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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. nevermind. i was too excited to read the text underneath all of the images: she's such a skittish fucking weirdo
  2. who here is 'mexpressionism' on tumblr? how did u find these?
  3. lets get back to being creepy
  4. we need to start up with the sleuthing again
  5. has anyone ever tried contact mark at "wiredset" ? he posted the video for kill kill all over the web back in 2008 i wonder if he has any others http://www.veoh.com/m/watch.php?v=v16882663EJSEpcaq http://www.spike.com/video-clips/a3h10b/lizzy-grant-kill-kill http://wiredset.buzznet.com/user/video/3777131/lizzy-grant-kill-kill/ her missdaytona account tweeted this guy, pretty sure its him: https://twitter.com/MarkGhuneim

    Azealia Banks

    cool concept but why does it look like it was produced on windows 95
  7. what i wanted to say was -- that moon doesn't have her mark on it but that doesn't make much sense without context
  8. there's nothing cheap about anything she puts out. trashy, maybe. but the thing i love about lana is her ability to discern between good trash and bad trash. a true artist knows how to mix high and low -- her version of (what the majority of people consider to be) "cheap" still has a certain essence of beauty and personality. its why i'm so obsessed and enamored with her homemade work. she leaves an undeniably consistent mark on everything she does, whether blatant or abstract. she's spoken about specifically choosing scenes because of the different textures and hues of the footage; she even manipulates scenery to her liking, by adjusting color, contrast and saturation (i.e my profile picture -- that tone was intentional. some mix between burgundy and cotton candy? i don't even know if theres a name for it, but the point is, she's extremely particular about even the most minuscule aesthetic elements) that moon is not cheap or trash and its neither good nor bad. its literally like a stock image
  9. even if she doesn't care about promotion or her career or whatever she still cares enough to delete random images from her account and search for new profile pictures like every week if she were to actually put the effort into starting an entirely separate account, why choose fucking clip art to represent it? that's like losing 70 pounds to walk the runway then shaving your head once you get signed. she might be losing motivation but i doubt she's suddenly lost her eye for beauty
  10. the ultraviolence video is beautiful -- its just boring as hell you can't tell me anyone with an iPhone can shoot something aesthetically pleasing. even though it was pretty much useless and disappointing, it was still made with intent and focus on details and appearances (re: the veil, the bouquet, the dress). hell, the bitch plumped up her lips right before filming it lmao what i can't imagine her doing is googling an image of a "moon" or anything so obvious to use as her profile picture. she'd be much more cryptic and it'd be something pretty, at the very least
  11. so basically the electronic manifestation of AIDS tbh, if lana were invested enough to make a separate instagram account -- the queen of all that is aesthetically beautiful would choose a less basic photo to use as her heading. keep in mind that this is the woman that changes her own instagram icon like every 7 minutes lana is obsessive when it comes to image, so that sad little crescent is really what gives this all away imo / lmao
  12. i mean, i don't recall a single instance where some far-fetched fan theory turned out to manifest in reality but how many troll accounts have been made on tumblr? how many have been made on this forum? some people apparently spend their weeks and/or weekends looking for ways to fuck with the fan base. why believe anything that doesn't come directly from lana herself (especially when we can't even trust her ~10% of the time) i'm not trying to be a bitch, i'm being a realist
  13. i don't understand why she would start an entirely separate account -- isn't it more plausible that she just liked the name of it? let's not forget that this is the same woman that has "chateau marmont" permanently scribbled onto her arm
  14. i'm not pressed i just think its useless to be like there was a full moon ton1ght n' also i got stung by a bee probably a moment or so after he was like cummin out some honey OMG ! yasssss the stars and the spirits have aligned !~!! new era! slayyyayyaayyayayayyyassssss ~~~~~~~
  15. i think the title is 'eclipse' because it looks like she's waiting for one to happen, lying there in the grass keep yourself occupied with as many theories as you wish but i wouldn't put much stock into any of it. i doubt even lana thinks this much about her promotion; she posts random shit every now and then to fuck with our heads and that's pretty much the extent of it imo
  16. its not that she's fucked with her face -- its the fact that she's only 17 and she's already made herself look messy as hell. its going to be a vicious cycle of surgery after surgery, offensive results, self loathing and endless comparisons to her more beautiful and successful sister on top of all that, she appears to have zero personality. its not the surgery that's sad -- its the reasoning beneath it and the fact that her situation is totally unlike that of other girls her age. can you imagine being the "ugly" kardashian? at least the others are somewhat funny if not cartoonishly beautiful like kim (or kendall)
  17. oh lord @ this poor ho looks like a needle hit a fuckin nerve or something. and she's only 17? tons of tragedy coming her way and its honestly so sad
  18. that wasn't meant to be even remotely shady lmao i think they're both extremely similar artists and people in general. i wouldn't be surprised if she was inspired by lana in certain ways (and vice versa) so i'd like to find a way to ask her more questions in that regard (without coming off offensive)
  19. ask her if her pussy tastes like soda too (re: deadly nightshade, etc)

    Natalia Kills

    does anyone watch 30 rock? jane krakowski plays this ridiculously narcissistic caricature of a celebrity. she literally does anything and everything for attention, even if its hateful. she gained notoriety (in the show) by being an unnecessarily mean judge on a singing competition lmao this woman is legitimate, real-life trash
  21. her top kind of says a lot about her (as i suspected, basic and evolutionary) perspective the problem isn't the way that she feels about lana -- its not uncommon. its the way she used that bitterness to her advantage (at another person's expense) this whole thing is tacky as fuck

    Azealia Banks

    lana is able to harmonize really beautiful melodies... so her mind is like an instrument
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