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Solar Fields

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Everything posted by Solar Fields

  1. Solar Fields

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs Tomorrow Never Came
  2. I love the song even though I don’t think it works well as a lead single. I just wish there was a little more of an outro, maybe some piano or guitar notes.
  3. Yeah I can definitely see that being the case. I’m just happy that we are getting official releases of all these recordings so they can all be in one place. I thought about buying the CD set but I think I’ll just listen on Apple Music honestly because I don’t have that much money to spend on CDs lol and I don’t have a record player
  4. The World Doesn’t Require You by Rion Amilcar Scott I’m going to finish it tomorrow!
  5. Joni Mitchell Archives Volume 1 - The Early Years (1963 - 1967) will be released on October 23rd! I’m so excited to finally have these rare early recordings
  6. Laugh Now Cry Later... they’re trying to tell us something with that one
  7. If Beale Street Could Talk by Janes Baldwin
  8. Did everyone try the chicken? I thought the chicken was lovely
  9. It’s on a few Apple Music playlists and radio stations so that probably helps
  10. Solar Fields


    This I wish they at least had some kind of background other than the plain black
  11. Solar Fields


    I like the videos of this one and Tabula Rasa but something about them feels so off to me because they’re entirely computer generated. I prefer the more live action videos like Arisen My Senses and Utopia.
  12. Solar Fields


    I’m so excited! The video will be out when I get home from work
  13. Those new BAR lyrics are god awful I hope she only changed the last chorus or something
  14. I’m trying not to listen to the snippets since we already heard so much of the album but I might cave before the 30th These 3 weeks are crawling by
  15. Solar Fields


    I found a Volta CD for $5 at FYE today! I’m so happy that I have this one now, but mess @ the picture on the album cover being a sticker. It’s been a while since I listened to her albums all the way through, but I feel a big Björk phase coming on soon
  16. the iTunes banner says “new single + preorder” but I guess it’s supposed to mean Doin’ Time
  17. I somehow tricked myself into thinking today was Friday in my time zone and I woke up and ran to iTunes like a damn fool
  18. I didn’t even mind the text at first but the cover is 1000 times better without it
  19. I’m a little surprised that Doin’ Time is on there but I really like it so I’m fine with that. I hope Jack didn’t ruin BAR. Mostly I just want to hear the album
  20. I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver
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