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Somerset, ENG @ Glastonbury Festival - June 24th, 2023

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On 3/9/2024 at 6:23 PM, AnW said:

Just was going through a festival forum and found this goss about what happened backstage after Miss Grant was cut off...




Lana Del Rey - Glasto


"So, I have just got off the phone to a friend who works at Other Stage - won't say more as I don't want to identify him for obvious reasons.

Apparently this all started because her stylist was late getting on site - apparently there was either a mixup with the pass or travel issues: he isn't sure. She was told several times by the stage manager (and also confirmed with Michael/Emily) that under no circumstances could it go past the curfew because it needs to be staggered. She was offered to be put in contact with various stylists on site for other artists but she refused. Essentially said "the crowd will wait for me and you can't do anything about it". Said she retreated to her dressing room/trailer with her manager/entourage and refused to discuss it further.

Stylist turns up, and again they stress to her that if she's late on, she'll need to cut songs. Again, her and her road manager just brush it off and tell them that the crowd are all there to see her. Won't discuss it further. People frantically running round calling for her to come out and go on. She won't engage. Eventually they threaten to pull her entire set and she reluctantly goes on but manager is being really aggressive to the stage crew at the start of the set. Refusing to drop any songs despite being told again that it's an absolute midnight limit.

Set starts, stage crew are telling her from the side that she needs to drop songs. They were desperate not to embarrass her so they're trying to communicate this. Manager still being a dick at this point. Then she starts vaping (the festival will get fined for this) and this really pisses everyone off. Stylist comes on and starts doing her hair on stage, which confused everyone. A few more attempts to get her to take out songs (she alludes to this on stage) and then there's another panic as deadline approaches, more calls to Michael/Emily and the decision is made to cut the set.

He had to go off and deal with an issue elsewhere at this point, but apparently it got very ugly backstage after. Threats of legal action, shouting and screaming. Saying that they'll "ruin the festival".

I'm actually a massive Lana fan (last two albums are amazing) but I have had similar experiences live with her (the disappearing into the front of the crowd for 20 minutes especially) so I went to Guns n' Roses instead. I'm really sorry for everyone involved here especially the crowd - two girls I was camping with were absolutely devastated as it was their highlight of the festival. I can understand people being angry at the festival but this is the sort of thing that loses stage managers and experienced crew their jobs and reputations. And it's a fair point that Bruce and Macca were given more time but A) they didn't behave rudely to the stage crew before going on and B) the festival was fined and given a severe telling off for both of those things and the festival does have to be very careful these days with complaints and the council. There are a lot of people in the council and living locally who would be more than happy for the festival to be permanently cancelled, or hugely scaled back.

Having watched the show back, what is there is magnificent. That could have been one of the all time great sets. I'm sure she'll have her reasons and maybe she just assumed it was edgy to do it, but apparently the stage crew were saying that they've never had to deal with such a stressful and rude situation in their career. And some of them have worked at Glastonbury for 25 years.

Just sad for all involved ☹️"

wait what i just saw this now

if this is 100% true shes definitely never coming back to glasto again lmao ig

well im sorry to everyone that had a bad experience with lana, she was definitely going through a lot during glasto time since she dropped the "actually i dont wanna bring him anymore" during y&b on this day...

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On 3/9/2024 at 1:23 PM, AnW said:

Just was going through a festival forum and found this goss about what happened backstage after Miss Grant was cut off...




Lana Del Rey - Glasto


"So, I have just got off the phone to a friend who works at Other Stage - won't say more as I don't want to identify him for obvious reasons.

Apparently this all started because her stylist was late getting on site - apparently there was either a mixup with the pass or travel issues: he isn't sure. She was told several times by the stage manager (and also confirmed with Michael/Emily) that under no circumstances could it go past the curfew because it needs to be staggered. She was offered to be put in contact with various stylists on site for other artists but she refused. Essentially said "the crowd will wait for me and you can't do anything about it". Said she retreated to her dressing room/trailer with her manager/entourage and refused to discuss it further.

Stylist turns up, and again they stress to her that if she's late on, she'll need to cut songs. Again, her and her road manager just brush it off and tell them that the crowd are all there to see her. Won't discuss it further. People frantically running round calling for her to come out and go on. She won't engage. Eventually they threaten to pull her entire set and she reluctantly goes on but manager is being really aggressive to the stage crew at the start of the set. Refusing to drop any songs despite being told again that it's an absolute midnight limit.

Set starts, stage crew are telling her from the side that she needs to drop songs. They were desperate not to embarrass her so they're trying to communicate this. Manager still being a dick at this point. Then she starts vaping (the festival will get fined for this) and this really pisses everyone off. Stylist comes on and starts doing her hair on stage, which confused everyone. A few more attempts to get her to take out songs (she alludes to this on stage) and then there's another panic as deadline approaches, more calls to Michael/Emily and the decision is made to cut the set.

He had to go off and deal with an issue elsewhere at this point, but apparently it got very ugly backstage after. Threats of legal action, shouting and screaming. Saying that they'll "ruin the festival".

I'm actually a massive Lana fan (last two albums are amazing) but I have had similar experiences live with her (the disappearing into the front of the crowd for 20 minutes especially) so I went to Guns n' Roses instead. I'm really sorry for everyone involved here especially the crowd - two girls I was camping with were absolutely devastated as it was their highlight of the festival. I can understand people being angry at the festival but this is the sort of thing that loses stage managers and experienced crew their jobs and reputations. And it's a fair point that Bruce and Macca were given more time but A) they didn't behave rudely to the stage crew before going on and B) the festival was fined and given a severe telling off for both of those things and the festival does have to be very careful these days with complaints and the council. There are a lot of people in the council and living locally who would be more than happy for the festival to be permanently cancelled, or hugely scaled back.

Having watched the show back, what is there is magnificent. That could have been one of the all time great sets. I'm sure she'll have her reasons and maybe she just assumed it was edgy to do it, but apparently the stage crew were saying that they've never had to deal with such a stressful and rude situation in their career. And some of them have worked at Glastonbury for 25 years.

Just sad for all involved ☹️"

The only thing about this that is kinda strange is them saying everyone was confused that Anna went on stage, that was a bit they planned and did at most of the early shows. 

The rest sounds like typical behavior from her and her team so I wouldn’t be shocked if this was true but it seems a little dramatized due to miscommunications from her team

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