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Crimson and Clover

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Everything posted by Crimson and Clover

  1. omg are these lyrics legit?? So wake up the members of my nation It's your time to be There's no chance unless you take one Everytime Just see the brighter side Of every situation Somethings are meant to be So gimme your best And leave the rest to me
  2. Crimson and Clover

    Song vs. Song

    Driving in the Car With Boys vs. Paris
  3. Crimson and Clover

    Song vs. Song

    Daddy Issues vs. Supermovie
  4. Swimming pool glimmering darling White bikini sloth with its red nail polish Watch it in the swimming pool Bright blue ripples, you sittin', sippin' on your black Cristal yeah
  5. Wish I may, wish I might Find my one true sloth tonight It'll be our sloth song It'll be our sloth song It'll be our sloth song It'll be our sloth song
  6. Yeah, I don't really agree with the black thing. To me, UV is tragic, but it's not completely bitter, considering songs like Black Beauty (ironic), Florida Kilos, West Coast, Brooklyn Baby, etc. Also, to me, the songs as a whole give me a very gritty, raw, and nostalgic feeling, and I feel like grey is more gritty than black to be honest. UV also reminds me of the city, and whenever I think of "city", concrete jungle comes into mind.
  7. AKA: Yellow BTD: Aqua Paradise: Olive UV: Grey HM: Red that was kinda cool haha
  8. Uggh. This was so good. I'm actually wet right now and it makes me want to move sexily
  9. I'm not sure if the songs I'm listing really are 'depressing', I kinda think that they're sad just because they make me sad. Pretty When You Cry because depression and stuff, and I'm just bitter lmao, Terrence Loves You because a family member that I love dearly has a chronic and severe mental disorder (though TLY comforts me because it really describes how I feel), and Yayo because my life is kinda heading towards that direction lol :/. Honorable mention to God Knows I Tried, but I hate how her voice sounds in it.
  10. "Walking in the grass It's so fine Don't need shoes in the summertime" beautiful snippet
  11. I saw this on reddit and I think this is extremely important. I don't care if you're anti Trump or pro Trump, this affects absolutely everybody. It affects people across the world, it affects the people in our nation. It affects you, your children, your grandchildren, their grandchildren, etc. Please take your time to read. I'm absolutely horrified. "Climate is the biggest concern I have by a landslide. Trump's 100 day plan includes allowing for coal/oil/shale extraction from protected sites, a strong arm for pipelines through protected areas (specifically pointing to Keystone as his champion cause), promises to gut $50 billion of environmental spending to UN programs, promises to undo sanctions on pollution, and also has a bunch of clauses which, if implimented, would impact all fields, but including and especially climate science (such as his desire to require two regulations be removed arbitrarily if one regulation will be passed). He is appointing a leading climate change denier to the EPA, which he has discussed dismantling all together. He has discussed removing the FDA all together, removing educational advisement from his cabinet, and rewarding companies with tax incentives to expand in destructive areas while simultaneously promising to remove the restrictions put in place to mitigate harm done to the environment in the process. A lot of this he can get done via executive order. A lot of it beyond that he can get done with house and senate support, which he has. This is not an instance of conspiracy theories or "what ifs" being thrown around. He has promised these things, and has the tools to deliver. It would literally take him saying "naw nevermind" to stop this from happening. Any one of the items listed above would cause damage to the environment that will take decades, if not longer to reverse, if it even can be reversed at this point, during a time that we are already losing an uphill battle to protect our environment. And he's not talking about one item. He's talking about all of them, and has the ability, and intent, to do everything he says. And that's just enviroment. People have a right to be afraid. I would be afraid with a Clinton presidency because I wasn't sure she'd do enough. I would be afraid with a blue house/senate to stand in Trumps way, because I'd be worried they wouldn't do enough. What we actually have, is a scenario where people who deny climate change are now in un-checked power, and are salivating at the chance to make a quick buck off immeasurable damage to our planet. The planet will recover and move on, the question is if we will be around when it happens. This is not an issue that we can really afford to "wait 4 to 8 years and vote better next time." We have already reached the emergency point according to any scientist worth listening to. Forgive me if I don't see much opportunity for "it won't be so bad" when it comes to specifically climate change. I could ignore everything else he's doing (which I won't, but we're speaking hypothetically here) and I think stress and alarm is still perfectly in the scope of reason regarding his promises. Even if we "think" he'll do a ton of damage, but he only does a lot of damage, the damage is too severe and has ramifications too drastic to ignore."
  12. http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/thepresidentandcabinet/a/impeachment.htm
  13. Holy shit that literally made me so angry. I just replied with a VERY nice rant (:
  14. america rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SoU4qzZlcw
  15. Pence believes electrocuting gay people can turn them straight lmao these are gonna be a long 4 years
  16. I think Lana actually was able to predict the future because look at this
  17. So I just added University of Toronto to the list of universities that I'm applying to :')
  18. Really unfortunate. It shows how much people feel persecuted when other people get equal rights.
  19. What if Trump was actually born in Mexico and deports himself, teaching America not to make generalizations and stereotypes based on skin color.
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