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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. I'm not a blind stan lol I'd rather have the album first then she can take her time to release the book that most of us will probably only read once
  2. Who even wants this book lol And weren't you banned? HTD who
  3. I've seen it, it's a really bad reaction tbh she just keeps saying how she loves lana but doesn't really mention technical stuff
  4. Don't ruin the album with more rap please give him the song or whatever
  5. Anne reggaeton is like this lol
  6. The uv production took away some of the beauty bb had Bitch please
  7. Why would you want bar to take a spot? We already have it + remember what happened to Black Beauty
  8. You didn't get ir. Doesn't matter if she did or not it doesn't fit that well
  9. HTD sounds kinda weak, like she tried to fit the lyrics in the melody but it sounds weird. Let's see the album version Anything has
  10. Someone has to ask her about it or else she won't. She probably doesn't even remember it lol
  11. I'm actually looking forward to this song. Yas mamma give me slow bops but also throw in guitars
  12. Yeah I know that's not how it works but for something like this you can't just apply cold statistics because the variables are not fixed
  13. By that you'd have to assume that Lana goes everywhere in the city and so does SunChild. If they both visit the same areas often the changes are way higher than if they live in opposite parts of the city and don't move much.Literally thousands of people have crossed lana, they just don't realize it's her or know it's her
  14. Eu não sei muito sobre política brasileira porque ninguém presta, mas um deles na cadeia melhor que nenhum. Até alguns meses atrás nem considerava voltar pra aquele buraco, e agora volto más ja com planos de sair em 2020. Mas outro mandato sem Lula melhor, o problema é que sao dois outros merdas agora que nao vao melhorar o país.
  15. France does have an immigrant integration problem though, but someone like Marine Le Pen shouldn't be president. Pra mim morria tudo e começava do zero
  16. Pride, All You Need, Aviation, Move, Bad Disease. The whole album, I just don't listen to Next To Me that much
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