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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. Moving on... I just watched some videos from last night and I can't see her bassist? Kevin wya
  2. If there's still no release date then why did she do that photoshoot with Steven? I'm assuming it is for a magazine again and not the album cover but are they just going to release it randomly with no album in sight or just hoard it for however long it takes for something to happen
  3. Aww I've never seen this before. http://instagram.com/p/BvUcwNKFnG8/
  4. Are you getting paid to do this
  5. Maybe the Norman Rockwell estate are angry and that's what the issue is I don't think they can do anything legally though
  6. six weeks https://www.nme.com/news/music/lana-del-rey-78-1233880
  7. Wottice this mess... someone had too much time on their hands Not my screenshot btw I'm not on 4chan
  8. She was friends with Azealia at one point so she's clearly not good at picking friends
  9. Nobody

    Instagram Updates

    Do her band ever fly with her? I don't think I've ever seen them at the airport with her in paparazzi pictures unless they just see the paps and ditch her ass
  10. Nobody

    Instagram Updates

    I just checked and it's not on the US website but it's on the Canadian one so maybe it sold out or something
  11. Nobody

    Instagram Updates

    https://www.forever21.com/uk/shop/catalog/product/f21/outerwear_coats-and-jackets/2000307595/01?utm_source=cj&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=4605458&utm_term=13502026&utm_content=7895855&gclsrc=aw.ds&click_id=EAIaIQobChMI7vvui-aT4QIVo7ztCh2ZuQbREAYYASABEgLqT_D_BwE&cjevent=e76f44364c0111e983bc008c0a180513&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7vvui-aT4QIVo7ztCh2ZuQbREAYYASABEgLqT_D_BwE&cj_pub_sid=jkp_EAIaIQobChMI7vvui-aT4QIVo7ztCh2ZuQbREAYYASABEgLqT_D_BwE Her jacket
  12. Can't wait for Lana to not not fuck John Janick the fuck up
  13. If she is actually in conflict with the record label and she publicly blames them it might just make it even worse :/
  14. I do not want to see her first week numbers if she does that
  15. She's effectively their sugar daddy but without the sugar
  16. If she got rid of them and replaced them with G-Eazy I wouldn't even be mad
  17. Even they'd probably manage her better than Ben and Ed though
  18. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPskeElSFS/ At least her dad remembers the album's existence
  19. Remember that period in 2015 when she looked like John Lennon
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