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James Dean

How a homophobic, misogynist, racist ‘thing’ could be Brazil’s next president

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If you have time, can you please read these articles? We are having a bad time here in Brazil.

How a homophobic, misogynist, racist ‘thing’ could be Brazil’s next president

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New article after the votes:

Jair Bolsonaro wins Brazil vote but not outright victory

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I just want to you guys send me good vibes :*

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it really is unbelievable. i'm sending good vibes to you from argentina. what the fuck has happened to our countries to come to this??? i sincerely hope everyone in brazil rallies together to vote against bolsonaro. we're on the brink of dystopia :(

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Thanks for this thread, babe. It's unbeliaveble and very complex. I cried a lot yesterday because I see no good future for our country (with him or with Haddad, sorry). Dark times. My DMs are open if any brazilian here needs to talk (can't discuss politics deeply with my english).


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  On 10/9/2018 at 7:39 AM, InnAMORamento said:

off oh I did not know we have someone from Tunisia

I kinda plan in near future to come there and live for 2,3 months


my love for Arab boys is well known here



as for the theme

I do not follow politics but even if that person wins

will there really be a change for worse?


We in Serbia have openly lesbien prime minister

and that does not mean much for the gays

ok some things improved like Gay parades

but it is not because of her (I think)

I'm preeeeetty sure that as a gay you'll be accepted in a country like Tunisia

But yes arabs are hot


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Whats actually wrong with Brazil? they seem to have a lot of political problems and people revolting but how did it happen. I thought Brazil had enough like lower class and poor people that they would be a very socialist and liberal country but it doesnt seem like that?

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  On 10/9/2018 at 6:21 PM, Barry said:

Whats actually wrong with Brazil? they seem to have a lot of political problems and people revolting but how did it happen. I thought Brazil had enough like lower class and poor people that they would be a very socialist and liberal country but it doesnt seem like that?

Our middle class is huge + the poorest region in the country voted for the other guy


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Greetings from New York. I’m not too well versed in Brazilian politics, but I want to be able to console my Brazilian friend who is really frustrated with the electection and living in Brazil in general. Is there a chance he will lose? Is the opposing candidate not as bad? I don’t really know what to say.


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If you guys don't like Trump, Macri, or some other right-wing shit, you guys will not like him. Btw, people from Germany, what would happen if a man said that he admires Mengele or some shit like this? Well, Bolsonaro said that he admires Ustra (a man who tortured women against the military dictatorship in our country putting rats on their vagina). What he said is similar to see a german person saying that he admires some of the Hitler's allies 

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  On 10/10/2018 at 2:26 AM, Wynwood said:

why did people vote for him? were they forced to?


Nope, that's the worse part. People really believe he's the best option. Conservative forces in Brazil have grown a lot lately - people want liberation of the guns, people are against homossexuals, etc.

We have a very complex scenary because our latest goverment spent almost 15 years in power and became very unpopular, we had an impeachment and all. So Bolsonaro kinda represents a (fake) renovation


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  On 10/10/2018 at 2:37 AM, fl0ridakil0s said:

Nope, that's the worse part. People really believe he's the best option. Conservative forces in Brazil have grown a lot lately - people want liberation of the guns, people are against homossexuals, etc.

We have a very complex scenary because our latest goverment spent almost 15 years in power and became very unpopular, we had an impeachment and all. So Bolsonaro kinda represents a (fake) renovation

a queen who knows the shit.

Guys, here in Brazil, the right-wing is saying that nazism and fascism are left-wing movements 

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  On 10/10/2018 at 2:23 AM, Standing Ovation said:

Greetings from New York. I’m not too well versed in Brazilian politics, but I want to be able to console my Brazilian friend who is really frustrated with the electection and living in Brazil in general. Is there a chance he will lose? Is the opposing candidate not as bad? I don’t really know what to say.


Thanks for your message! I really don't think he will lose... The opposing candidate needs a lot of votes to win, the difference is huge. And well, the opposing - Haddad - is a nice guy, but his political party is involved in corruption scandals and is very unpopular because of the last years in power. I don't like them and I really wish we had a third option, but we don't.


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I'm so scared of what's happening right now. In one hand there is dangerous leaders that are explicitly violent and dangerous for various communities and in the other hand ignorant people that are voting not with knowledge but with raw, disgusting emotions as hunger or fustration. I'm scared because people are getting dangerously ignorant. We are voting as we are buying something, with instinct.

I really think that the biggest antogonist of policy is emotion.

It's my problem with this democracy system : so much incompetent people can take capital decisions by voting, I think it's necessary that countries educates their citizens about policy.

I just think and hope that international community will take a severe eye on Brazil.

A lot of love from France.


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He found great support with two arguments ...
The first: He said the government has created a 'gay kit' to teach children to be gay. That's a lie, the real project ("Schools without homophobia") was rejected in 2011. He's still talking, as if existed, he shows a book with sexual content for teenagers and says it's a part of the 'gay kit', and its another lie, children dont even have food on school, and he says: "I'm not going to show this book, you can find on public schools'. PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BELIEVE, they are on whatsapp believing on fake news.

The second: we suffer a coup d'état. Our Judiciary power is corrupted, but there is a large part of the population that believes in this power and has it as absolute truth. They managed to demoralize the potical party that has long been in power, arresting one of the country's most popular politicians, Lula. It is a bit sad to see people believing in the judiciary, I study the laws, I do law school, I studied the process, and well, everyone in the legal field knows that these lawsuits were full of nullities and incorrect procedures. (stupid people argue that such procedures not provided for by law should be allowed to guarantee conviction, unfortunately it is a very questionable thought for anyone who really deals with Law)

  On 10/10/2018 at 2:37 AM, fl0ridakil0s said:

Nope, that's the worse part. People really believe he's the best option. Conservative forces in Brazil have grown a lot lately - people want liberation of the guns, people are against homossexuals, etc.

We have a very complex scenary because our latest goverment spent almost 15 years in power and became very unpopular, we had an impeachment and all. So Bolsonaro kinda represents a (fake) renovation

gay tu trata de votar no 13 se não eu vou ser a primeira a morrer

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  On 10/11/2018 at 3:47 PM, lostindarkparadise said:


Oh yeah! We are having so much trouble for this fake news thing. People believe absolutely everything that's said on facebook or whatsapp. Terrible, terrible.


Also (not related to the quote above)....


Do you guys know Marine Le Pen? Yeah, that extreme-right politician, runned for president @ France, very prejudiced, huh... She feels that he says "uncomfortable things that wouldn't be accepted at France" (Link on french, link on portuguese) - yeah she says some shitty stuff on the interview (she doesn't consider him as extreme-right and says that "everything that isn't ok is considered extreme-right"), but I just want to show you all with who we are dealing with. Marine Le Pen feels uncomfortable about him. MARINE LE PEN.



  On 10/9/2018 at 6:21 PM, Barry said:

Whats actually wrong with Brazil? they seem to have a lot of political problems and people revolting but how did it happen. I thought Brazil had enough like lower class and poor people that they would be a very socialist and liberal country but it doesnt seem like that?


I ask myself that every single day

i won a underrated member lipster award im dog im nice don't come for me or i will eat u

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