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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Marina is so slow she’s like Sky Ferreira slow almost
  2. You could argue that anything is good or artistic. It’s down to personal preference and opinion, everyone should have the right to positive and negative opinions. Nobody should feel the need to pretend to love or dislike anything either stay true to your feelings. I see stuff like “I don’t know how you can listen to that it makes my ears bleed” it’s BANTER most of the time not some personal dig.
  3. People will forget HIADT when the bops come out AKA Cinnagod & Your car. They’re just grabbing on to anything because they’re bored right now.
  4. I know the lyrics are bad, there is no production. It’s really not that great
  5. it’s a cheap app you can get off the ITunes store that adds an old camera style filter.
  6. Summer bummer Coachella Hope is dangerous thing blah blah blah. (New entry) In your feelings Groupie Love Yep you can tell Lust for life is my least favourite album I also think Serial Killer is over rated.
  7. No the tour will be her doing a live stream with 85% born to die era songs and two NFR ballads closing with OTTR. Predictable.
  8. Tour? Lol she can’t even do a decent album cover.
  9. Bitch please Billie hellfish would not even exist without Lana... She’s just another Lana wannabe offspring dumpster baby. (My opinion)
  10. She should just hire some of her artistic fans because honestly the good ones....are better than chuck. Sorry Lana
  11. Well that is obvious, but it’s clear that there is a group that like everything and force themselves to pretend it’s good, when deep down they know they’re not feeling it. But this happens with any fanbase, all are made up of these different groups of fans. I think it’s ok to say you don’t like something personally....
  12. funny thing is...it could literally be poop on the sidewalk and some of her fans would call it art and scream ‘leave her alone be grateful’.
  13. The picture is old from October I did a reverse image search. So I pray a amazon just used it as temporary or it’s faked.
  14. but even honeymoon and LFL look incredible compared to this. This is lower than low.
  15. If that is the cover art I’m worried for her....Lana thinks she is doing something here with her lack of effort and long titles. She isn’t it comes across as lazy and uninspired. No wonder she said her manager wanted her to re-do it but she was “too lazy”. I’m a huge fan, but this would be a huge stain on her discography considering the other album covers.
  16. We need the rest of the songs to be like In Your Car and cinnamon ....enough piano ballads.
  17. Plot twist - Happiness is a butterfly is actually the title track Norman Fucking Rockwell.
  18. The second I read about an album delay I started thinking about the nearest tall building....I need a Lana bop soon. Our lives depend on it!
  19. I called it months ago that it would be delayed till mid 2019. I bet it’s because of that poetry book. Also I bet this is why she cancelled tour dates because it was going to be too early before the album came out with no new songs to promote. I would guess the next song will come mid march with a proper video. Poetry book early mid may and album early-mid June.
  20. What does she mean by “the majority of the culture”
  21. I don’t like having or hearing nearly all the songs before the album comes out, that is a bad move. It decreases hype and excitement. I guess their were no lies when she said ‘no hype under our covers’. Here is to hoping she has other songs on the album maybe as an iTunes bonus to bring it to 15 tracks.
  22. . No I think the MAC cover is OK and the VB cover suits it. But come on this is like she selected a random picture off her IPhone and stuck it on...it’s not even being minimalistic it’s just lazy. All her art and imagery has been amazing up to this era.
  23. I don’t see this as having fun though...just feels lazy and rushed. is that fun to Lana?? .....Actually it probably is Lol
  24. I called her out for being Lazy.....but got dragged for it on here. The single cover and song title is poorly conceived and atrocious. That doesn’t mean I dislike Lana suddenly. But I tire of some of her fans who are too afraid to say they don’t like something or make excuse instead. I feel like she could literally have a song of her farting the alphabet and some of you would say it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
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