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LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread

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4 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

Hopefully L4L was her last bridge, Chemtrails her last country album and BB her last mix of piano ballads and unreleased stuff. From now on please only bombastic albums in style of NFR with hyper new sound!

Do you even enjoy listening to Lana’s music or… ?


The legacy

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4 hours ago, finalgirl said:

here are my two cents. i don’t think that the whole trilogy thing was supposed to be taken seriously. i thought it was more of an exaggeration and put this new lana (nfr/cocc/bb) in a box, and it so happens to coincidentally be a trilogy just as the old lana (btd/uv/hm) with the next trilogy ahead, lana will be in a way different level than this one!

I don’t know what to make of the whole « trilogy » thing anymore, or even « the new direction » of LDR9: I love Eclipse, but how much of the new album he got to hear, to say it’s in a new direction and not just the « lead single »? Plus with her changing her idea all the time, how much of a «planned out trilogy » does she really have in mind?!? 
anyways, lately, I’ve been seeing her albums as pairs of yin and Yang, so I’m not sure what to make of categorizations anymore.

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4 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

Hopefully L4L was her last bridge, Chemtrails her last country album and BB her last mix of piano ballads and unreleased stuff. From now on please only bombastic albums in style of NFR with hyper new coherent sound!

chemtrails = “country album” 😭 😭 there’s like one country song on there but okay

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1 hour ago, ImenaOphelia said:

I really hope that it won't be only digital release. Lana is the queen of vinyl and I can't even imagine not buying one :cuteface:

that will never happen anyways seeing how bad her streams are now :ma: 

no label would allow that. at most she’ll be able to release it digitally first and release the vinyls months later when they are ready, which should’ve been the case for cocc and which is the best option considering she gets bored during the vinyl production 

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1 hour ago, ImenaOphelia said:

I really hope that it won't be only digital release. Lana is the queen of vinyl and I can't even imagine not buying one :cuteface:

this but i hope we won’t get 82742838 versions again like we did w chemtrails bc being a variant collector is so stressful 😭


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My thoughts on the “trilogy” comment that others have echoed sentiments of and touched on:


Even though BTD, UV, and HM are sonically very different, the composition, subject matter, and writing styles are all very similar across the albums. Her first three records—in my opinion—had a heavier emphasis on grandiosity and mystery which lended to a very escapist, transportive quality in both the production and storytelling.

The writing (with some exceptions) had different stylistic choices compared to her past three records. While her early work was largely characterized by weaving together sensory details to create an impressionist tapestry of her memories and emotions, records like NFR, COCC, and BB are far more diaristic and conversational, making it some of her most intimate work to date. In my opinion, both the organic production and confessional songwriting traded some of the secrecy and enigma behind Lana Del Rey for vulnerability.


As others have suggested, LFL showed that Lana is capable of juggling both, penning the poetic and revealing while also piecing together these imaginative pockets of reality to plunge the listener in. 

I’m not sure what this means for LDR9 and the albums to come, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a new shift (however that will manifest). Lana’s incredibly versatile, and regardless of whether it’s merely an extension of the past 3 records, I think something refreshing is headed our way!

“…and this is all I looked for all my life – to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear of…misuse, betrayal.”
Sylvia Plath 

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Does anyone know which Lana songs/records Boz likes most?

I’m trying to get a better idea of what he considers a “GOOD” track (as he described the upcoming single)

“…and this is all I looked for all my life – to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear of…misuse, betrayal.”
Sylvia Plath 

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1 hour ago, lanasbottom said:

at most she’ll be able to release it digitally first and release the vinyls months later when they are ready, which should’ve been the case for cocc and which is the best option considering she gets bored during the vinyl production 

well cotcc also shows how important is vinyl for Lana and her label(s). it's so sad to agree but yeah, Lana' stream are not so good and I think that vinyl and CDs are big part of her profits.

1 hour ago, L Del Ray said:

this but i hope we won’t get 82742838 versions again like we did w chemtrails bc being a variant collector is so stressful 😭

same sis, I hope we'll get as many variants as Blue Banisters has, maybe additional picture disc

archiving any ldr-related stuff I can find (like, literally)





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I agree on the trilogy thing. In BTD-Paradise/UV/HM Lana is girl who gaining experience, searching life's purpose and kinda teenager mentally when NFR/COCC/BB she is more wise, mature, still wandering but knowing slowly what she wants. LDR9 was maybe start finding what Lana wants and allowing to freedom, craziness and knowing 100 % what doing in life and started caring bout consequences cause she knows how to avoid them being crazy.

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If we don't get an official vinyl pressing, I'm making my own. Ya'll artists better get prepared to make the back cover :gurl:


I'm manifesting that Lana stays happy and inspired in the new year! Whatever is coming, I can't wait to see what she has in store for us. I don't really understand the album-trilogy thing. I see every album as a whole different side of Lana, but always has her signature. She has a way of music that nobody can replicate. 

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1 hour ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

My thoughts on the “trilogy” comment that others have echoed sentiments of and touched on:


Even though BTD, UV, and HM are sonically very different, the composition, subject matter, and writing styles are all very similar across the albums. Her first three records—in my opinion—had a heavier emphasis on grandiosity and mystery which lended to a very escapist, transportive quality in both the production and storytelling.

The writing (with some exceptions) had different stylistic choices compared to her past three records. While her early work was largely characterized by weaving together sensory details to create an impressionist tapestry of her memories and emotions, records like NFR, COCC, and BB are far more diaristic and conversational, making it some of her most intimate work to date. In my opinion, both the organic production and confessional songwriting traded some of the secrecy and enigma behind Lana Del Rey for vulnerability.


As others have suggested, LFL showed that Lana is capable of juggling both, penning the poetic and revealing while also piecing together these imaginative pockets of reality to plunge the listener in. 

I’m not sure what this means for LDR9 and the albums to come, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a new shift (however that will manifest). Lana’s incredibly versatile, and regardless of whether it’s merely an extension of the past 3 records, I think something refreshing is headed our way!

I think the same! Trilogy releates to lyrics - BTD, UV and Honeymoon mostly have lyrics about men, daddies, living in the big cities, etc. when NFR, COTCC and BB are about maturity, living in village, Lana's family and friends. Lust for Life is an album for fans and doesn't belong to any of these.

archiving any ldr-related stuff I can find (like, literally)





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