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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Clean bandit was bad enouth tbh
  2. It won’t let me post photos for some reason
  3. ChaoticLipster


    Agreed - Literally can’t stand Bjork, her music isn’t even music...it has no structure, it’s disorganised noise at best.
  4. She doesn’t owe us but she needs us, I’ve spent $1000+ on her since 2012. Fans keep her afloat and provide her with pay checks...without us she’s fucked really because the general public sure as hell don’t seem to care much about her, and have gone to sleep on 95% of her music after the Born To Die era. So it’s in her interest to not alienate her fans too much with stuff most of them don’t want. It’s a balance between her musical freedom and also pleasing her fan base.
  5. No diss tracks can we have some class and cohesiveness...Lana stay out of the hood and keep your $99 dollar lipstick on.
  6. Around 70k to 90k. The problem is she had more promo with lust for life, a feature with the Weeknd. Etc she could still grab number 1 though you don’t need much for it.
  7. If people keep bitching she’s going to delay it till September 2019 in spite. Honestly I always seen MAC and VB to be teasers, I think she will launch an actual single with a half decent music video in mid February. I would also predict she’s gonna have more than 11 songs...likely more like 14. She said something like ‘ SO FAR there are 11, and have done a few with jack which are very well sequenced’ I’m not sure she specifically said there would be 11 and that is that. Correct me if I’m wrong.
  8. ChaoticLipster


    I agree I don’t care at all. I only want to know about grimes and her musicand the details! Like release dates!
  9. I agree with the 11 cohesive tracks rather than 16 with at least 6 of them being weak fillers
  10. OMG it’s leaked in full I cannot believe it my depression is cured!............. - is what I would be saying if it had actually leaked but NOPE.
  11. BTD is my fave album of all time so I will never stop caring. But ultimately if the music gets boring or bad then I won’t buy her music anymore full stop. I worry she will start having lots of rap and have a cheap generic music style like the other dull pop girls. I’m concerned because she’s shown a less classy side to her lately. More trashy, lyrically and personality wise. It started after she released Coachella/summer bummer etc I thought they were trashy and lyrically appalling and lazy. Then the hanging around with trashy rappers? Eww. The whole Azalea banks thing and the way she was like “pull up” while funny is really off putting - just really unintelligent and classless things to say. I used to see Lana as more of a mature artist, an intelligent female....but clearly she’s got a very trashy side to her underneath it all.
  12. I’m getting fed up with Marina and sometimes Lana being so quiet and not giving any proper info or answers. She could literally tell us a time frame and album title it wouldn’t hurt. She’s not Beyoncé or Taylor Swift where everything has to be kept secret for hype and PR. She’s a relatively unknown artist so she could be more open with what’s going on. It honestly doesn’t matter if she dropped the whole tracklist she’s not going to sell any less the. What she normally sells. I get fed up of all the secrecy, artists need to be more open.
  13. I don’t like this ‘not wearing make up’ era. There is nothing wrong with a bit of lipstick at least....she looks so much better. She looks like she has the flu when she doesn’t bother.
  14. Can we like only bump this thread when we have links to a new song? Lol
  15. ChaoticLipster


    Do we have a HQ leak yet?
  16. It does seem like she trys hard to fit in with the gay stan bases.
  17. I mean she could have an album called Michael Fucking Jackson and the MJ estate wouldn’t be able to do a thing.
  18. She’s never said it’s about the Norman Rockwell everyone is talking about. A name can’t be copyright or protected as such. She actually just said it’s about a boyfriend who thinks he’s really brilliant and can’t stop talking about what a genius he is. So isn’t even about Norman Rockwell. But obviously we know there is a meaning behind it. But in a court of law unless she’s making specific claims about him and obviously referencing him or slanderous (which she isn’t) then I cannot see a problem. Same with Ultraviolence which is a term from A Clockwork Orange - she doesn’t actually reference anything from the book or imply it’s from there directly.
  19. Mø - what a talented artist who’s sold herself out to generic sounding rubbish her first album was a million miles above FN. Twenty One Pilot (their music has become repetitive and predictable). Bastille - become bored of there sound but are very talented.
  20. I don’t believe it sorry lol. Winter? So probably like the last day of winter at the last hour?
  21. We all know Lana is lazy let’s not kid ourselves, she also thinks Low production and minimalism is cool. Most of the time it’s like she throws things together from a draw of stuff she hasn’t made up her mind what to do with.
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