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The Dark Psychology Behind Lana Del Rey

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I only watched the intro and conclusive thoughts bc I don't really think the video would span and go much into depth of things but what I did love:

"lost, only in the world of dreams" perfect. 

her fearlessness of exploration of darker psychology, social critique, cultural philosopher, yes, love. 


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16 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

interesting video


yet to find an interesting documentary that goes in depth about EVERYTHING.. I've seen this pop up on my feud alot but I've never actually watched it. Is it good??


Regular Hardback: https://marinadiamandis.lnk.to/eattheworld

Hand-Signed Hardback: https://www.resident-music.com/productdetails&product_id=113257

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I feel like, I can say this... being here on the forum and I don't want to seem ignorant, but I'm still pretty reluctant on watching the video. it feels a bit too, packaged(?) in it's delivery from the get go (intro and conclusive thoughts) but. 

to get into more of the main topic. what I do love about Lana is, yes. she's gone thru much. but also, she really managed to be like a magician and made something meaningful, beautiful and something entirely her own from it. it's fucking inspiring. 


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If I had to tritely try to summarize what "bugs" her (other than spiders), I'd say she doesn't fully know what she wants for herself, so she wants it all. She's a fomo-sapien just like me, but unlike me, she demonstrates why being a fomo-sapien matters.


I also wish the unreleased/suppressed corpus had been addressed (i.e., I wasn't much impressed by the "meaningfulness" of the lyrics surveyed). This would give a more balanced view of her, imo. Not that unreleased/suppressed aren't dark at times, but they do seem more straight-forward and direct in their communication, and they make her "darkness" lighter and more playful.

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9 hours ago, ShadesOfFool said:

YouTube keeps recommending me this, I need them to leave me alone lmao

Same like I am not interested in yet another vaguely titled clickbait video that barely tells anything new. And the worst is, if you do click on it the algorythm will just keep recommending you even more like it.

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