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Everything posted by TangerineDreams

  1. Even tho the design is not that great, I really like how this forum handles the navigation part, I'd be thrilled for somethin similar I'm ready for the lashings!
  2. https://youtu.be/kN0iD0pI3o0 Bel Air her impact!
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxNt6Tj1Ex/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
  4. It's me, your little Venice bitch Touch me with your fingertips It's me, your little Venice bitch
  5. We practically have most of Cinnamon now, she'll release it soon, right?
  6. Are You Satisfied? - 21 Shampain - 11 I Am Not a Robot - 21 Girls - 16 Mowgli's Road - 15 Obsessions - 20 Hollywood - 12 The Outsider - 20 Hermit the Frog - 14 Oh No! - 21 Numb - 25 The Family Jewels - 15 Seventeen - 12
  7. Lana Del Rey - “Boy Tears”(feat. Marina) will drop in october as a stand alone track as she said in the beats1 interview, don’t @ me. Edit : Music video by Chuck.
  8. Ikr I'll never understand the aclaim Beyonce is getting
  9. The last song that had this much replay value was the good sis TBD, it's really incredible, she didn't have to snap this hard on VB
  10. TangerineDreams

    Venice Bitch

    Well BB sounded like a boop in the album trailer, when it got released people were kinda upset
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