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Sky Ferreira

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I finally found this omg who remembers  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:





I was so hopeful back in 2012-2013 that eventually all her old pop demos would leak. I get less hopeful each year tbh. I'm also getting less hopeful that she'll even release another album ever again. And the fact we might never get Guardian.... ohhhhhh my god I want to cry.  :rollin:


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Honest to god this breaks my heart



As much as I want all of her unleaked music that we have snippets/live/etc. I want this song more than I've ever wanted anything to leak in history. Even if she did like a live studio performance of it like she did with YNTO I'd be satisfied. I swear to christ this is my favorite song she's ever written I get so emotional watching her perform it. Ugh.


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Honest to god this breaks my heart




As much as I want all of her unleaked music that we have snippets/live/etc. I want this song more than I've ever wanted anything to leak in history. Even if she did like a live studio performance of it like she did with YNTO I'd be satisfied. I swear to christ this is my favorite song she's ever written I get so emotional watching her perform it. Ugh.

i really wish this song was released :( i hope she doesn't scrap it if she ever releases new music again

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I think something is coming this year. Like not sure why I think it's just... Worldcup year??

I looked on an upcoming releases website and masochism is listed to be released this year, it must be true because the list had every other artist that had released music previously



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I looked on an upcoming releases website and masochism is listed to be released this year, it must be true because the list had every other artist that had released music previously


tbh she has been on upcoming release lists since 2015 but I do have the tiniest bit of hope about this year. 


Honest to god this breaks my heart



As much as I want all of her unleaked music that we have snippets/live/etc. I want this song more than I've ever wanted anything to leak in history. Even if she did like a live studio performance of it like she did with YNTO I'd be satisfied. I swear to christ this is my favorite song she's ever written I get so emotional watching her perform it. Ugh.


I feel the same but im slightly worried I don't fully appreciate it cause I have played the live versions so much

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I think she heard you guys... she’s mixing Guardian on her Instagram stories right now!


I can't tell if you're joking or not


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