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Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024

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3 hours ago, jealous girl said:

I can’t embed from Twitter but I’ll just leave this here:


see people are like “iDk WhO tO vOtE fOr NoW”…do you want to keep your rights or not? you are not just voting for one person but a whole administration. biden could be in a coma and i would still vote for him idc. 4 years with our country under the trump administration sounds terrifying. we gotta get it together and focus on the POLICIES listed in the tweet above, rather than the person. i don’t give a fuck that biden is senile and that trump is a better speaker. these are our options so it is what it is. 

we’re gonna party like it’s 1949

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀  ⠀          ⠀     :¨ ·.· ¨:

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀   ⠀                  `· . ꔫ

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44 minutes ago, Quincy said:

I think there might be a misunderstanding of what my point was. The U.S. has some great educational institutions, but a lot of the people who vote in this country:


1. Have no college degree 

2. Lack critical thinking skills

3. Don’t vote on actual issues 


The states with the worse education systems tend to vote against their self interests, i.e. for right wing politicians who run on fear tactics, rather than supporting affordable healthcare, better education, etc. 


There’s a reason why the U.S. popular vote and the electoral college often yield two different results. Population density is greater where education is better, but the electoral college gives lopsided weighting to states where education is poorer. 

Does that make sense? Maybe my first post was over generalizing a bit, but it partially explains how Trump got elected in the first place and how he might actually get reelected. 

I understand - I didn’t realize you were talking about voters as well.

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59 minutes ago, Quincy said:

I think there might be a misunderstanding of what my point was. The U.S. has some great educational institutions, but a lot of the people who vote in this country:


1. Have no college degree 

2. Lack critical thinking skills

3. Don’t vote on actual issues 


The states with the worse education systems tend to vote against their self interests, i.e. for right wing politicians who run on fear tactics, rather than supporting affordable healthcare, better education, etc. 


There’s a reason why the U.S. popular vote and the electoral college often yield two different results. Population density is greater where education is better, but the electoral college gives lopsided weighting to states where education is poorer. 

Does that make sense? Maybe my first post was over generalizing a bit, but it partially explains how Trump got elected in the first place and how he might actually get reelected. 

Having a college degree doesn’t mean you’re smarter than someone else. The dumbest people I’ve met usually have at least a bachelor’s. 


Hispanic people in the USA tend to vote Democrat and are the least likely group to go to college.  

Will the “I went to college so I’m more politically aware than you” idea die when all of their jobs get replaced with AI?

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11 hours ago, Strangelove said:

Having a college degree doesn’t mean you’re smarter than someone else. The dumbest people I’ve met usually have at least a bachelor’s. 


Hispanic people in the USA tend to vote Democrat and are the least likely group to go to college.  

Will the “I went to college so I’m more politically aware than you” idea die when all of their jobs get replaced with AI?

No disputing that, but the post I was replying to was citing university as a proxy for intelligence. Which is not even necessarily accurate for a number of reasons.


For example, Trump might be “smart” with running businesses (that’s debatable), but just because he went to an ivy league school or made a lot of money does not make him intelligent.

Likewise, I barely passed some difficult courses in my field of study, but I’d argue that those grades and some of those courses have virtually zero real world relevance. I graduated with people who had a higher GPA, but were objectively less knowledgeable in the field. 

So, we’re mostly in agreement. Going to college doesn’t automatically make you smart. Getting a bad grade doesn’t make you dumb. Skipping college doesn’t make you unintelligent. There’s much more to it than that. 

With that said, maybe people can and have learned a wealth of information from advancing their education. 


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13 hours ago, Strangelove said:

Having a college degree doesn’t mean you’re smarter than someone else. The dumbest people I’ve met usually have at least a bachelor’s. 


Hispanic people in the USA tend to vote Democrat and are the least likely group to go to college.  

Will the “I went to college so I’m more politically aware than you” idea die when all of their jobs get replaced with AI?

I know you were replying to someone else, however I do have to pipe in here. Having a college degree used to mostly mean you had more access to knowledge than others who didn't. Today, we have more access to the internet so people can do their own research, teach their self skills, learn outside of college so techincally you're right. But it is a fact that red states and Project 2025 is trying to defund the Department of Education because less educated voters are more likely to vote red.

For example, in 2016, a Pew Research Center study (they've actually been studying this for longer than just 2015/2016, but this was my result I found when looking into it) found that college educated voters vote more liberally than conservatively. They also found people who only had a HS diploma or less were more mixed on issues and voted more centrist or right than left.

Not getting into race because I don't know what you're talking about, in terms of Hispanic votes. I'd need to look into that more to determine if it's true or see research on it because that's a very specific topic and I'm not going to say something about something I don't know entirely.


I will say, the topic of political awareness is extremely annoying because you'll see extremely far right and extremely far left people act/believe this way and it turns out they're usually the same ones who are less educated on policy and elections in general. Although, I say that and look at the far right rallies that've been going on and watch the videos of people being questioned very basic questions about the election and listen to their answers... It's shocking but at the same time it's not.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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