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Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Blue Banisters  

899 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Blue Banisters?

    • Text Book
    • Blue Banisters
    • Arcadia
    • Interlude - The Trio
    • Black Bathing Suit
    • If You Lie Down With Me
    • Beautiful
    • Violets for Roses
    • Dealer
    • Thunder
    • Wildflower Wildfire
    • Nectar of the Gods
    • Living Legend
    • Cherry Blossom
    • Sweet Carolina

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12 minutes ago, prettywhenimhigh said:


is it confirmed tho?

if you lie down to me sounds like a radio hit tbh I think it's the most commercial one along with thunder and nectar


15 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

Is it confirmed??? Omg where 

If you lie down w me is being put on major spotify playlists, while no other BB track is. Soooo odds are it’s the next single, otherwise they’d pick a different song to put on playlists. (hopefully thunders the next one after this tho :deadbanana:)


9 minutes ago, arcadialovesong2018 said:

does a song have to be a single to play on the radio? 

can't they just play it regardless? 

depends on the radio station - usually, a song has to be sent to radio in order for them to play it at all, or else they can get in trouble with the label. however, if it’s like, a college radio station or something super small, there’s a possibility they won’t care and will just play anything. 

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Although I love all the songs on Blue Banisters, I have to admit that COCC makes more sense as an album than BB does and I’m not surprised it’s not as highly rated by the critics as COCC was. COCC truly deserves 81 points on metacritic and you’ll understand this sooner or later.


BB is still a good ass album tho, her whole discography is truly untouchable.

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I just saw a post about all the critics’ ratings and honestly who truly cares what they say or think? I feel like in most cases, the best albums don’t get rated very high. Fuck the critics, we’re fucking laughing at them :thumb3:



Loving this album, the day is grey and gloomy where I am and it matches the album perfectly. Cherry blossom could’ve been an email though :creep3: but it’s cute anyway.



Chemtrails was the bread they bring u at restaurants as the appetizer before the actual main course (BB) :oprah3:


Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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ok i'm done enjoy :cuteface:



Blue Banisters- Lana Del Rey ★★★★★



Cavernous drums and stark silence introduce the next studio album “Blue Banisters” by Lana del Rey


“I guess you could call it text book….I was looking for the father that I wanted back…..”


Setting us up for a curation of ballads and bops that dive deep into who Lana Del Rey, where’s she’s been, and where she is now.  This isn’t a typical album from the New York born singer songwriter, it builds on and explores experimental vocals and sounds that we’ve never heard from the artist.


From the unhinged but addictive outro of “Black Bathing Suit” to the bluesy jazzy ethereal horns at the end of “If you lie down with me” and the hazy inebriating sounds of the Miles Kane feature, “Dealer”.


The first three songs on the album are simply a stunning introduction to Blue Banisters. Text Book, Blue Banisters, and Arcadia. Blue Banisters takes a dive into the more folk side of Del Rey. “There’s a picture on the wall, of me on a John Deere” Followed by images of her surrounded by friends and loved ones helping her pick up the pieces again. Her vocals shine through on this song and you can feel her emotion in this line:


“I’m scared of the Santa Clarita fires I wish that it would rain” She pleads in what may be the purest form of her voice we’ve heard so far.


Arcadia may as well be something out of Disney. A mix between classic Del Rey and expanding upon glorious strings and horns that sound like they came down from the heavens.


Just as you find yourself gently floating away The Trio comes. Ennio Morricone is joined with deep and intense trap beats that really shake you, wake you, and prepare you for the journey the rest of the album takes you on.


What happens after the Trio is only something Lana Del Rey could pull off. A run of five incredible songs, some old and some new, that all work together to tell the story of Blue Banisters. There are some of her strongest moments in her career here:


Black Bathing Suit is almost every Lana Del Rey sound fused seamlessly into one song. Slowly unraveling to the eruption that is an outro filled with psychedelia and powerful, almost yelling vocals and some jabs about her treatment by media and public.


“Oh let em talk about me, They’re just yesterday’s news, They’re fucking broke and we’re laughing about them”


If you lie down with me, Beautiful, Violets for Roses, Dealer and Thunder are followed by Black Bathing Suit and are absolutely incredible highlights.


From being misunderstood in Beautiful “Let me run with the wolves, let me do what I do, Let me show you how sadness can turn into happiness, I can turn blue into something. Beautiful, beautiful Beautiful like you.” A lush ballad of breathy piano and crystal clear vocals. A stark contrast to Dealer, featuring Miles Kane where Lana can be heard nearly screaming in the chorus with her last fuck to give “I don’t wanna live, I don’t wanna give you nothing, cause you never give me nothing back.” Dealer is the best bad trip you’ve ever had and one of Lana’s most memorable songs.


Thunder is another highlight on Blue Banisters. It brings you in with strings that spiral like a tornado, and slowly builds up introducing different musical elements and a beautiful choir singing in the background. Thunder sounds like a song that has always been around, it exists in a place you can feel but you cannot touch, as is usually the case with Lana’s music.


Overall, Blue Banisters is a top tier entry into Lana Del Rey’s catalogue. Deeply exploring her past relationships with her parents, family and friends in a way that she’s never done before. The older songs on the album seem to fit right in, adding to a larger part of dialogue. Not only is Lana a singer and songwriter on this album, but an instrument as well, distorting her voice and using it in innovative ways to evoke vivid emotions and visions.  Blue Banisters is a recipe for a nearly perfect album. Lana Del Rey has evolved to what sounds like her truest and most vulnerable self artistically and is more confident than ever. We can only imagine the places she’ll go next, as she herself has said there will always be more music. An album that will be referenced in the future for its exploration in current events and culture as well as a sound that will for sure influence other artists, Lana Del Rey herself is a Living Legend.


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goodbye to...

"Liz, I'm Calling From Calihoma"

"My Thoughts Are Not Borrowed - Just Blue"

"Good God"

"Santa Monica Sinner"


We won't forget you. Y'all the most beautiful fake LDR songtitles ever (especially Liz, I'm calling from Calihoma by @IanadeIrey iconic af)


@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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5 minutes ago, CmonDownToFL said:

I just saw a post about all the critics’ ratings and honestly who truly cares what they say or think? I feel like in most cases, the best albums don’t get rated very high. Fuck the critics, we’re fucking laughing at them :thumb3:



Loving this album, the day is grey and gloomy where I am and it matches the album perfectly. Cherry blossom could’ve been an email though :creep3: but it’s cute anyway.



Chemtrails was the bread they bring u at restaurants as the appetizer before the actual main course (BB) :oprah3:




who gives a sh*t what they think... after all they trashed BTD and 10 years later , they are re correcting scores and apologizing for not seeing the greatness / authenticity back then.... 


Kate Bush albums are gold and have low ratings , it almost makes it better. I love our sad girl bad girl so much! 

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2 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:

goodbye to...

"Liz, I'm Calling From Calihoma"

"My Thoughts Are Not Borrowed - Just Blue"

"Good God"

"Santa Monica Sinner"


We won't forget you. Y'all the most beautiful fake LDR songtitles ever (especially Liz, I'm calling from Calihoma by @IanadeIrey iconic af)


Aw, thank you!! I was really proud of that title lol :kiss::spin::thankyou:


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it'll be awhile before i can figure out where it fits in my ranking of her discography, but i love BB and think it's such a gorgeous addition to her corpus.


text book: i love the moodiness of the verses, bringing together a sort of '60s jazz/pop sounds with twangy guitars to boot– you really see lana bringing together so many of her influences in new ways.

BB: the storytelling on this song is unbelievable. i know lots of ppl here hate lana's super specific references to her friends but i think it adds a level of intimacy that really brings the story home for me. also still think the "jenny" in the song is jenny lewis and the thought of the two of them discussing the difficult of finding a male partner when you're an iconic woman genius is wild.

arcadia: i have to admit that this song doesn't super hit for me. i find the verses, melodically, to be a bit meh and while the chorus is gorgeous, it's also a little corny/sounds like a sweeping hilton hotel commercial. i don't hate it but i also think i'll be listening to it much. thank said, the orchestral horns add SO much (i want horns in lana songs..all the time lol).

interlude: fine, cute, random, don't mind it.

BBS: one of my favorite songs on the album and, as everyone has already discussed, a new sound for lana that to me sounds like chemtrails warm, organic instrumentation but expanded, looser, wilder, messier in an exciting way. i was also delighted to see the quarantine voice notes songs come together here...would love to hear the original voice notes to see how lana's process of building a song happens.

if you lie down with me: def a fav on the album. this 2013/pre-UV era of lana's songwriting is an all time favorite, she was deep in her 70s rock shit and those songs feel so timelessly perfect to me. the lyrics are very different to to her current lyrics in many ways– certainly there's not the complexity and questioning of the newer songs– but that's also typical of many UV songs (some of which are my favs, so no shade, looking at you sad girl). the horns at the end are pure HEAVEN and i truly feel blissed out when they come in. i hope lana does a jazz album in the vein of the other woman and these horns someday.

beautiful: i'm so sorry to say it– i know many of you love it!– but this is my least fav lana song is years and years. corny, overwrought, generic sounding af. it's not a bad song but literally any of these girls could sing it. it joins lucky ones and love as the few lana songs i seriously dislike. all that said, sometimes it takes me years to come around to a song (hello love song and music to watch boys to) so i may be singing its praises eventually.

violets for roses: love this one! as a die hard COCC fan this song spoke to me, imo it could easily have fit on that album. i'm also obsessed with lana singing/writing about flowers so any song w TWO kind of flowers in it is my jam. this song is like a warm breeze on a sleepy, hot day, thinking of the past but only to notice that the present is so much better.

dealer: love it! it could not be more different from what i thought it would be based on the interview from last year– i thought it would be a super melodramatic dirge about pain and suffering. but the reality of it is so much weirder and more quintessentially lana. also love hearing her do new things with her voice. she moves so easily through so many genres, moods, and expressions and dealer is a great of example of how this continues to be true.

thunder: loved the leaked version, love this version. while the leak is looser, it's also less dynamic. the violins have that jangly, 60s pop sound that works perfectly with the melody and rhythm of the song.

WFWF: the initial fav of the three singles that were released and imo the most "lana" sounding song on the album for people still wanting high drama and electronic sounds. lyrics are obviously devastating. again we see how she tries new things and tries to build new structures even for expressing themes that are familiar in her discography. the stardust lines and some of my fav lyrics on the album period.

NOTG: was one of my all time fav unreleaseds and now one of my fav released. lana's vocal performance, combined ennui and deep feeling, is unreal, in top form here. lyrics that read a little stupid by themselves ("i get wild on you baby/wild and fucking crazy/like the color blue") sound like the words of god when she sings them. idk, there's just something about her vocals and emotional presence in this (old) era of songs that kills me.

LL: as an unreleased this way always an almost-there song for me; it always seemed a little like the slightly crappier (but still good) version of ITTJ, and maybe it's just the fact that they leaked around the same time so i was listening to them both a lot. i think that has colored my view of the song and that i will soon come it really love it in it's own right, but that hasn't happened yet. i understand that it has what NOTG, CB, and IYLDWM have and am a little annoyed that that's not clicking in my brain yet.

CB: again, a fav unreleased and still a fav. what i love about these slow, moody songs is how much space there is in them, how she's drawn out the melody to create just the right amount of tension between each phrasing. the vocals are SO intimate, fragile, and tender, it absolutely kills. next to sweet carolina it makes me want a full piano lullaby album– lana's tori amos era incoming??

SC: just gorgeous. the lyrics make me want to weep ("we love every hair on your head, love you like god loves you" omgggg...i am agnostic but understanding that loving someone like god loves them aka absolutely unconditionally is so fucking sweet and earnest), the melody is very early disney princess (i forget who first mentioned it in the prerelease thread but shoutout to you), i'm thinking snow white, v 1930s vibes. the piano is also a goddamn serve, shout out to rob. i love lana's weird lyrics, they're obvs super personal ref to her life, in jokes, so the iPhone etc lines don't bother me at all.


overall, a killer album, lana truly being her most lana self (old songs new songs loose songs lullabies rock and roll jazz folk), a wonderful and much needed addition to her brilliant catalog. DYING for a damn tour in 2022!!


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2 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

Aw, thank you!! I was really proud of that title lol :kiss::spin::thankyou:


"Liz, I'm calling from Calihoma" truly has her moment. Can you try to put a hex on Lana to make her write a song with this title for LDR9?

Or might as well make it LDR9 album title.


@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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3 minutes ago, paradisetropico said:



who gives a sh*t what they think... after all they trashed BTD and 10 years later , they are re correcting scores and apologizing for not seeing the greatness / authenticity back then.... 


Kate Bush albums are gold and have low ratings , it almost makes it better. I love our sad girl bad girl so much! 

the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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1 minute ago, Whore of Tropico said:

"Liz, I'm calling from Calihoma" truly has her moment. Can you try to put a hex on Lana to make her write a song with this title for LDR9?

Or might as well make it LDR9 album title.


Hehe let’s do it, the power of you and me :typewriter::yesnod:

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