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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Poll  

1,088 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?

    • The Grants
    • Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
    • Sweet
    • A&W
    • Judah Smith Interlude
    • Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste)
    • Jon Batiste Interlude
    • Kintsugi
    • Fingertips
    • Paris, Texas (feat. SYML)
    • Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
    • Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
    • Margaret (feat. Bleachers)
    • Fishtail
    • Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis)
    • Taco Truck x VB

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1 hour ago, Surf Noir said:

we couldn't have "did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean boulevard?" without lana, but we also couldn't have it without jon batiste, judah smith, jack antonoff, drew erickson, tommy genesis, father john misty, RIOPY, or SYML which were all a result of lana bringing them all together, which couldn't have happened if lana didn't know them in the first place, so we couldn't have it without every moment that led up to lana meeting all of these people and building up friendships with them, but what if lana didn't meet these people? what if they never existed? we wouldn't have the album without lana's parents, and everybody else's parents or grandparents, or great-grandparents, or great-great-grandparents, or great-great-great-grandparents, if you go back far enough, everybody's parents will lead back to the same woman, the mitochondrial eve, the woman we're likely all descendants from, we are all technically related to lana and all of her collaborators and friends to some level, we are all extensions of lana and this entirely unique group of collaborators, our distant ancestors who are more likely to be distant ancestors of lana and her friends contributed by simply having children, every moment in human history may have led up to the creation of "did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean boulevard?", but strangely enough, if our very distant ancestor did something slightly different, for example, give birth two days before, or live in a different location, we may have had a differently album entirely, but because our ancestors, and because lana and her friends did exactly what they did, we actually couldn't have "pearl watch me on ring a bell psycho lifeguard"

Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?

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Ok I have an interesting question. Do you guys think this album was the end of an era or the continuation of an era of her music. Blue Banisters feels like a precursor to Ocean Blvd, kinda introducing the ideas that would be presented in Ocean Blvd. I wonder if she will continue to dig even deeper into her family and other issues that have been on her mind. Personally, I’d love an album similar to what she talked about in Grandfather where people felt she was manufactured and just a character. I think using classic Lana tropes but introducing in a new way would be interesting while discussing that Lana Del Rey isn’t a persona (Kinda like in A&W), more of a glamours veil to make discussing real life topics easier and less confronting. 

But on the other hand, I wonder if she is returning or showing more of an interest in world building again (even though I think she always manages to do so, even if it is subconscious). Idk but I think the next album will be interesting to see and will probably continue on the sounds started in this album with songs like Peppers and Taco Truck

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3 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

Ok I have an interesting question. Do you guys think this album was the end of an era or the continuation of an era of her music. Blue Banisters feels like a precursor to Ocean Blvd, kinda introducing the ideas that would be presented in Ocean Blvd. I wonder if she will continue to dig even deeper into her family and other issues that have been on her mind. Personally, I’d love an album similar to what she talked about in Grandfather where people felt she was manufactured and just a character. I think using classic Lana tropes but introducing in a new way would be interesting while discussing that Lana Del Rey isn’t a persona (Kinda like in A&W), more of a glamours veil to make discussing real life topics easier and less confronting. 

But on the other hand, I wonder if she is returning or showing more of an interest in world building again (even though I think she always manages to do so, even if it is subconscious). Idk but I think the next album will be interesting to see and will probably continue on the sounds started in this album with songs like Peppers and Taco Truck


As much as I love this album, I do hope she goes for more of a classic song structure again / actual singing :bebe: I'm not sure I can take another album full of Fingertips...


My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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1 minute ago, plastiscguy said:


As much as I love this album, I do hope she goes for more of a classic song structure again / actual singing :bebe: I'm not sure I can take another album full of Fingertips...


Personally, I don’t mind it but I get it is an issue. But also she said it wasn’t a very good song herself, so I think she knows it won’t always work.

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5 minutes ago, plastiscguy said:


As much as I love this album, I do hope she goes for more of a classic song structure again / actual singing :bebe: I'm not sure I can take another album full of Fingertips...


lol to be fair even this one only has one Fingertips 


However, I feel like most of her albums are somewhat an evolution of the previous one so she could indeed go that direction :hottie:

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11 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

I want LDR10 to be a mix of CN and Jimmy.

I saw many of you stan the Jimmy part, rightfully so, but I feel like it's THAT appreciable because of the entire song

The first part really sets a certain mood and all together the song is genius


I think a Jimmy kind of song would sound like a Lizzy demo that we'd like to have but not necessarily want as an official release

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1 minute ago, wildflowerwildfire said:

Anyone who knows when candy necklace music video will be released? Any rumors?

It's so annoying that they didn't plan it ahead for a release week


If they filmed on March 21st (last week basically), I think it's too short for a release this week or that'd mean there's not much content to edit...

I think it might come next week and they're counting on the magazine interviews, merch drops and digital promo for the first 10 days of sales

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58 minutes ago, Fever said:

this album somehow just reminds me of this song, it compliments the sound so well 


I love Bread and that whole vibe. I can hear it, definitely why Let the Light In is my favorite track right now.

The Log Lady [to Laura]: “When this kind of fire starts, it is 
very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy.”

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