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Make me your Dream Life

What each album reminds you of

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As a disclaimer and also bc I lowkey dislike it when threads recycle topics and (I'm) consciously aware that I might be doing that just now but not exactly.  

Since NFR's coming out, what kind of imagery do u see when it comes to listening to Lana's albums?
Btd, Paradise even, UV, HM, LfL, and Norman Fucking Rockwell (based off of MAC and VB, Hope and the snippets)

Be as lengthy as you'd like. March 29th isn't coming til after Feb, storytelling time etc. I'll probably add in to this post later on, or another in this thread but. Try to not think of specific tracks, but more of the albums as a different whole. 

Born To Die: I think of crocodiles for some reason (probably bc of Blue Jeans), snow, winter nights in the city, movement of people and traffic, traffic lights spec red yellow and green, and just running around being chased by a summer love. Light streams and being in the camera's focus while everything else surrounding you is moving in a faster motion


Paradise: infinity pools, an eerie quiet during the day. Canyons and the desert during sunset time. Lots of flowers dancing on a mountainside in healthy sunlight. Liquor. The color turquoise. Feeling safe in someone else's eyes, fireworks and dive bars, afterhours and neon motel signs. Cigarettes and how they smell


Ultraviolence: gets me thinking of cologne, looking at beach/coast photos taken in black and white right after sunset. Vegas, more neon signs, dirty bars, and how they can smell awful but doesn't repel u still. Violet and orange flowers, lakes filled with red wine. Electric guitars, rockstars shirtless and their beads of sweat glistening through the stage lights. Yellow dim lit hotel rooms, and looking across other black buildings with tiles of rooms lit in different colors at night. Living in black and white, soft bleach blonde hair 


Honeymoon: hibiscus stamens, mafiosi Italian men with attractive scars on their faces and bodies. Black suits, white shirts. Waiting by the pool in the summer heat to just tan. Old Hollywood and the strip during the day and night, and how it contrasts. Blue skies and pink milkshakes, bookstores and iced tea, fighting with your boyfriend til he finally gets rude with u but you like it when he does. Pretty vintage, vhs quality porn w a plot, citrus notes in cologne. Hawaii


Lust For Life: the Carpenters. Wuthering Heights. Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights video version 1, cold days, hiking up a neighboring hill, and watching how the skies bleed orange while being surrounded by grey storm clouds, and how the light touches everything all warm. Gets me thinking of either extreme heat or blistering cold, nothing really in between. Cherry pie at an Italian restaurant


At the moment, Norman Fucking Rockwell: beach cities, and industrial sites. LSD and drugs and co. Monaco grand prix, the Mariah Carey Loverboy music video. Tall windows, marbled floors, staying inside when it's perfectly sunny outside. The color pink, pale violet, and light yellow - Pines, and strangely enough, her track Terrence Loves You






Sound off!  :lanahottie: 


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AKA to me is desert, trailer parks, trips to Vegas, motels, sunsets, etc


Born to Die is summer in LA or NYC depending on the song, spent with your lover and best friends. Fireworks, trips to historic mansions with huge gardens, old cars


Paradise is a fall album to me, sad and lonely till comfort is founded in older men. Swimming pools in lush gardens as well


Ultraviolence is a sad winter or a rage filled summer. Hydrangeas, loneliness, drugs, leather jackets, and trips to the beach


Honeymoon makes think of a hazy, hot Italian summer spent alone in a rose garden. There are songs on both it and UV that make me are pale pink, old photo albums with photographs stained by time, fragile, dead, wilted roses, stale perfume, strands of pearls, and faded, stained dollar bills


LFL is so all over the place I can’t describe it in this way lol

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Born to Die album reminds me of the abuse women LGBT T and minorities who are not white have had in America and the chronicle that the camera has to report on that documentary style (not propaganda style) the sigh, horror of it all...

abuse without filter and without trump like recreation spin with a billion dollar spin machine that delves into anarchy totalitarianism and the hatred trump and trumpies have for women and minorities who are not white and anyone who is not trump or his puppet Putin.


Paz was called troubled, Paz could not find work etc  from the video that Lana presented to the public and not doing it for commercial reasons so prophetic that

from the start, it made Lana already one of the greatest songwriters singers poet of all time.


continuing to today (one of the reasons Coachella the song is so important...



this is a work in progress

come back later


and yes, fuck fuck fuck fuck William trumplike Logan and your fucking review of Leonard Cohen (who is so important in the discussion of Lana Del Rey & Ms. Grant)

you wish you had 1 one gadzillionth of talent Leonard did  and you know what, you don't know Jack either.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Born to Die: Reminds me of early spring in New York. Peach lipgloss. Boarding school shenanigans. Subway rides. Car rides along city bridges with the sun peering in through the windows. Sipping ice cold Pepsi in a beautiful rose garden while 50's music plays through a radio. Night time street walking.


Paradise: The color gold. Bright turqouise pools outside of a fancy hotel. Diamonds. Baby deers roaming leafy gardens. Renaissance paintings. Cigar smell. Fruit. California and NY. Driving along desert roads. Fancy galas. Looking up at the stars in the night time sky. Biblical figures and imagery.


Ultraviolence: Convertibles. Old timey noir movies. California/Italy/NY. Red lipstick. White silk dresses. A huge mansion. Guns. The smell of whiskey. Billie Holiday. Diamonds. Older men. Quentin Tarantino movies. Dive bars. Mascara tears. Pills. Rosaries. Bible references. Cults in the 60's and 70's. Tambourines.


Honeymoon: Pink flowers. Italy/Hollywood. Strawberry ice-cream. Mafia and murder. Flamingos. Italian cuisine. Sailing on yachts. Champagne. Slow dancing. Pink sunset skies. Big shady hats. Warm golden sand. Churches. Heaven. Cruises. Tennis courts. Tragedy.


Lust for Life: Daisies. Creamy magnolias. Go go dancing. Studio 54. Acoustic guitars gathering dust in a corner of a room. Protesting. Mini dresses. Black and white TV. California in the 60's. Summer. Static.


Norman Fucking Rockwell: Lots of blue. Mountains. Cold air. Butterflies. Oil paints. Winter snow. Pines. Lots of trees. Highway roads. 60's folk piano ballads. Mossy rivers. Converse sneakers. Cheap lemonade.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Born to Die: reminds me of Daule, the city where I grew up


Paradise: reminds me of the city where I did study college, Guayaquil. Too hot and too much rain


Ultraviolence: lined up with my discovery of drugs, so it basically reminds me when I was a weedhead


Honeymoon: it was released when my mom kicked me off the house, so it reminds me very hard times, extreme poverty for me


Lust for Life: Reminds me of Buenos Aires and my last formal boyfriend.




Everything very personal, lol.

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Born to Die: 50s clothing, bars, motorcycles


Paradise: Religious imagery and churches


Ultraviolence: Graveyards, road trips at night, rock concerts


Honeymoon: Beautiful hotels, swimming pools, flamingos, weddings, elegant dresses


Lust for Life: Cherries and Peaches, huge gardens, road trips when the sun is shining the brightest, hippie clothing, the smell of flowers and fruits


#gossipgirledit from you, me and the sea


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Born To Die:

the exploration of sexuality as a teenager, finding yourself. What you like and dont like. Curiosity.



A very broken state of mind. For me, it reminds me of a period in my life I call "the grey area". Where I wasnt really living. Just existing. And loving someone who could no longer love me



Relaxing car rides, the urban outfitters I attended for the listening party. Also a sense of like, self care and contemplation. When HM came out I was coming to terms with my sexuality. And came out a few months after its release. So I guess I relate it to a bit of growth, and acceptance etc.


Lust For Life:

Being in love, and all of the things that come can with it (happiness, butterflies, heart break, and darkness)

Having fun. Skipping school. Going to parties. Having everything go to shit but not 100% regretting bc you had so much fun in the moment.

But lastly (and most importantly) Change. Life isnt always daisies and sunshine. The moment you least expect it, life throws you a curve ball and shatter your world. For me, it was my Grandfather dying about a month after the album dropped. Not only did it bring immense pain and sadness. But the album had a new place in my heart. Get Free literally felt like it was written for me to have when he passed. And I whisper his name in the blanks of the song Lana left (where Amy and Whitney would be). As of now, the album reminds me of Life as a whole. All of its highs and all of its lows. And for that, I appreciate it Infinitely. It gave me a lust for life when life punched me in the guts, and gave me a soundtrack when life filled me with happiness.

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Born to Die  New York chick in search for some excitement. A getaway to Las Vegas with your sugar daddy; checking into motels. Driving along the strip for hours just marveling at the life and neon signs. Befriending a group of girls and running mayhem around town. Young, fresh, and doe-eyed at the world around. Having a lot of fun and mischief in a short space of time. 


Paradise - Religious imagery. Heaven and Hell. Angels and demons. Hollywood legends. Reciting poetry. Opulent living and overindulgence. The Sistine Chapel. Private islands and golden sunsets. Living fast, living life to try to attain ultimate fulfillment. Blood oranges and red roses with thorns. 


Ultraviolence - Smoke-filled room. Cults and living frugally. Drug trips and long drive holidays to Cali, Yosemite. Getting drunk by the seaside with your friends. Being a side chick for married men and its ultimate consequences. Having quick love but ultimately being alone in the long-run. The search for glory and power in a fame-hungry world. 


Honeymoon -  Pink lemonade. Hazy dreams. A Kaleidoscope. The Italian Riviera. Very hot summer days. Living like an old Hollywood film star. Silk robes. Botanical gardens and luscious, well maintained gardens in stately homes. Greek sculptures. Going undercover for a day; a femme fatale on the run but still deeply in love with her tragic lover. Jazz bars. 


Lust for Life - 60s dream. Having an urge to start a revolution. Protests and coming together to help the greater good. Working 9-5 and coming home to your studio. Large mountainous regions and long winding lakes. Green pick-up trucks and going to cabins in woodland area. Strong cups of coffee. Going to your local cafe to watch an acoustic open mic performance. Summer turning into Autumn.


Norman Fucking Rockwell! - 70s life. Laurel Canyon, Californian state of mind and living. A home by the sea, daily surfing. Listening to beat poets perform. Painting as a hobby and staying up late in your art studio. Going to parties with other creative minds and hearing Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, and Carole King play over the radio. 

source.gif source.gif

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Born to Die- summer, the city streets, midday, Tropical plants and flowers, Blue skies, the colour pink and sky blue, long hair, short dresses, long nails, heels or bare feet, also summer evenings on the beach. Red lips, swimming pools.


PARADISE- Summer evenings and summer nights with starry skies, canvas shoes, denim shorts. Gold makeup and bare lips. Palm trees. Bar drinks and neon lights. Lightning. Basically anything that's getting in touch with your inner goddess, both of rage and beauty. Gold and deep blue


ULTRAVIOLENCE- Stormy waves, overcast skies, winter, being alone, cigarettes, car windows down. Ripped jeans, messy wavy hair. Converse. City lights. The beach at night. Roses in a vase. Dried blood, bruises (not the domestic violence type tho, dw). Colour grey


HONEYMOON- spring, flowers and grass. White clouds. Open fields, sun rays and sun glare. Picnic blankets, lemonade, fairy lights, neon lights. Shawls, strawberries, botanic gardens. Quiet drives. Pale blue


LUST FOR LIFE- starry nights, viewing city lights at night, daisies, living life simple, protests, music festivals, white clothing, the moon, shooting stars. Navy blue. Mostly summer, but maybe when spring is becoming summer.

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