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Everything posted by Monicker

  1. This is the best sentence i've seen in a while. That's awesome. Imagine a crocodile saying that. Or, like, the chair in your kitchen. In a slightly deep voice with really immaculate enunciation.
  2. I see a lot of the traps of binary thinking (ontology is more complex than a set of binaries, no?) in these interpretations, along with complementarianism, social constructs passing off as "truths," dogma and moralism. Also, don't you think we should be moving away from the kind of language that uses he/him/his to represent all peoples?
  3. Oh, she doesn’t do acrylics. She gets a gel base coat done at a salon and then i do the designs over the gels with either nail art pens or really, really fine brushes. I don’t do kitschy stuff like palm trees or anything though, haa. I usually do geometric designs and, like, abstract doodling kind of things. I don't really know how to describe it, just whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. It’s a lot of fun to do and i love how they look! Count me as another who loves the sparkling gold tooth. Though i think she’s the only one who could pull off something that ridiculous.
  4. Shit's long, dawg, like, too long. I need to calm the fuck down. BRB.
  5. This yachtie/country club look is a weakness for me. I really want to see her in seersucker. Also, i got really into nail designs because of Lizzy, which i never ever would have thought i'd be into before. Incidentally, shortly thereafter, i started dating a girl who is really into it too. We started getting really into nail art blogs and now i do designs on my girlfriend and some of my and her friends. It all came together somehow.
  6. The two threads should be merged. I was going to suggest it earlier but i didn't want to seem [square]. OH, and DELETE that canada goose thread, banish it to hell, OUT with that obvious spamming. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: Just to be clear what i'm talking about are the points at which the vocal track changes to another take. I'm not talking about the vocal track coming in and out as it is being muted and unmuted in between vocal phrases, something that is very audible all throughout the album, and most prominently in Bel Air, where it happens consistently throughout the song. Anyway, as for what you asked in Body Electric: 1:37 in between “night” and “dancing” 2:32 in between “fun” and “we” 2:45 in between “alright” and “Mary” (but i’m not sure about this one) EDIT: Saying that i'm not sure about the last one implies that i am sure about the others and, well, i can't possibly be 100% certain, but that is what my ears tell me. I'd say i'm about 98% sure.
  7. Isn't it weird to think that we're planning ahead on how we're going to systematically express emotions and reactions through tiny pictures of other people?
  8. Yeah, i don't hear it, which is why i was asking. What i hear are vocals that were, for whatever reason, recorded and EQed in a way that makes them sound very thin, and the reverb they used definitely adds to this quality. I believe there's also a very, very subtle delay on the vocals that's not flattering. I don't like how the vocals were produced and the overall tone of them, but i don't hear A-T. I don't hear any notes being pulled up or down to the "correct" pitch anywhere. Listen to every instance of "electriiiiiiiic" like at 0:54, i think if there was A-T that's where it would be most evident, but that sounds very straight to me. I'm not an authority on the subject though. I was just hoping that someone who hears it as clearly as you seem to be suggesting can point out exact moments where it stands out the most, like what specifically to listen out for, you know? I do hear exactly where one take ends and another starts throughout the song, and that's pretty distracting.
  9. Please point out the exactly (the seconds and words) where you are hearing the most obvious evidence of A-T.
  10. I love what she says about not feeling like you have to top yourself every time, and that it’s okay to not do anything for a while. Wise words.
  11. Haa, no, it's not real. It is merely my opinion on the matter. Tough crowd tonight. Just tell your friend that Monicker over at Lanaboards says so. I mean, that's just as good as scientific research, right? Cum on, bangs are where it's at.
  12. Yeah, it's been pulled from every US retailer. So, i just went to my local record shop and returned it. They had already pulled all copies from the racks. They told me that they had already reported it and been instructed to ship back all sealed and returned open copies. The record company hasn't given them concrete news, but they should be getting in a new shipment of the correct pressing sometime "soon." The employee told me to "like" the store on Facebook because they're going to post when the corrected copies come in. In the meantime i made an even trade for one of the new Beach Boys mono/stereo remasters Fuck yeah. I'm really interested in seeing how this all turns out though--what sort of statement, if any, Interscope might release, if Lana states anything about it publicly, how many defected copies sold in total, how much money Interscope is losing, if this is going to affect sales/charts, as well as public perception of the album, because it's getting negative reviews on merchant sites based solely on the bad pressing. It's an odd situation because there's a new record out, but it's going to be unavailable for some time. We should keep this thread going as the source for any news on any of this. I'd like to follow the developments but a) i'm lazy and b) i don't have the time. So if someone wants to keep tabs on this and update this thread that would be most welcomed and i'll telepathically send you a virtual cupcake for your efforts. B young, B dope, B proud.
  13. Bangs are TRANSFORMATIVE. If any woman in the world got bangs she would just shoot up (at least) 34% in attractiveness. It's true, there was a scientific study done on it once. I think it was done in Tulane, but it was also corroborated by researchers in Berlin. What, you don't believe me? I don't make things up! God, Charlie looks like such a dude. Hey d00d wuts up, bro? Ur sister liz is kinda wierd no? LOL I always have to look up TPD's initialisms on urban dictionary because i never know wtf they stand for. I am getting a good education though, so thanx TPD.
  14. See, this is a great interview, at last. And it paints her in a very different (favorable) light. More of this kind of interview, please. A few points: I think this explains and sums up a lot about her in general, the obsessive personality, the almost neurotic repetition, the pathology, the resemblance to Intense World Syndrome, as PrettyBaby once suggested. Revelatory. FINALLY. Gosh, she really should release a whole record of her a cappella home demos. But, of course, there’s not a "market" for it. I would kill a baby elephant for that kind of release though. Also, hello dream job. I’m going to put Daniel Heath out of commission and take his job, BRB guyz... That sort of contradicts certain things she's said in past interviews. The truth probably lies half between being a full composer and being solely a melodist. But i think it's that she used to compose more fully in the past and has more recently let others handle the chords. The credits on Paradise list her as only having written the melody on every song except Yayo, which just lists it as being written entirely by her. OMG, hire me, Lizzy, cum on. I will teach you about engineering and i am well versed in film music! We can eat chocolate cake and spaghetti together... See, there is a god and it is good. Oh come on, Liz, 6 years is an eternity? Really now? But you mostly listen to music from over three decades ago. Oh well, guys, i guess AKA is gonna remain our little hidden treasure. Now we just need to find it in lossless... I love the ring that this has to it, i think i'm going to use it for a title. Also, in the intro paragraph: Uh, Elvis wearing his silly capes in the '50s? Two decades collapased into one. Pardon?
  15. Just sounds like an electronic tom-tom to me, Billy Boy. STAY TUNED FOR MY PARADISE "REVIEW" IN THE RATE PARADISE THREAD, COMING SOON.
  16. I am not! That implication is slander. Wait, i don't remember the trash-talk-for-the-fun-of-it thread! What went on there??
  17. Oh, you just reminded me. Do you still want that Carmen hybrid mix?
  18. Remember when you censured me that one time on ye olde dot fm forum for, what was it, ending a sentence in a preposition? Now PrettyBaby, what do we have here? Not only the same thing for which you once rebuked me, but judgey??? JUDGEY, PrettyBaby? Really now? Jaykay, u no i luv u. I'll let it slide because i'm cool lyke that.
  19. I cannot fathom how anyone cannot like bangs, and what in the world is wrong when they split down the middle, and are you serious, Britney Spears? Britney Spears is now somehow synonymous with bangs? What? More like Lizzy's lookin' pretty French New Wave these days.
  20. First of all, Billy, there is no such thing as a congo drum, unless you just mean some generic drum from the Congo. Second of all, there is no conga on Cola. Hey, that sounds awesome, THERE IS NO CONGA ON COLA. Say that like twenty five times out loud in the middle of the night while everyone in your house is asleep. Just belt out THERE IS NO CONGA ON COLA until you start foaming at the mouth and someone inevitably calls the cops. But, yes, you're right, those parts of Cola sound like the chorus of Kill Kill. Just as the intro of American sounds like the intro of Summertime Sadness, and other similarities i've caught that i can't remember right now. Because i can't be fucked to recall them.
  21. I was about to ask where is Kill Kill underappreciated/underrated. I don't remember this. I thought it was one of the songs that are pretty unanimously liked amongst her fans. Kill Kill is definitely in my top LDR songs. It's heartbreaking to hear that she's not happy with how it turned out and wants to rerecord it. I mean, what? But it's not really surprising either.
  22. And there you have it, folks.
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