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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I honestly think 95% of it is the fact she’s famous which is why they’re hanging with her. But if these are ‘her people’ yikes. I think I’d rather it be Bikers and sugar daddies.
  2. I can’t at the fact even Sky is releasing music and likely an album before Lana...mess.. oh well at least someone is serving the masterpieces. All the snippets from the last few years and recent of recorded songs sound amazing, this album is gonna be incredible.
  3. well I’m sure she can just say... I don’t know when it’s coming yet but will let you guys know, Like she must know if its this year or a rough idea. That isn’t bad mouthing her label surely.
  4. What is the bitch done now (face palm). Honestly She’s cancelled. She’s saying shit like this on a 10 year old profile because she doesn’t have the guts to tell us on her main accounts. “Oh I love you all still but who the fuck knows when the album is coming mahahajhaha!” The way she communicates with her fans it’s like she’s in a cult or religious sect and can’t communicate with the outside world so has to sneak messages on random insta posts and secret accounts. It’s so deranged omg.
  5. OrOrOrOoorange is not bad I like the chorus. But yes the lyrics are watery. I prefer Marina when she’s singing about suicide and bombings tbh lol Because those lyrics are fearless and powerful. I have a feeling Fear is gonna be much more heavier lyrically. I might have been premature to call her over. She is looking stunning in every photo and video though
  6. Every time I see Lana and her friends I keep thinking of This is What Makes Us Girls.
  7. Oh sweetie that’s cause you like all her worst songs you probably never even heard of The Family Jewels. Being a local is better then being a general public whore my dear.
  8. Very disappointing that Marina has chosen to go down this route with generic sounding music and watered down lyrics. We don’t need another Dua Lipa or Latina Pop Girl. When she said ‘modern sound’ I knew it was over for her. Her visuals look good but she’s definitely trying to be more commercially successful and her record label are trying to market her like the other pop girls.
  9. ChaoticLipster


    I won’t lie the title is hard to pronounce I had to google it. Antropoposecence. Wtf?
  10. Are we expecting this album in the next two months? What’s the big secret Ben? It’s an album not the keys to nuclear warheads.
  11. Probably crying and sobbing and screaming with joy at the start of each song.
  12. Honestly this bitch the audacity to tweet that when she knows we are thirsty
  13. What I fucking hate is when she spends the rare time she has on social media to tweet doped up stuff like...oh the sky is nice tonight I wonder how many stars there are. She could literally say ‘album still coming soon everything is fine’ and we would rejoice. But no she is playin with our emotions.
  14. Sang better, better instrumental omg I don’t want say it but she outdid lana here.
  15. We have no fucking news and my depressions at an all time high.....hurry Lana!
  16. I can’t believe how long we’ve been waiting for this. It’s like a legend
  17. The album is definitely coming this year. She has festivals and dates lined up throughout summer and likely more annouced soon. Within the next 3 months we will get a single at least. It’s only 12 weeks and time flys. So we have to just calm the fuck down and be patience. If it get’s to the end of june and still nothing then we can get the pitch forks and molotovs out.
  18. Plot twist - Lana is actually pregnant and this is why the album is delayed.
  19. ChaoticLipster

    Ava Max

    Ava max although has some nice bops is pretty unoriginal she is just basically ripping off gaga and the production is from other well known songs. Like the beginning of So am I is a rip off of Anesticia left outside alone. Sweet but psycho is a straight up copy of pokerface and bad romance with a slight bit of katy perry progression. I mean she’s not harming anyone so I guess she’s fine. I don’t see her getting really big like the next gaga she just doesn’t have enouth that stands out. She hasn’t really connected with the audience like gaga did people just like the songs because they’re addictive, she has a flat personality.
  20. I believe Cinnamon is actually called ‘Hold Me’.
  21. Are we surprised? because this just aligns with the mess of failures, lies and confusion of this era so far.
  22. Is she releasing on April 1st seems fitting...after this utter fucking joke of 5 years
  23. It’s bizzare how she can’t say anything just ‘I don’t know yet I will let you know” I think Lana see’s patience as just a matter of respect and that she should not have to say anything. We should just be good little children and wait for our presents. While I agree their is truth that we should be respectful, she knows how much we adore her and are excited so owes us at least a small update. I think the other possibility is she dosn’t want to admit that she’s delayed things as she knows she’s fucked up by saying ‘top of the year’ when it isn’t. She has a very defensive personality so this would explain her behaviour. She dosn’t want to lash out at fans so turning off Instagram comments and giving the silent treatment means she avoids any conflict. She knows, if she says something it will be snappy and bitchy.
  24. Book end of april, new song mid may. Album end of june.
  25. I get that all the time here, it’s like people take everything so personal. Like why does a stranger on the internet and there opinion bother you so much? Does it affect your enjoyment of the song or Lana? No.
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