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Everything posted by COLACNT


    Azealia Banks

    lana is able to harmonize really beautiful melodies... so her mind is like an instrument
  2. lana might appreciate the "female chris issak" remark -- is that even supposed to be an insult? maybe i'm not privy to whatever cultural reference she's alluding to "weird" isn't bad either but "affected" -- obviously based on superficial reasons (i.e plastic surgery) compounded with lana's NATURAL awkwardness. ugh, you'd think kim gordon would be above these stupid fucking games
  3. lana's mere existence gives me hope in humanity. but her prominence in society has also made me really cynical about the way many (if not most) people think like honestly it went from 'soulless whore with a rich daddy' (2012) ---> 'calculating she-demon lacking in any true personality' (2015) people will always find some kind of false justification just to make themselves feel more whole and kim gordon is undeniably talented, which makes this particularly depressing
  4. kim should just release her own rendition of so legit similar mentality, slightly different methods tbh (though both outlets contain the same measure of absurdity, harshness and hilarity)
  5. like honestly let me just sync this video up with any lana song and observe the bits of artistic symbiosis
  6. lmao bitch got scalped ok but really i find this surprising coming from kim gordon -- acclaimed musician and visual artist but not so much from kim gordon -- human woman approaching death, somewhat threatened by the vision, intellect (and beauty) of the young pop starlet (currently bleeding into the art-world with increasing credibility) i mean its one thing to disparage another artist due to creative differences, but the part about "offing herself" really pushes this into juvenile cunt territory. not to say that that's entirely a bad thing (considering lana can be both juvenile and cunty herself) ... but honestly, i sort of feel like this is a matter of ~ "like disliking like"
  7. HAPPY (~ xcuse the spam ~) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jePZTW64jlI but i'm really starting to like her (with this album in particular). i didn't like electra heart much; it felt synthetic and unnatural to me (except for the acoustics). this album is good and growing... 'better than that' goes hard af lmao
  8. she will be famous forever or for as long as she wants to be
  9. i dunno what u are all talking about she is a WHALE. like morbidly and rancidly obese. really i mean i dunno how she even sings anymore i imagine she has a 12 inch meatball sub in her mouth throughout the day every day
  10. aren't they gorgeous??????? they're like 3 grand a piece tho... daddy where r u when i need u most
  11. hoping the day will come when i'm able to afford a full set of those chairs
  12. kanye doesn't even smile like that when he's with his wife
  13. she look luxe as fuck sitting on the warren platner with that fur and shit yassssss
  14. you are hypocritical and repulsive please stop logging into this website
  15. here's the thing with lana -- you can't expect there to always be meaning behind what she writes. not meaning that you can connect with personally, at least. everything she writes is personal and internal and so a lot of it might come off as useless or opaque at best. if you're a ~*~ true ~*~ fan though (whatever that means) you should be able to disregard the shitty recycled trope here and there or you can just connect it to a larger piece of the puzzle (the puzzle being her as an artist, as a character, as an actual human being). maybe the above lyrics don't say much in terms of broad all encompassing meta / psychosocial philosophy or whatever it is you're looking for, but they still communicate aspects of her true self (and her internal world), whether intentional or not. the lyrics you quoted still fall in line with the rest of her work and retain a certain consistency you'd expect from a true artist. you should appreciate that at the very least i.e "get us while we're hot" --> while she's still "young and beautiful" and "shine(s) from words but not from beauty" she's known to have an affinity for diamonds and the color blue and beaches and she writes about how she 'shines like lightning', etc. 'glimmering', 'bright blue ripples' all conjure up images of shiny, pretty, bluish things. she's obviously an extremely visual person so why not re-use some words that not only roll off the tongue but draw out images that she appreciates? its kind of tired at times but its still very lana also, "watching me" in the swimming pool and "watching me" get undressed says a lot about her personality and her histrionic tendencies. you can go off on some tangent here about the male gaze and the paradoxical superficiality of those lines (which juxtapose the depth that's present in her other songs, etc). whatever "elvis" and "marilyn" are obviously figures of classic americana. the line suggests that they've raised her and that they've also nurtured her aesthetic / artistic appreciations like surrogates while jesus (who may or may not actually exist) remains her 'bestest' friend (and maybe even her only one, during certain periods in her life). then she goes on to say "we don't need nobody, cause we got eachother" ... "or at least i pretend". that's kind of fucking sad. it's like she's perpetually lonesome and doesn't have anyone else but herself and her own imagination. which suggests (on a larger scale) that she loves to create (or at the very least, finds solace in) worlds of her own; worlds inside her head. recently we've started to wonder if any of the men or any of the experiences she's written about are even real, or if its all just pure fiction. and i didn't even connect those thoughts with that particular line until now. and it 100% justifies the james franco quote: do you see what i mean? despite seeming innocuous and possibly even superficial, everything is still connected back to her internal self, somehow. and new music will always give you another look into her mind and might even forge a newfound connection with something she's already written in the past. there's always consistency and there's always truth (internal, though not always external). that's all that matters when it comes to art; staying true to your intuitions. so toss your haughty expectations in the trash and just appreciate her for being her (and relentlessly so) the fact that we're even having this discussion and dissecting these ~meaningless~ lyrics actually attaches meaning to them, i think. so i hope you feel fulfilled lmao
  16. i don't think you're delusional just cause i don't think honeymoon is amazing
  17. re: BTD sound -- yàsssssssssssssssssssssssssss re: honeymoon -- yas? i dunno it's kinda underwhelming and pedestrian. music to watch boys too would've been way superior
  18. of course she seems confident about this she l.o.v.e.s boys
  19. i feel like this 97.7% of the time but i think its partly cause i'm reclusive and unrelatable to others. i'm starting to realize that maybe hate really is too strong of a word and that others just don't know how to feel 'right' with u. or maybe i'm projecting but whatever the basic feeling is still the same ^^^ literally that ^^^
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