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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Is it the case the album isn’t titled or she isn’t ready to disclose the title? Most likely she HAS a few titles and is just being indecisive as usual. I don’t want her to announce another ‘Rock Candy Sweet coming June 1st’ I’d rather she was sure.
  2. BB has some great songs, but I think it’s justifiable to call it messy. For me I wasn’t hugely upset about old songs, disappointed but not that bothered….what did bother me is the quality of them being poor, like Cherry Blossom were quite flat and dull. If she re-recorded her old songs with some new production it would have been transformative. With BB I think Lana had recorded a few songs Arcadia, BB and WW and Textbook, she didn’t know what to do with them yet or if they should form an album…this is why she released three at once. It was a later decision to add other songs to form a full album, and fill the album with unreleased/leaked songs to form a record. I don’t think it’s something she planned, ‘ Rock Candy Sweet’ was what she was working on as an album and these other songs didn’t fit together on that project so she decided to release them on a separate album. I think most songs from BB were also left over from Chemtrails. So to begin with the planning for it was messy and lacking direction.
  3. I can’t watch her interviews they make me cringe….she’s like a ball of nerves but very flat at the same time
  4. For me it’s because her music can be pretty good, I like her sound and the atmosphere it gives off…it’s frustrating to see her not being able to reach her full potential musically and have several albums.
  5. Exactly, I think she needs transparency with fans. If it’s anxiety we’d understand more.
  6. So far her shows have been a disaster…how she keeps being late I don’t know. Can she not arrive earlier?? She needs to pull her shit together
  7. The idea of her releasing 12 music videos….would put her in an even deeper coma
  8. Not the worst idea…all the right wing nutcases can live like it’s the 1800’s all they want then. And people thought electing Biden would solve everything…things keep getting worse. You have to vote for everyone in government at a local level for any real change to happen.
  9. The Next 20th Century is such a good song… as good as any Lana track.
  10. America now is such a burning dumpster fire. I pray people go out and vote in the midterms so the dems can take back the senate with a good majority. Otherwise it’s gay rights/marriage, gay sex and contraceptives that will soon be gone and god knows what else. Very crucial times.
  11. I would too…have you seen how much it sells on Ebay?
  12. This sounds really good..Hope it’s another bop
  13. I know we’ve all said it at some point ..but I’m truly ‘done with her’ if she doesn’t put an album out this year! definitely it for me…I won’t be listening to her again. That and she needs to work on her live performances and stop blaming the sound/acoustics…she’s been moaning about the sound for years and doing that weird thing with her ear piece. The problem Sky is that you can’t sing live and it sounds awful…. it’s not the sound or volume you really do sound that bad and can’t hit any high notes. Sort yourself out girl and drop the act..get some practise and stop embarrassing yourself.
  14. ChaoticLipster


    Her videos for this album remind me of the film The Beach and Midsommar
  15. It’s such a waste really, she needs someone to write and produce better music for her.
  16. Beyoncé an incredible performer and vocalist but her albums and many of her songs are so boring or average.
  17. Don’t you have that planet Eclipse insta to update? What happened with that? You seem bored today sis
  18. You dreaming sweetie…all we ever do, and will do is make shit up from our asses…what else do you propose we do? Get lives? Lol
  19. Well I can’t near Nikki Lane so that’s all that matters
  20. I think it is a song from the record. This seems to be a possible shoot for the album or promotional material, most likely a magazine though.
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