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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. "Jesse has a new album out!" where's your album bitch
  2. She's going to run out of poems to post soon, I'd like to think that she'll then say something about the album but it's more likely she'll just stop posting
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwJ4y9inKQ8/ A nightmare, literally a nightmare
  4. Nobody

    Instagram Updates

    She finally changed her profile picture
  5. Nobody

    Instagram Updates

    Her writing "w" and "u" instead of the full words. If that's in the final book
  6. Lana's poetry getting that acclaim http://www.papermag.com/lana-del-rey-poem-2634482035.html
  7. I hope she's at least submitted the album to Interscope and can't make any changes to it now since she's probably going to Coachella
  8. I mean they let her release Get Free and that clearly wasn't ok with everyone
  9. Oh my god guys maybe the theory about the Norman Rockwell estate opposing the album title is true. This is his granddaughter
  10. Lana: "There are things you still don’t know about me like sometimes I’m afraid my sadness is too big" Comments: "release the album bitch" I'm not sure what she was expecting to happen
  11. The poem says "brown eyes" and Joe Schilling's eyes aren't brown
  12. "In the meantime though I’d like to apologize in advance for upcoming cancellations of shows you’ll be hearing about– I wish I could fulfill those obligations but I won’t be able to" It's been 3 months and we haven't heard shit, did she cancel her cancellations?
  13. So this is the first ever image of a black hole, aka where Norman probably is right now
  14. She said she was in a church and some random clairvoyant came up to her and said that was the reason her voice is breathy
  15. She essentially confirmed it when she was fighting with Azealia
  16. The Interscope HQ is in Santa Monica. Maybe they'd get a better answer there than "album is done lil b but who knows when it will come out."
  17. It's been 3 months today since Hope was released and nothing has happened since then apart from two snippets, a photoshoot that's yet to come, and a vague tweet
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