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Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024

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Just now, Quincy said:

Yeah. That was my first impression. He sounds bad :eek3:

Ya this is bad. People who don’t fully pay attention and just see short news clips are going to see a feeble, weak Biden (not my opinion just optics). It should be a no brainer that trump would completely divide and fuck this country up even more, possibly to no return, and Biden is our last form of defense :derpna3: it’s so fucked 


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Just now, aGlassShipThatCanFly said:

Ya this is bad. People who don’t fully pay attention and just see short news clips are going to see a feeble, weak Biden (not my opinion just optics). It should be a no brainer that trump would completely divide and fuck this country up even more, possibly to no return, and Biden is our last form of defense :derpna3: it’s so fucked 


ngl I feel like we've already lost.


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4 minutes ago, love divine said:

poor biden looks and sounds minutes from a stroke

The weird thing is, he has sounded OK in recent appearances. But, he’s also not out there a lot in the spotlight. So it’s really bad luck if he happened to come down with something on debate night. I don’t think he’s on his death bed like many people on the right would lead you believe, but he’s definitely not helping his case tonight :flop:


They're both way too old. Can we stop nominating old white men to arguably the most important job in the world? Come on. 


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Just now, baddisease said:

"We are not for late term abortion"


Get fucked, Biden.


i think he was just referring to aborting the baby at the nineth month or out of the womb (which i don't believe is really even happening... if only these could be fact-checked somehow)


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Just now, Dark Angel said:


i think he was just referring to aborting the baby at the nineth month or out of the womb (which i don't believe is really even happening... if only these could be fact-checked somehow)


I don't think anyone is aborting a 9th month fetus or a baby out of the womb. It sounds like sound bites made to rile up rightwingers. But late term abortions earlier than that are needed for things like anencephaly (do not google that unless you wanna be sad)


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Can’t stand Trump, but that was a good line about Biden not being able to talk. If this was a toss up going into tonight, it’s really tilting toward Trump now :air:


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2 minutes ago, baddisease said:


I don't think anyone is aborting a 9th month fetus or a baby out of the womb. It sounds like sound bites made to rile up rightwingers. But late term abortions earlier than that are needed for things like anencephaly (do not google that unless you wanna be sad)

I think it was pretty clear Biden was talking about trump saying “unregulated late term abortion even after birth”. Biden is saying no sane democrat supports an abortion at 9 months for no reason. 

"Don’t forget me"

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3 minutes ago, baddisease said:


I don't think anyone is aborting a 9th month fetus or a baby out of the womb. It sounds like sound bites made to rile up rightwingers. But late term abortions earlier than that are needed for things like anencephaly (do not google that unless you wanna be sad)

Less than 1% of abortions take place in the 3rd trimester. It’s really a rare scenario, but some people lead you to believe that doctors are going around performing abortions in the 9th month all of the time. It’s very uncommon. 


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Just now, Quincy said:

Less than 1% of abortions take place in the 3rd trimester. It’s really a rare scenario, but some people lead you to believe that doctors are going around performing abortions in the 9th month all of the time. It’s very uncommon. 


Yep. It's only for fetal diseases that are terminal, usually.


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