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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. agreed! Marina is better then this rubbish
  2. I don’t see this as progression honestly where are you getting that lol?!. Don’t think anyone said they wanted a suicidal 1950’s doll either. Can anyone have an opinion on this forum without getting attacked or told they don’t have any clue about music? Lots of people feel the same here boo.
  3. I liked Marina because she was different not because she sounded like the other pop girls. If she starts watering stuff down and coming out with ‘Modern pop” she’s gonna lose half her fans. Let’s face it the warning signs have been there, the name change the basic album name.
  4. I’m not a fan of her poetry it sounds like a 13 year old girl wrote it. If the poetry book is like this I will save my coins. Her songs are poetry enouth.
  5. Sorry I hit a nerve just my opinion. I love Marina but I’m stating my opinion this is bland and basic. I don’t need to be a producer to understand musical arrangement and give critique. Take a seat
  6. A monkey could have come up with this trap beat and production
  7. Yep her music is getting more generic let’s hope this is just a blip. Wow guys you are all so easily pleased.
  8. Superstar is boring, generic and nothing special HH>SS. I hope Marina isn’t watering down her songs and lyrics.
  9. Waiting for the picsong leak hurry up gays
  10. Been listening to Born to Dies ugly sister Lust For Life today.....I’ve come to accept it and love it for what it is.
  11. Anytning leaked yet? News? No? *closes door and goes back to crying under my bed sheets*
  12. Lana is going to be shocked when she goes to pay for her Matcha Green Tea Latte at Starbucks and finds out her streaming revenue is $0.
  13. Imagine having a manager who hates your fans, who are the ones buying the music and the reason you have a job in the first place.
  14. She changes her mind she’s indecisive. I think the reason Lana isn’t saying anything is because she is waiting for her Label to give her the green light with a date. They sometimes wait to see who else is releasing and want the best date possible for maximum chart success. So it’s probably out of her hands. It’s likely she also wants time to push the poetry book. She has other commitments too to manage. Judging by the fact she’s supposedly cancelled tour dates it was feasible she was releasing sooner in March but I guess she knew it would be later and probably wanted to tour with newer songs and the album out. Not everything is in her control and often she probably is as clueless as we are as weird as that sounds. In the mean time she’s probably added a few songs she’s thought of and maybe to add extra padding to the album, perhaps this is due to her label not being satisfied or liking other songs which were not originally on the album. From the info we have now a single is likely between late march and early may with an album two months after this - May to early June. May feels right at the moment.
  15. It’s because when born to die came out everything was fresh and exciting as with all the AKA and leaked stuff. So people are bound to relate to this period of time the most. Finding Lana and her music and getting to know her was like a religious journey for many. Ultraviolence was amazing too, but I do feel after that things have changed somewhat from feeling fresh and new to just fans being really snobby (me included) and demanding. Lana is now expected to be this conveyor belt musician, providing us with music while we moan about how everything was better between born to die and Ultraviolence.
  16. I agree I won’t attack people for liking it....fine by me if others like this drivel (joke lol).
  17. Honestly I could not read it...it sounded like something an 8 year old had written.
  18. I don’t think the poem is that great really. I’m ready for the pitchforks fight me gays
  19. I can’t believe this Lana and the Basic LA blogger we’ve been getting lately are the same person.
  20. Lust For Life isn’t bad it’s just not a very well rounded album compared to let’s say Ultraviolence. Heroin, cherry and 13 beaches and white mustang are my faves from Lfl.
  21. Anyone relate to the Burnt Norton interlude?....now it’s not just because of my existential crisis but because it sums up NFR. “What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual possibility Only in a world of speculation” Reminds me of Norman Fucking Rockwell and that enigma that it is. Always a perpetual possibility but never actually fucking reality.
  22. I need a big dose of valium or something to calm me down I just listed to the HIAB and Cinnamon snippet 30x. If we don’t hear anything by March 3rd we should organise a boycott or something.
  23. In the car, in the car, in the backseat I’m your baby.....I can’t get this out my head omg it’s torture. I’m gonna go mad.
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