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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Same I cannot believe it came out 7 years ago at the same time as Born To Die.
  2. Imagine Lana doing the Super Bowl lol She’d come out and halfway through National Anthem would probably pass out due to shock and they’d have to cancel it. And it would still be a million times better than that Maroon 5 mess.
  3. She should turn the whole Norman Fucking Rockwell title thing into a series....like Next could be Pablo fucking Picasso then Andy Fucking Warhol.
  4. Watch as she makes Cinnamon a snail pace ballad with just a piano....
  5. 2019 Predictions March - Nothing happens April 10th - Sky says she has a cold which has affected her voice and can’t finish the album she posts several David Lynch Quotes June 15th - More David Lynch posts and random drug induced waffle July 7th - Sky posts Random instagram posts of 5 second music clips which she deletes in the following days September 5th - Sky says new music is about to drop and to get your “ Itunes cards ready bitches”.....nothing happens. October 2nd - Sky’s friends dog dies and she is upset “I need to comfort and be with her now I hope you understand” December 20th - Sky releases a statement written on Twitter that her studio has burnt down and has lost all the recordings and she is re- doing it all over again and new music will be out march “for sure”. 2020 June - Sky is dropped by her Record Label.
  6. He looks like Jesus....Lana’s lips and cheeks look huge!!! on the fillers again I see that’s why she’s been hiding until it settles down.
  7. The jokes and ‘She’s poor’ are satire honestly she does need to lighten up a bit. All fans do this.... she should have made light of it.
  8. Maybe the albums called Diamonds are forever
  9. I don’t think really know what something sounds like tbh she said Honeymoon and UV were like like Born to Die
  10. if she dangled Cinnamon in front of that abyss you might...
  11. Like every time you say something critical especially of a song you get burnt alive at the steak while stans shout ‘Lana is great Lana is god’
  12. My god Marina has been spending too much time around Lana she’s getting such a dirty mouth.
  13. Consider this Lana is a cult leader and we are her poorly controlled sheep. Her going to Hillsong is just to learn better tips in controlling us so we scream less and stop being so hyper. Maybe she’s getting a recipe for a mild Kool Aid to quiet us the fuck down.
  14. Yikes! I thought marina had taste
  15. What confuses me the most is her parents seem so loving and caring. Like why does she need to keep seeking love and security in others. Did her siblings get more attention? Is it just a personality disorder/depression? I just don’t really get it. It’s like she’s throwing herself into these situations for no clear reason. Rob seems so nice and patty (her parents). ...what went wrong for her to think like this? Maybe her happy perfect rich life was too boring for her?
  16. Logo looks like something I made on the Nintendo DS in 2011
  17. “Lana's fanbase isn't all lgbt, lots of her fanbase including lgbt ppl are just there for her music”. Hahahaha I laughed. Who are you kidding most of them are gay sis are you blind lol Have you seen her live? Look around you next time and tell me most people are straight. I was half joking about the Pepsi thing although I admit it wasn’t obvious or that funny...
  18. The album will be called ‘& The diamonds’. What a mind fuck that would be lol....At least ya’ll be happy
  19. You are right I was too generous...per month then lol
  20. She will when she’s the one looking for a stranger to hand her a Pepsi after her income landslides
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