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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. i think that's precisely where the sniping remarks come from. maxim doesn't care about what's inside. their angle is always sex; not brains / creativity / style (or music, even). all the other publications that interview her typically come from other angles. but the fact that lana has so much external beauty (the main focus of maxim) in addition to a massively complex internal world; well that will always be off putting to some people (particularly someone at maxim, i'd imagine) this might make me sound like some feminazi dyke with a bra and a bic (or whatever politically warped cliche i'm about to perpetuate), but i think many men are terrified of beautiful women. now give said woman a brain and most would probably consider her to be a legitimate threat and/or danger to their well being (or ego, lord forbid) its not just women that 'hate' other women. men can be just as cruel, but for different reasons
  2. ~3 years later and she's still getting all this backhanded bullshit? despite being used to sell their (dual-monthly) issue, no less? well... i guess when you look like this: and remain capable of firing back with immediate and disarmingly eloquent responses like this: ... some people will always feel the need to tear you down. the writer is probably some sexually frustrated shithead; he's used to interviewing models and actresses and writing 'male-fantasy' driven "journalism" for maxim lmao so i'm sure he was heavily taken aback (if not completely put off) by her demeanor in comparison
  3. the colors and the grain x the maxim basicity ~ glamour / sleaze done right this picture makes me want to cry its so good. like those other neil krug shots were almost too ~artsy whereas all the elements in this one are just... perfect?
  4. lana's face can withstand anything tbh but the makeup is definitely over the top somehow? very ~ mens magazine / senate floor gonorrhea
  5. delicious but tbh i doubt this was meant for any of her music. despite being dark and violent and 'wrong' it just doesn't match with any of her music ~aesthetically. its too... "ugly" without any hint of glamour or irony. seems like more of an eli roth kind of thing. wasn't there a picture of them at a party together? they probably just met randomly and he was like oh yea 1). you'd look good getting raped on camera and 2). i'd really like to get on top of you
  6. i think some people are just better at mental segregation than others. i mean eli roth is kind of sexy and i'd totally "not" let him in me and lana does look beautiful in the video but it doesn't mean i also think rape is somehow right or any less wrong people these days get offended over the tiniest little shits because they want so badly to prove to the world (i.e those within their social media microsphere) that they're opinionated and indignant and fighting for the rights of all humans and insects because we all need oxygen to live and we're all one and anyone that impinges upon their feelings of solidarity and strength and most importantly, maturity might as well burn black people at the stake or fuck women raw in alleyways without their permission
  7. i bet lana has had rape fantasies. lots of women do (but obviously they don't talk about it). its appalling in actual practice, yes, but from the other side of the coin -- i think there's something to be said about the unbridled, uncontrolled sexuality and that need / hunger / appetite of another man that turns some women (and other men) on (assuming it isn't about some asexual power trip); i wouldn't put it past lana, with her tendency towards histrionics and 'ultraviolence' i don't see why this is causing such a stir. i've seen similar shit on law and order: SVU. obviously i'm not condoning rape. the clip is kind of disgusting, if not pointless, but maybe that was the point -- to offer an unflinching portrayal of a disgusting act. i'm sure the people behind this are nothing but pleased with your reactions (lana included, possibly; we all know how she loves to be cuntroversial)

    Azealia Banks

    i haven't had the drive to make anything for a while and i've been busy but lana is also annoying the fuck out of me. azealia brought me out of my coma tbh (~shameless~) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8c43ykzA1k i can't stop listening to this!! what is "this"? avant-rap? tropical house? ose;juforshjiofhsoifjoidsjfoidjs so good
  9. SCANS SOURCE: missdustyrose.tumblr.com
  10. its not about being glossy, its about her utilizing all the resources at her disposal to create something truly amazing (i.e ride). she's got the mind and she's got the money (whereas most pop stars only have the latter)
  11. tell me what u got from it hunny did it own you?
  12. she got more fillers that's pretty much all i took from the video lmao
  13. this color / texture would have been perfect. burgundy / brown / blood ~ with the same camera that filmed national anthem (in slight grain and high definition). but no, bitch goes and uses a fucking iPhone application i realize that these are all minor details i'm nit-picking but her visual work has always been equally important as the music from my perspective. lana is a VISUAL artist. this is the woman that searched the depths of youtube for some of the most beautiful (personal) footage i've ever seen; art house compositions inadvertently or haphazardly shot by someone's grandparents in their prime? i'm not sure of all her sources, but the point is -- she has a fantastic eye for detail. she played with palette and lighting effects on iMovie to get the proper 'look' for each and every homemade video she pieced together; i'm talking multiple split-second intervals within a 4 to 5 minute song. i don't see why she's suddenly being lazy (or at least putting out work that visually manifests as such) when she has so many resources at her disposal now. she said herself that she's running out of ideas for videos, and i can see it. since ride, i've been disappointed -- it feels like something's been missing i actually like the concept of this video; but to me, it isn't beautiful. i feel like she's writing her ideas down on paper instead of making her mood boards or something
  14. i'm not talking about the grain or the imagery really; the color just seems too 'sunny' and light. it worked perfectly for summer wine, but this song (and every other song on the album) is darker? she always talks about being inspired by a single color, etc. i don't get how ultraviolence matches with this tone? with this time of day? should be kind of burgundy, amethyst, or black and white, even -- something other than yellow eh i guess its relatively close to the second image, although it isn't quite as brown or ~bloody. the filter she's using reminds me of pus
  15. that sepia haze doesn't match the song at all ?????????????
  16. of course you haven't. because you have a wife, and that would be morally detestable lmao forever
  17. these two statements kind of say it all, don't they? you had a certain idea of who you thought she was, and for you, i'm sure it fulfilled some kind of late-night masturbatory fantasy. now that she's gone and contradicted your [narrowly] wholesome perception of her, you're no longer a fan of her or her music? lmao k guess that whole lolita thing really holds some power, eh??? *keeping that in mind* thx edit: men are so fucking weird lmaooooooooooooooooooo
  18. i think this quote sums up her paradoxical qualities and her reaction to this interviewer quite well: "a certain immaturity, both mental and emotional, can go hand in hand with deepest insights.” - howard gardner he proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, including musical (rhythmic and harmonic), visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, interpersonal, naturalistic, and existential intelligences. lana might be low on emotional and even social intelligence -- both of which are most commonly known next to 'rational' intelligence; but i bet she'd score high in her musical (rhythmic-harmonic), intrapersonal, verbal-linguistic, and existential capacities
  19. i don't think it was because she was unhappy or bored. i think she was overwhelmed due to the fact that the crowd was so staggeringly large? and dead-eyed, because she retreated into her safe place for the time being
  20. its not that he asked about the song; i'm just curious about his presentation of the question (and his demeanor in doing so) we'll never know unfortunately; the entire interview has been filtered through his lens (and only his)
  21. "i ask, perversely, about fucked my way up to the top" "now you're annoying me" __________________________________________ so he admits to being "perverse" (whatever that means); we still don't know how he posed the question or what the question actually was... but upon a second skin, i'm thinking he definitely wanted a reaction out of her
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