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Everything posted by Edelgard

  1. Lmao it begins Somewhere there has to be a store gullible enough
  2. I am literally living for March 2020 Anyone else play Stardew too?
  3. The more i listen and rewind, and slow it down, the more I’m convinced it’s jazzBut then again it’s Just too vague to hear and the running out of time doesn’t make sense
  4. so the lyrics on AM are shit too we'll never know whether it's chances in LA or drugs in my veins
  5. what does that even mean isn't it chances in LA, it makes more sense
  6. doesnt apple music usually come with lyrics? i still have no idea what she says in the last minutes of FILY but i dont have AM
  7. So if any of you still thinks she’s retiring, she definitely confirmed she isn’t
  8. FILY in HQ sounds so much more haunting I’m excited to hear it tomorrow for real
  9. Not you guys ranking NFR based on lq recordings lmao
  10. The album is produced to hear in HQ. It’s unfair to judge an album based on what you hear off some shitty recording. You will miss so many nuancesHonestly do we need to explain this
  11. Thats so disgusting that you’re not free yetTime to run away from all the men in your country w NFR as your soundtrack
  12. Edelgard

    Fuck It, I Love You

    "chances in my veins" does she really say that because it doesn't make much sense
  13. I hope we can get the songs sooner But i guess they tend to drop at the same time as the vid
  14. In no order Solyaris Sedmikrasky American Beauty Lost in Translation All About Eve Double Indemnity The Lady from Shanghai Gilda Out of the Past La La Land Alphaville Vertigo Mulholland Dr Fallen Angels The Philadelphia Story Ghost World Persona Pierrot le Fou Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Corpse Bride
  15. Just reading the lyrics of California makes me wanna cry.. I can't wait to listen this
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