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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. that guy looks like he just blew a load on her lmao and she looks mildly appreciative
  2. i wonder how she decided to choose those songs in particular. like, if it were serial killer alone i'd say it had to do with the fact that it was one of the earlier and more popular leaks so she knew more people would've had a chance to hear it, appreciate it, etc. but why us against the world? no one seemed to know that song and i'm not surprised; its a favorite among the fans but its unlikely that the majority of non-obsessives would've known about it. she did explain during the concert that she had a lot of unreleased material and enjoyed performing it but that was it. though it worked out to play UATW & do right; they're both similar to me aesthetically but i don't know how serial killer fits into that equation? maybe she just chose whichever songs she felt like singing? she's so unpredictable tbh we should start a poll and see if she listens -- "what unreleased song should she perform next and why"
  3. this was the opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1st_9KudWB0 like a luau ~ paradise ~
  4. i'm just realizing how shaky they are (particularly brooklyn baby) -- swaying a bit with the camera in one hand oop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ4Hq-LWvrI [YOUTUBE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V4W62iDDbM[/YOUTUBE] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYqIdRrC03s chelsea hotel is really still tho everyone in the crowd was about to pass the fuck out
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YtCfHEf5bU literally laughing my ass off at that pornographic moan @ 3:30 (which explains the extra shaking from that point onward lmao)
  6. [YOUTUBE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntEiPHsAFE[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8HLymeTvLg[/YOUTUBE] uploading a few others in a bit
  7. she didn't skip do right it was just really short i'll upload them in like 30 min
  8. I can't type much cause I barely have internet but she just played us against the world then serial killer, OTTR, YCBTB, and do right later I'll upload the video later
  9. hmm probably won't be able to then; i'm in row 102 and probably gonna get there right at 7 since i'm running late as per usual but if anyone sees me say hi -- i'm 6ft / baseball cap / muscle tee / ho shorts / not as mean as i look
  10. where u sitting boo i'm bringing canna-pills but i might be down where r u sitting?
  11. i'm still skeptical cause they all sound like recordings -- i.e no notable differences between the actual vocal takes we have? anyway if someone told me last night that she'd be playing serial killer tonight i'd be like lel but i'm going tonight and will cum in my seat if she does
  12. she'll truly have made it when they write the question as: this artist's reproductive organ is known to taste similarly to which popular brand of cola?
  13. clearly that is a thumbnail of lana's long ass fingers under a new pseudonym created solely to confuse her fanbase probably since the honeymoon instagram account was gaining too much popularity
  14. i think big eyes is brilliant with the simple yet sort of strange storytelling / scene setting aspect of the lyrics and the mariachi trumpets are A+++

    Azealia Banks

    because ice princess deserved better (i.e yung rapunxel) lel @ the racial undertones that somehow happened to manifest
  16. "i'm a writer first, singer second" apparently that excuses her from the responsibilities that come along with being a world renowned pop star. i get the feeling that the rules don't apply to her (at least in her own mind). i suppose in a sense, they sort of don't. her fanbase isn't like most others; they're much more devoted (if not downright obsessive), and rightfully so, seeing as how personal her music can be (vs. generic katy perry shit that literally any human being can relate to on some level). for instance, i walked into a beyoncé concert ~10 minutes before the show began and managed to get into the first row without a problem. i'd had to have waited about 16 hours or slept on the fucking asphalt to get that sort of spot at a lana show. my point is, many of her fans will make concessions for her shifting moods and constant mystery, as its all a part of the ~artistic~ temperament. i feel like she knows this, and thus feels free to do whatever the fuck she wants. problem is, i'm pretty sure she's just distracted with some new dick right now rather than being on the verge of like, creative discovery or placing her head in a nearby oven or something i dunno. i wanna slap her but the minute she does something i'll be like YASSSSSSSSS and forget that i was even annoyed to begin with
  17. she can't write whatever she wants cause it isn't 100% hers to write and it's supposed to have mass appeal, so it can't be too weird or dark or insightful or anything like that cause the majority of the world is only interested in empty cliches that support that sense of ~comfort~ i mean the movie is starring BLAKE LIVELY you can't be expecting some deep kind of shit
  18. tbh i mean this film is about a damaged recluse* that remains forever young (and beautiful) every film she's written for has actually been rather fitting for her in one way or another now that i think about it
  19. i think these are some of her best vocal takes - don't know why her voice sounds so unbelievably good / bluesy / nuanced / perfect during this session in particular sometimes i forget what she's capable of. this was back in 2012 when the majority of people still hated her ass. the interviewer was so shady here -- he was cold as fuck and refused to compliment her in any way (despite those vocals); instead, he said her band sounded great you know you're truly fucking good at something when people find ways to skirt around the compliments lmao
  20. prob cause you could just as easily picture him grinding to that beat in some euro-sleaze dance hall while spilling grey goose on the tits and topshop bandage dresses worn by the girls that flocked to him just cause he was sitting in the VIP section
  21. she need to get off that dick and get on the promo

    Azealia Banks

    pls tell me you recorded the entire set (or that they broadcasted the entire thing)

    Azealia Banks


    Azealia Banks

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