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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Trans-Suburban Fantasy - Jackson Novem
  2. Jack

    Jackson Novem

  3. Can't we all just get along? It's really just a matter of people's opinions and seeing as how we all like the same artist I think it's pointless to fight about whether we like one album over another. Let's all just hold hands and make up!
  4. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    New Marina Cover coming VERY soon!
  5. You have angry feelings towards others, like the after light app and love beautiful quotes
  6. Jack

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I'm so excited for any new material whenever it is released tbh
  7. That you liked the gatsby premiere and you aren't religious???
  8. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    It's pretty good but prefer Hailey Reinharts or Lauren O' Connells
  9. Jack

    Jackson Novem

  10. Oh wow I only live like 30 minutes north on lake Norman
  11. Jack


    I was just. Kidding BC I kinda think they look alike. They aren't ugly they are both just really plain faced, but I really do love MØ's music, love ya!
  12. Jack


    True her hair is awful and when caked up MØ can look nice... But I still like her song hideaway, but i think she's gonna be a one hit wonder
  13. Jack


    She really doesn't look any worse than MØ lmao
  14. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    Omg wow thank you SO much this is legit one of the best compliments I've gotten recently so thank you!!! And I'll try to do some newer songs like this
  15. literally who thinks being overweight is beautiful? The entire concept of fat being equal to ugly has gotten so commonplace in society that people almost don't even notice it until songs come out blasting it like "all about the bass" and "Anaconda" and then people dig on them for "skinny shaming" we shouldn't let people who degrade those who are overweight be because that only perpetuates the stereotype and allows it to pass from generation to generation. I know my fat isn't all from laziness because I have a thyroid condition, but deeming all fat people as one mass of ugliness should NOT be tolerated! And as for the whole portraying them as southern and dumb is a whole nother topic
  16. Jack

    Brandon & Leah

  17. Jack

    Song vs. Song

    Old money vs Black Beauty
  18. Jack

    Song vs. Song

    Maha maha vs Old Money
  19. Jack

    Song vs. Song

    Kill kill vs. Cruel World
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