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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Who else is Jack producing for? Lorde? He’s been factual about many things, he’s just vague
  2. I’d like to think BOZ is talking about Lana….it must be good if he’s this blown away by it. It’s also possible Lana is releasing a single soon and album in December to capitalise on the Taylor song…as Taylor fans will be checking Lana out more.
  3. It sounded like he’s dodging questions as @Rorman Nockwell pointed out. So I’m not entirely sure he’s changed.
  4. Yes sorry it was…I was a little annoyed at her and it came out
  5. Disappointed she continues to associate with homophobes despite having a large percentage of gay fans. Makes me wonder what she really thinks deep down. I know she’s been encouraged by her other ‘Real Housewives’ friends who have shit for brains to attend, along with AA. You can’t question her on anything as she will just get defensive and pissed off…I’ve never seen her apologise before only dig herself a bigger grave. She’s quite problematic and I’m beginning to see why her mother raged at her sometimes..because she never listened to anyone and did dumb things.
  6. I can’t at another fucking birthday video…she’s doing this on purpose
  7. If it’s the lead single Lana is going to get a number 1 and maybe a grammy….not a taylor fan but I will be if she does that.
  8. I’ve always found her a bit contrived, she has these really sly eyes and gives off narcissistic vibes. The Body language she has set’s red flags off in my head for sure. She’s definitely a very calculating business women. Let’s not forget she’s ripped off Lana a LOT ..dare I say without Lana 1989 and whatever came after it would likely never have existed. She knows Lana is better than her, and she has critical success, cult status and praise without even needing to do massive numbers…I think that actually scares her a little.
  9. Not a Taylor fan…but this can only be good for Lana. She deserves this type of representation.
  10. I think society as a whole is a lot more sensitive than needs be sometimes. It’s become wrong to criticise or say you dislike something…and you get branded ‘negative’ just for voicing an opinion. There is no positive without negative in life and I think people need to learn to stop getting so upset over a different opinion just because it’s not all roses and fairy dust.
  11. Don’t because she’d take your kidney and then ghost you
  12. I can’t at her saying she had a car accident as the reason she was late 💀 compulsive lying…Photos or it didn’t happen.
  13. Sam Smith makes me cringe, it’s not because of his weight I just find him a bit contrived. What in the name of MDNA was that video? Yikes. I like a few Kim songs but she’s nothing incredible with her auto-tuned voice and shallow pop lyrics. I’m gonna sound like a snob, but I think this type of music is too immature for me now…I’ve grown out of it.
  14. No but I think it’s definitely the dullest with next to no new information
  15. This might be the most boring period of time in Lanaboards history. You can almost see the tumbleweeds.
  16. I think it’s clear, we need to make ‘soon’ a legal definition. By Law it will mean within 3 weeks maximum. Anyone who breaks this law will be locked up….Ben better get used to orange jumpsuits.
  17. Neil Krug was talking about Weyes Blood wasn’t he…when he said ‘coming in September’. And he probably knew we’d all think it was Lana he was talking about. ..bastard
  18. Another with a Lana dream today, I dreamt the album was called ‘Higher than the Queen in Heaven’ ….I woke up and laughed 💀
  19. Girl better wake up soon because I’m sick of this sleeping beauty routine… I’m gonna shake her awake on the first day of Fall.
  20. This is image hurts my brain so badly, whoever did the artwork needs firing. The album cover is also atrocious what was she thinking.
  21. We think she’s dropping album details this month and a single… actual reality - Lana dropping a 12 second snippet of a new song on the 30th of September captioned ‘love how the record turned out 🌊 ♥️ ‘
  22. Choreomania is incredible….
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