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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. Don't forget that we're getting the Q&A by @Eclipse with the single announcement.
  2. I really really hope she's announcing it soon, even if it ain't coming for another month. I just need some info
  3. The way Eclipse tweeted this makes me think we're getting an official announcement within the next few days
  4. Finally some concreteinfo Lana better announce something in the next few days
  5. Aloe Blacc opened on 15h July 2016 in Locarno for her.
  6. Shades Of Cool is one of her worst released songs.
  7. tbh i need another rumor for the next few days to keep me alive and breathing where are the fake twitter insiders when u need them
  8. I'm so thrilled, really I can't wait for the lead single. Fine China is keeping me alive atm, so at least we got that
  9. Im hoping for a Honeymoon situation where all songs nearly 5 minutes long or even longer
  10. i dont want to be asleep when this happens But it was nice to wake up to Y2H or Fine China Im conflicted
  11. Kay. I didnt get a notification either, but my phone sometimes doesnt show them so I wasnt sure
  12. So did the livestream really happen or is this just a major troll attempt
  13. we really cant have nice things here And I thought the Monster fanbase is messy Can we try to not forget the original purpose of this thread pls
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