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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. working with the same (executive) producer can produce a more cohesive work and she loves the intimacy of working environment when she composes more introspective music like she says Honeymoon was a "vanity project" she hasnt released anything since Jan 2019 anyways so you're correct. VENICE B**** is till her best btw.
  2. Lana Del Rey Summer Bops Playlist 01. West Coast 02. Kill Kill 03. Jump 04. Florida Kilos 05. Cherry 06. Off To The Races 07. Burning Desire 08. Summer Bummer 09. High By The Beach 10. Music To Watch Boys To 11. Doin' Time + Meet Me In the Pale Moonlight / St Tropez / Kinda Outta Luck etc.
  3. i feel like NFR era will be full of the aesthetic of selfies... remember when she said NFR is some introspective sad girl shit? selfies did execute this theme pretty well it's like Kim K's book Selfish (a book of her selfies) she could have used some better selfies tho
  4. her basic LA baddie taste JUMPED OUT . can't blame her coz she's been living like a instabaddie for months tho
  5. the fact that we almost have the whole thing lemme revisit it real quick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhE3rvoMrRc
  6. the Tap management is now ONLY focusing on their only cash cow Miss Dua Lipa.
  7. well then it may even come sooner than 20th if 20th is the impact date has she finally tried the 'sriracha with coffee' drink
  8. RCHP and Sublime the 90s California influence JUMPED OUT cant wait for the musical acid trip throughout the summer led by the sex goddess, legendary songwriter/singer, talented poet, and Instagram Baddie Ms Del Rey
  9. can we talk about how relatively well-planned the rollout for the song is atm? a proper release date that is announced just a couple days before a proper radio premiere date and most importantly, it's gonna be sent to the radio on the same day
  10. we can only PRAY. you may as well join the prayer group with your family and stop wanking my dear friend.
  11. i wonder how this will fit in the whole NFR project.... hope it serves quality like MAC and VB
  12. inb4 it's a cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxGh6VGxuw0
  13. well at least we still managed to get two unreleased tracks to get through the long wait for NFR :'(
  14. didnt the Flaunt magazine teach you not to trust a release date unless she tweets "dd, mm, yyyy, fam"?
  15. the era ended when hope is a dangerous thing was released i guess
  16. just admit that you're too busy booking stages for your another client - Dua
  17. we need the pre-order link for the poetry book and the album. my money is ready ma'am!
  18. i thought we all came to an agreement that Coachella was her worst but ok.
  19. let's make it 1000 pages without a lead and stream MASSEDUCTION by the legendary sexual goddess Anne Clark
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