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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Idc about what y'all are saying, just wanted to try my new signature
  2. Yosemite

    Charli XCX

    Where is that Google Drive link that had tons of songs? I lost everything that was on my laptop Pleas helppppp
  3. Yosemite


    omg thx again! my depression is back I was in need of this
  4. Yosemite


    So who's gonna send me TLIV (Demo)? I need ha I'll give you 10,000 dollars via PayPal before taxes
  5. The only hope y'all should have is that it gets released
  6. wtf money power glory instrumental with INHA vocals that's a mashup
  7. These were the tweets: https://twitter.com/urbansadfitters/status/965347573287485440 and this one "confirmed" the other but idk https://twitter.com/urbansadfitters/status/965348862402625538
  8. Yeeah, I think so Nobody seems to be talking about this and Creyk was perhaps joking (but shouldn't !!!) but I don't know
  9. I want it, can I have a link?
  10. Imagine, Lana Del Rey changing lyrics of her songs live... Sis, it's nothing new she's been doing it since she started touring (and I'm not talking about this tour). Sometimes she changes some lyrics because the city she's in; she was in Vegas soo
  11. Nope nope nope nope. They said that over fragments of her interview. I mean, the magazine hadn't hit the shelves and the magazine only published small parts of the interview. They didn't judge over the whole thing, they judged over small bits of an interview thinking it was the WHOLE interview. She was right telling them to fuck themselves
  12. But the question is: will this ever see the light of day?
  13. WTF BICTH As an Amy fan you shouldn't say that, but as a person you should shut that mouth even more. Like, imagine if Amy would still be alive. She would release songs, videos, etc. We could have more music from her. Now, saying this about Lana... wtf have you been smoking? Such poor taste
  14. Don't wanna sound racist but fuck that asian old man That said, I love the man with the glasses that has a beard. He was so cute, even when they played Lana to him. He always says he likes/loves it and never says rude things. He actually cried when Lana was playing, can't recall the song tho
  15. OMG I came back because I received a notification and I read your quote as "Fame is another word for gloryhole" BYE I'M LOGGING OFF
  16. Poor sick children If they think she'll actually finish the song... It's like it's not enough they're sick
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