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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Nah I still don’t want that many old songs on her album, sorry if it upsets people but it’s just my opinion really and I’m surely not the only one who thinks this ??‍♂️. I’m not supporting things being stolen at all, I just think it should be common practise to look after your belongings and have a password on something so important, it’s the same as locking your car and front door really…or should be seen as that. It’s a bit of a dumb thing to be careless and then turn around and say ‘well thieves should not exist’…well they do that’s just a harsh reality and you have to guard against it with a common sense approach . It’s not that deep in what I’m suggesting.
  2. If soon means 1-2 months than soonish and later later probably is 3-5 months…?
  3. Maybe I live in a world where things get stolen. If you’re going to be so blasé about security that is so easy to implement then you have some responsibility and I don’t see that is victim blaming the police would say the same thing. Theft is wrong but you cant leave stuff laying around unsecured with thousands of files with personal information and songs and expect nothing to happen. But I think Lana has learnt from it and is now trying to be more secure at the very least. I also never suggested she scrap songs just utilise them better, like can we all chill..everyone seems so uptight today jeez.
  4. True but then again we’ve all listened to the unreleased stuff. It’s like impossible to resist really and just in our human nature we’d want to hear it, even unfair to expect fans to not listen to them. I do understand Lana must feel violated, but part of me thinks she should accept we’ve already heard them, I think my main issue is her doing a proper album of unreleased songs…rather then her just plopping them on a record randomly. I’d also query how responsible Lana has been with security around her music, she had her laptop stolen and hard drives..horrible thing to happen. But she didn’t have basic security and encryption which she should have had, it’s like having a bike with no lock then complaining it’s got stolen. So it’s not like she’s totally blameless in all this.
  5. Yeah some of that I agree with, but if I were an artist I’d definitely not release a new album with songs people have already heard regardless of how they’ve heard them. It would be better to do an unreleased album as she suggested years ago. So it’s not her fault no, but it’s still a poor idea and misjudgment on her part. The name changes are still a shambles in my eyes, like I’ve said before she shouldn’t have mentioned them but it is what it is..this is how Lana operates random, chaotic and indecisive. Personally I’d not turn this on to fans being disrespectful, If I didn’t know anything about the album from insiders I’d still criticise the leaked songs being on the album so it’s all irrelevant really. I know it’s disheartening when artists you love get criticised and some of it may seem unfair but it would also be boring if everyone said they love everything and praised her endlessly. With any musician it’s just the norm that info get’s leaked and people have opinions about it.
  6. Sorry to be a party pooper but I don’t want songs we already have, one or two fine but 5-6 no way. Only exception is the album has 14- 15 songs. Thunder, cherry blossom Living Legend we already have those and don’t need to really be on an album. So my excitement for this album is very low.
  7. It’s 100% about money, and I hope his case get’s thrown out the ungrateful vulture. He should be thankful for the fame it’s given him. I’m offended he’s using child exploitation for his own gain how disgusting.
  8. ChaoticLipster


    I know right! it’s getting annoying, It reminds of another song..I’ve yet to figure out what song though
  9. She looked so hot here, the new one…too much makeup ugh
  10. ChaoticLipster


    Yes he did raise some good points, but 4? Maybe a 6 or 7….you have to factor in production and vocal delivery etc it’s not all on lyrics.
  11. ChaoticLipster


    He’s improved somewhat but he has still given female artists ridiculous scores, if you look at the type of male artists getting 8-9s it says it all. He just isn’t a fan of female singers.
  12. ChaoticLipster


    I actually think it has very good production and instrumentation and that sudden shift mid song ? what songs are better then in your opinion ? As expected from the misogynist, no way is the album that bad you’d have to lack knowledge about production and instrumentation - oh way he does lack musical knowledge!
  13. ChaoticLipster


    It’s not really getting panned though, it has 71% on Metacritic with no negative reviews. But compared to her past 2 albums it’s definitely not the critically acclaimed album we expected from her.
  14. ‘Are you sure you want to Block @LanaDelRey’ YES
  15. ChaoticLipster


    You are absolutely correct, but if you can do something that makes money and get’s you number 1 on the chart then why not? Surely her label care about money and her success ? I just like to see artists get praise and recognition who deserve it primarily. I think it’s possible Lorde wants to stick to a niche fanbase as she doesn’t handle the media pressure and fame so well.
  16. ChaoticLipster


    If you can make heads or tails of Billboard rules these days you deserve an award. Nobody here can it’s all illogical.
  17. Anyways here is my album cover rank, not sure if this should be in unpopular opinions or not lol 1. Born To Die - this is number one because it’s Iconic and easily the most recognisable 2. Norman Fucking Rockwell - also Iconic and you just can’t stop looking at it 3. Honeymoon - I didn’t like it at first but it works so well with the sound of the album 4. Lust For Life - unpopular but I love that she’s smiling and has come full circle from BTD 5. Ultraviolence - Found this very basic, although it sort of works she had better choices 6. Blue Banisters - Despite the praise I’m struggling to connect with it, this may change 7. Chemtrails - Lazy and uninspired, really a missed opportunity for what could have been an amazing album cover.
  18. ChaoticLipster


    ‘Solar Power’ by Lorde is projected to debut within the Top 5 of the Billboard 200 with 55-60k units. Yikes, but she can only blame herself for releasing a box with no CD which won’t count towards sales. Ridiculous business decision, almost as bad as OnlyFans banning porn.
  19. People not happy with the Blue Banisters album name….We can be thankful Lana has crafted such stunning Era’s with diversity vs other musicians who are so bland and repetitive like Ed for four eras…..
  20. ChaoticLipster


    Big star should have been the bonus track
  21. ChaoticLipster


    From the Nissan to the Phantom to the plane ? ? ✈️ We'll disappear in the cover of the rain. ?
  22. ChaoticLipster


    Omg I was just thinking the same thing ?
  23. ChaoticLipster


    I don’t know how you manage Lana albums then as many of her songs are snooze inducing and boring unless you’re in the mood for them.
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