or just very well done i don't get my hopes up about anything lana-related anymore this fanbase is psycho lmao
  18. on the far left column I can make out: tupac summertime jesus elvis sounds like evolution is taking place
  19. r u feeling protective of your little dairy queen?
  20. at first i read this as 'blue velvet' and immediately imagined her doing this. or a gender reversal on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reNY3qAtiDw this is the most ultraviolent thing ever its like hard to watch. even though its too dark for ~mainstream it'd be funny to watch her beat the shit out of bradley
  21. maybe lana isn't really on the west coast http://instagram.com/p/mXjmeWmopG/
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