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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. It's mildly interesting that both Brexit and the NFR release were thought to be happening on March 29th and now both events are complete messes and it's extremely likely neither will happen on that date
  2. Literally how I feel every time I see them I wouldn't be surprised if they were just using her to get private plane rides and shit
  3. Do they have actual jobs or are they full time baddies
  4. I remember at the listening party for Lust for Life they could have requested literally any song yet they asked her to sing fucking Serial Killer
  5. Glasto doesn't pay artists a lot so she probably got more money for headlining Latitude instead and they might've put in the contract that she can't do Glastonbury as well because they're both in the UK and only a few weeks apart It could've been her A Star is Born moment
  6. The interviews were all a damn mess I guess they were an experience though
  7. Releasing both Lana's and Billie's albums on the same day would be such a stupid move from Interscope
  8. I didn't know that happened I just tried to find them and I failed but I found this instead
  9. I can't access the full article because I'm not subscribed but apparently Lana was going to do Glastonbury but backed out
  10. Maybe we should just rename this thread to Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass - Pre-Release Thread
  11. https://www.image.ie/life/eight-of-the-best-entertainment-and-culture-picks-for-march-145001 lol
  12. Hope has outstreamed VB on Spotify, I know it's because of the length but
  13. I'm just going to assume the album's in Jack's trash folder on his mac so when if she finally does something I'll be pleasantly surprised
  14. in two months from now, we still won't have any more album news
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