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  1. Jazzmin liked a post in a topic by MinigunsNRoses in Criticism of Lana Del Rey   
    Whenever I see, like, a review or whatever, of a LDR album or something, well, these hipsters on youtube seem to give her generally negative reviews, but whatever they don't like about it, I either completely disagree with them or could not give less of a fuck. It's like... Were we listening to the same thing? Like, can they not tell how beautiful the music is or how incredibly versatile and expressive and beautiful her voice is?
    Another thing is that maybe I just have a thing for melodrama, because I heard a lot of the same criticisms about her lyrics as I did (at least in terms of being melodramatic) with Evanescence, which was my favorite band of the past 10+ years...
    Look, I know. "haters gonna hate." is it really as simple as that? I feel like there has to be something else going on somewhere...
  2. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by Jizzy Grant in Phoenix, AZ @ Ak-Chin Pavilion - May 14th, 2015   
    Unfortunately, the lawn seats are far, but you'll still be able to see her, she'll just be very small. And everybody stands during the show, so if you don't want nobody blocking your view, move to the front.
  3. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by TRASHBABY in Criticism of Lana Del Rey   
    lol you should stay away from the feminist thread on here then, its a  mess
  4. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in National Anthem   
  5. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by Velours in Criticism of Lana Del Rey   
    Some people don't like her since her sound is slow and very calm. I absolutely love those type of songs, when i have shown some of them, be it Lana or another artist/composer, i've found that most people seem to have like, the idea that calm music makes you sleep and it's boring. When i showed one instrumental to a friend (Specifically, the Twin Peaks main theme) she said ''My god, that's gonna put me to sleep!'', and i've been recieving the exact same replies from other people. Most like upbeat songs, with powerful voices and at least catchy/easy-to-understand lyrics, Lana doesn't usually head towards that direction, instead having a more slow pacing sound, melancholic/reference filled lyrics and her voice is calm, moody and of course, absolutely beautiful, but most people think you've gotta have a powerhouse voice to be considered like a talented artist, it doesn't help that the majority her detractors think she's manufactured and she's only there because she comes from a wealthy background (AKA you don't have a rags-to-riches background means you're fake/ain't talented).
    In a very personal opinion, i think most of them hate because they can, because she's an easy target, without even having listened to her more carefully.
    But some people genuinely don't like her, and that's fine, everyone got different tastes, as long as you respect.
  6. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Is "Beyoncé" just a big rip-off of Lana Del Rey?   
    That's one way to spend a night.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by MinigunsNRoses in Criticism of Lana Del Rey   
    Whenever I see, like, a review or whatever, of a LDR album or something, well, these hipsters on youtube seem to give her generally negative reviews, but whatever they don't like about it, I either completely disagree with them or could not give less of a fuck. It's like... Were we listening to the same thing? Like, can they not tell how beautiful the music is or how incredibly versatile and expressive and beautiful her voice is?
    Another thing is that maybe I just have a thing for melodrama, because I heard a lot of the same criticisms about her lyrics as I did (at least in terms of being melodramatic) with Evanescence, which was my favorite band of the past 10+ years...
    Look, I know. "haters gonna hate." is it really as simple as that? I feel like there has to be something else going on somewhere...
  8. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by ChasingTheGhost in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I wish she was a lesbian.
  9. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Your Dream Setlist   
    Ultraviolence from start to finish would be nice.
  10. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in National Anthem   
    I finally understood how clever and analytical this song is!
  11. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by Philomene in National Anthem   
    I love this song especially 
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